fm wrote-
Quote: Just cause they have "religion" doesnt mean that theyact ethically and posses a moral "guide-on".
And it doesn't mean that they don't either but in the case of materialists it is a certainty.
Quote: What you dont know about what made America great, would fill your mythical ark.
European know how, a massive resource -packed unexploited landmass, vast wastes all around like old Egypt and a bad case of the "'ump". The immigrant must be somewhat disgruntled I should have thought. The written Constitution seems a bit of a brake.
The idea that it is due to your superior intelligence is laughable. And if the AIDsers win this argument, which they won't, doom follows.
It has struck me that the ubiquitous assertion, of which that last is but one of a very long and weary list, might derive from the right to bear arms.
Quote:I know damn well what theyre fighting for, cause they once had it, CONTROL
That's much too flip. One could more easily say the same of the AIDsers, as I have done, because they have no other higher ideal.
Do I need to go over old ground simply because you don't read, or assimilate, what I have said before. And more than once. I know why Media and the legal profession are chequebook (check) to chequebook with science and libertines waiting in ambush for the daughters of Lucifer who will wring their silly egotistical necks. In fact are in the midst of the very process as we speak.
Quote:Coming from spendi, Id consider that a "pat on the back" since spendi has no idea in hell what constitutes science or good writing. (might I mention art? without his throwing another tantrum?)
Another assertion which doesn't answer the point it tries to and thus is an example of very bad writing. Or very bad underestimation of the reader which is congruent to a point made above.
Take it easy though. Tough decisions take it out of a man. If you do decide, after much soul searching, to drop them a line it will assuredly go straight into the bin.
If they reply it will say- Dear Mr fm- Thank you for you letter the contents of which we have noted. But they might send you a voucher for a pizza.