Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

cicerone imposter
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 10:37 am
One possibility for how life began - from NOVA.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 11:20 am
To put the question as simply as I can does a society embracing a mild system of religious observance and feeling have a better chance of taking us successfully into the future than one which rejects such things.
No. We have only to look upon recent historical regimes who had embraced a more materialistic foundation and applied it to government.

Its an old and tired attempt at an argument for Creation
Its a theory. And one with as much proof as the former to objectivity, although one with considerably less scientific inquiry in support of it since it is by fiat excluded from the possible.

What Behe has done, in effect, is to purposely stop further work when he got to one of his Irreducible complexity nodes.

While I disagree with your knee jerk explanation of his motives for iD (sheesh) I don't disagree with the result entirely. That is always my own fear of ID applied. The study I have made of the "theory" asserts that compartmentalizing certain discoveries that have proven to be obstacles to further study given their incredible and inexplicable complexity against the generally accepted evolutionary model may allow for more efficient study albeit threatening to established paradigms. Science would better serve itself by taking such action on its own and admitting that irreducible complexity is a frustration to the current model rather than producing marginal hypothesis that while they may prove to be very substantive to the model eventually, but for now hardly explain the gap in the model before it without the requisite "faith" and presuppositions of the student.
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Mon 15 Jan, 2007 11:38 am
Regarding c.i's NOVA post.

There's a well known Latin phrase that poseurs often use to designate an oversimplification to the point of absurdity.

If any scientific researcher needs a unit to measure degrees of absurdity he might choose the ci, who has heretofore pioneered a journey into the reaches of the asymptote previously unexplored by posters in a scientific milieux.

The NOVA post might register, say, depending where we place the decimal point, 6.9 x 10 to the power of 13 cis.

In a materialist future one might envisage a ci counter built in to the TV to tell us when to laugh.

The explanation given moves us nearer to an explanation of how non-life became life in the same way one might become nearer to the sun on turning over in bed.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:00 pm

To put the question as simply as I can does a society embracing a mild system of religious observance and feeling have a better chance of taking us successfully into the future than one which rejects such things.
No. We have only to look upon recent historical regimes who had embraced a more materialistic foundation and applied it to government.

I should have answered ; Yes. We have only to look upon recent historical regimes who had embraced a more materialistic foundation and applied it to government.

0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:19 pm
Fish, you have for the most part dodged my post:
Chumly wrote:
Chumly wrote:
fisherman wrote:
........cells to man is an ideological jump.......
The human body is cellular in nature, thus your claim of a requisite so-called "ideological jump" is absurd.
fisherman wrote:
So because man is made of cells, therfore he evolved from one?
All evolutionary evidence aside (and the weight of the evidence is overwhelming):

As per your claim here
fisherman wrote:
As I have conceded before, natural selection has been well proven by much evidence.
you are thus claiming it's not an "ideological jump" to argue evolutionary forces are behind single cellular life, but it's an "ideological jump" to argue evolutionary forces are behind multi-cellular life! If that's not the foundation for an absurdity in basic logic (let alone the weight of evolutionary evidence) I'll fry up a whack o' blastoplasts!

Fisherman, all evolutionary evidence aside (and the weight of the evidence is overwhelming) precisely why would it not be an "ideological jump" to argue evolutionary forces are behind single cellular life, but it must be an "ideological jump" to argue evolutionary forces are behind multi-cellular life?

Precisely what "ideological jump" must be required to have single cellular organisms evolve into multi cellular organisms such that the full weight of the evolutionary evidence of single cellular organisms evolving into multi cellular organisms is negated?
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Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:21 pm
We don't even need to look there though they are evidence enough.

If we look at human nature we can predict the outcome in the absence of terror, a better form than those others used, chemicals and surgical methods of brain reconstruction presumably along the lines AIDsers approve of or forms of hypnosis.

Scientific facts are rigid and limit choice to what is there.

ID is flexible. It's cool. A bit of this and a bit of that. Shake and sprinkle over chips. If one lot doesn't buy into the resurrection and has Jesus escape on Pilate's orders after he could see he now knew the score what difference does it make as long as Jesus's message is still present. That's the substance.

Maybe that's heretical. I'm not sure.

Maybe the real message is that boat-rockers get crucified.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:24 pm
fisherman wrote-

I should have answered ; Yes. We have only to look upon recent historical regimes who had embraced a more materialistic foundation and applied it to government.

We don't even need to look there though they are evidence enough.

If we look at human nature we can predict the outcome in the absence of terror, a better form than those others used, chemicals and surgical methods of brain reconstruction presumably along the lines AIDsers approve of or forms of hypnosis.

Scientific facts are rigid and limit choice to what is there.

ID is flexible. It's cool. A bit of this and a bit of that. Shake and sprinkle over chips. If one lot doesn't buy into the resurrection and has Jesus escape on Pilate's orders after he could see he now knew the score what difference does it make as long as Jesus's message is still present. That's the substance.

Maybe that's heretical. I'm not sure.

Maybe the real message is that boat-rockers get crucified.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:44 pm
spendius wrote:
Regarding c.i's NOVA post.

There's a well known Latin phrase that poseurs often use to designate an oversimplification to the point of absurdity.

If any scientific researcher needs a unit to measure degrees of absurdity he might choose the ci, who has heretofore pioneered a journey into the reaches of the asymptote previously unexplored by posters in a scientific milieux.

The NOVA post might register, say, depending where we place the decimal point, 6.9 x 10 to the power of 13 cis.

In a materialist future one might envisage a ci counter built in to the TV to tell us when to laugh.

The explanation given moves us nearer to an explanation of how non-life became life in the same way one might become nearer to the sun on turning over in bed.
How about a precise and to the point counter based on actual chemistry.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:58 pm
Chumly wrote:
spendius wrote:
Regarding c.i's NOVA post.

There's a well known Latin phrase that poseurs often use to designate an oversimplification to the point of absurdity.

If any scientific researcher needs a unit to measure degrees of absurdity he might choose the ci, who has heretofore pioneered a journey into the reaches of the asymptote previously unexplored by posters in a scientific milieux.

The NOVA post might register, say, depending where we place the decimal point, 6.9 x 10 to the power of 13 cis.

In a materialist future one might envisage a ci counter built in to the TV to tell us when to laugh.

The explanation given moves us nearer to an explanation of how non-life became life in the same way one might become nearer to the sun on turning over in bed.
How about a precise and to the point counter based on actual chemistry.

That's like askin' a skunk not to stink Smile
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 12:58 pm
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 01:01 pm
ros propagandised in '30s style-

That's like askin' a skunk not to stink

Or a pussycat not to purr.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 01:03 pm
Jesus' message is still present

How would we know?

Maybe the real message is that boat-rockers get crucified.

Or burned at the stake. Ya buys yer ticket, ya takes yer chances.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 01:06 pm
ros wrote-

That's like askin' a skunk not to stink

But notice dear viewers how the AIDsers so readily reach for those techniques of persuasion which are the absolute anathema of education and simply a cheap cliched trick relying entirely on the stupidity of any audience they have left for what effect they do have.

And they seek to determine education policy for the nation.

And it's skunkist. It isn't very scientific to have an emotionally based differentiation of species and singling one out for villification by saying that it stinks which is a pejoritive term.

Wasn't the science teachers in the comics called Stinks?
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 01:56 pm

A boat-rocker is someone who seeks to disturb the settled order of things by such acts as overturning the money-changer's tables.

A debate is about areas where a settled state hasn't arisen although from the 80 % figure I've seen for American belief in something the settled state is the ID one.

Arguing with you does not consitute boat-rocking for example although I fear you might be in favour of circumstances in which it did. Most AIDsers have a tendency that way it seems to me and others are quite capable of making their own minds up on the matter from the evidence we see before us.

The habitual asserter often ends up like that. It must be terribly frustrating.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 02:00 pm
Somebody go out and drag spendi inside before he gets run over in traffic. Hes wanderin all over the place.fisherman stated
Science would better serve itself by taking such action on its own and admitting that irreducible complexity is a frustration to the current model rather than producing marginal hypothesis that while they may prove to be very substantive to the model eventually, but for now hardly explain the gap in the model before it without the requisite "faith" and presuppositions of the student.
. Its not any such sort. The fact that Behe's belief guides his science in the last 20 years or so is not a revalation. HES ADMITTED TO IT IN COURT.. He has been a master at playing a card that was so far down in the deck that noone doing any developmental work paid any attention.(Everyone has been doing ,megamolecular work mainly genic chemical structures).
When Behe published his ""Darwin's Bl;ack Box" He (himself) opened his case to criticism and much technical abuse. I admire him for being able to take the hits he has. But hes quite a fool when, faced with over whelming evidence, he rejects his science training and experience and defaults to his theology.

Ive met Dr Behe a few times and the most I can say is that his unwinnable position has aged him tremendously. He looks like hes 70 now and hes only in his 50's. The problem with being someones "polished monkey" You better be right ALWAYS. Behe has lost so much cred within his science that hes not often called for advice by anyone except the Discovery Institute. (Which is, as we all know, clearly motivated by theological principles.).
NOW, You can google the blood enzyme cascade "theory" espoused by Behe, and also, you can read the clear evidence that counters his story
His irreducible complexity points are so unimportant that , even if they were true, they could merely be the initiation point of a new series of chemical reactions that proceed onward in increasing complexity. An example of that kind of "initiatory chemical sequence" is MILK. the chemistry of milk as a food for offpring began with certain genuses of birds of the Caprimulgiforms and then , independently within primitive mammals like the multituburculates. Hers an example of 2 diverse classes of organisms convergently evolving the same chemistry for the same purposes. Yet we can trace the ancestry of birds and mammals to a place in deep time where neither was related except by being more closely aligned as reptiles of the Permian . Is mothers milk an Irreducible complexity,? apparently not by Behes definitions.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 02:17 pm
It might be necessary to have a wander around to avoid getting the idea that discrediting Dr Behe is the equivalant of discrediting the idea of a providential world.

There is a place called Providence in the US. Maybe a few. One of them is the place the bus is heading at the beginning of Renaldo and Clara.

And discrediting a providential world is not on the cards. Not scientifically at least. And won't ever be.

And pointing that obvious fact out is not the same as saying there is a providential world because that can't be shown either.

Immovable object/irresistible force. Only social circumstances and rhetoric will decide the issue.

And rhetoric is leisure. Work avoidance.

Darwin's Black Box is a nothing thing until an educational authority orders a lot of copies of it. It should be viewed in that light.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 02:37 pm
spendius wrote:
There is a place called Providence in the US. Maybe a few. One of them is the place the bus is heading at the beginning of Renaldo and Clara.

"Renaldo and Clara" was another attempt by Bob Dylan to make a movie. (I decided to mention this in case spendi is again accused of not making a specific scientific argument.)
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 03:04 pm
spendius wrote:

A boat-rocker is someone who seeks to disturb the settled order of things by such acts as overturning the money-changer's tables.

A debate is about areas where a settled state hasn't arisen although from the 80 % figure I've seen for American belief in something the settled state is the ID one.

Arguing with you does not consitute boat-rocking for example although I fear you might be in favour of circumstances in which it did. Most AIDsers have a tendency that way it seems to me and others are quite capable of making their own minds up on the matter from the evidence we see before us.

The habitual asserter often ends up like that. It must be terribly frustrating.


Back a page, farmerman tosses you a hand-mirror. Perhaps he noted your attire in some state of dishevelment, perhaps it was something else...the acertain assertin thing, maybe. We've spoken about this before and I shan't mollycoddle.

Clearly, folks are capable of making up their own minds on things. LoneStarMadam, perhaps you've been introduced, constitutes incontestable pudding-level proof of your thesis. As accomplishments go, I acknowledge it ranks somewhere on a scale.

Have you, by the way, read Thomas Nagel's 'The view from nowhere"? I see no reason at all why you might not do a follow up book, working title, "The assertion from nowhere"
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Mon 15 Jan, 2007 03:11 pm
And an excellent movie it is for those who know the symbolisms pertaining to sexual politics back to the Courts of Love and the distortions of them by the scientific and industrial revolutions.

It practically bankrupted its creator which is some slight evidence that he places his art higher than his own material wants.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Jan, 2007 03:12 pm
wandeljw wrote:
spendius wrote:
There is a place called Providence in the US. Maybe a few. One of them is the place the bus is heading at the beginning of Renaldo and Clara.

"Renaldo and Clara" was another attempt by Bob Dylan to make a movie. (I decided to mention this in case spendi is again accused of not making a specific scientific argument.)

Specific!? The soap dish in spendi's bath is filled with TurtleWax. In thunderstorms of specifics, his progress is impeded not the slightest. He's one of the few entities which has achieved absolute frictionlessness.
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