Blather as you will, spendi, your feckless ramblings are of the same cloth and cut as the "breathtaking inanity" which Judge Jones exposed and demolished at
Dover (note: 139 page .pdf download).
Quote:... In his ruling, Judge Jones demolished assertions by members of Dover's former school board, or administrators, that the theory of intelligent design (ID) was based around scientific rather than religious belief.
He accused them of "breathtaking inanity", of lying under oath and of trying to introduce religion into schools through the back door.
The judge said he had determined that ID was not science and "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents".
In a 139-page written ruling regularly studded with criticism of the defendants' arguments, the judge said: "Our conclusion today is that it is unconstitutional to teach ID as an alternative to evolution in a public school science classroom." ...
BBC, 21 Dec 2005
Ponder why no challenge has been mounted, no appeal filed, against that decision or any of its particulars. To save you time and effort, I'll supply the answer; no grounds for appeal exist - the issue is settled beyond contest.
The ludicrous, bullshit plaints of it proponents notwithstanding, ID-iocy demonstrably and unarguably is but camoflage for Creationism, a cobbled up evasion construct embraced in response to 1987's
Aguilard decision.
Your position, spendi, amounts to defence and promotion of ignorance for the sake of defending and promoting ignorance. Your maunderings are no part of any solution, you're spectacularly illustrating and definitionally participating in the perpetuation of the problem.
And BTW - I did not say any restaurants I patronize were "pretty", I remarked that I felt it was my good fortune that some "pretty nice restaurants" were located conveniently nearby, a very different thing alltogether. You as charlatan and your argument as straw man are hoist by your own petard; your implication there is no less dishonest and scurilous than the contemptible, indefensible Creationist/ID-iot common practice of medaciously quote mining legitimate scientific and academic literature to falsely imply validation for the absurdity of Creationism/ID-iocy.