Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Sun 7 Jan, 2007 01:31 pm
Your recent debate with fisherman is awesome. (sometimes silly, but still awesome)

You need to provide more detail for your position. Timber has far outdone you on providing detail.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 01:45 pm
wandeljw wrote:
Your recent debate with fisherman is awesome. (sometimes silly, but still awesome)

If ya ain't havin' fun, yer doin' it wrong Mr. Green
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 02:25 pm
wande wrote-

Your recent debate with fisherman is awesome.

Blimey wande!!

You must be taking the piss.

timber's efforts are nothing but a long-winded pile of assertions, bluster, self flattery, pop science, illogicalities, one of which he has sarcastically apologised for, arrogance and bigoted incoherence which might have some use, though I rather doubt it, if it was spread on the fields in the autumn.

His elementary spiel about the fossil records of ancient civilisations is laughable.

It is his way of avoiding addressing any of the points I have raised whilst pretending to remain in the debate which, as you have pointed out on many occasions with your quotes, concerns the education of those who will empty our bedpans and sweep the streets when we are past managing those ourselves.

If you wish to engage with something "awesome" I suggest you put your peepers into Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West and see yourselves predicted.

His language is not so hot either.

And he is so repetitive I'm bloody dizzy.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 02:33 pm
Einstein wrote, as Parmenides had done over 2000 years earlier-

"For us physicists, the distinction between past, present and future has no other meaning than that of an illusion, though a tenacious one".

Try telling that to the organisers of physics classes in universities never mind schools.

"us physicists"-- I ask you.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 02:49 pm
spendius wrote:
... the distinction between past, present and future has no other meaning than that of an illusion, though a tenacious one".

Try telling that to the organisers of physics classes in universities never mind schools

Neither effort nor imagination requires, spendi - your experience - or lack thereof, not withstanding, that precisely and in very damned nearly the exact same words, is taught by physics, and by philosophy - at all levels; it is a basic premise of both.

That aside, spendi's reading comprehension, attention span, and care for adherence to fact once again reveal themselves through his attributing to one participant in this discussion mention of fossil evidence which mention in fact was contributed by an entirely different participant.

One may surmise spendi's own petard is well accustommed to hoisting its owner.
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Steve 41oo
Sun 7 Jan, 2007 02:54 pm
timberlandko wrote:

That aside, spendi's reading comprehension, attention span, and care for adherence to fact once again reveal themselves through his attributing to one participant in this discussion mention of fossil evidence which mention in fact was contributed by an entirely different participant.

Nice sentence T

for the benefit of readers, what is the sense?
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 02:57 pm
Condensed version - spendi screwed up - again- this time saying one participant in this discussion had said something in fact said by a different participant.
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Steve 41oo
Sun 7 Jan, 2007 03:06 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Condensed version - spendi screwed up - again- this time saying one participant in this discussion had said something in fact said by a different participant.
ok that figures

Spendi lives in a different world...

Hi Spends whats it like out there?

Were you rooting for the Silkmen yesterday?

Bloody well hope so Wink
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 03:32 pm
I humbly apologise to both timber and fm for my lapse.

It was presumably due to them both merging into one in my consciousness as I have no doubt Her Majesty's opposition do to Mr Blair when he favours them with a visit to the despatch box.

You are thus free fm to apply my remarks to your goodself which should do you the justice you seek.


What or who are Silkmen?
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Joe Nation
Sun 7 Jan, 2007 03:57 pm
What I like about this thread is how much fun it is to read:

This from Timberlandko was especially good:
Yeah, I guess I musta missed that. OK, since its here now, I'll play with it.

First, you say
"The so called scientific community is very efficient at proclaiming what is scientifically acceptable and what is not. It's not that difficult really. They simply base their conclusions on a specific set of presuppositions
I submit that statement reveals a flawed understanding of science, of what it is, what it does, what it says. That which the scientific community deems "Accepted" is not so regarded because it is "Acceptable", but rather because, given current understanding, it is "Accepted" for the FACT it is the best currently available explanation for observed phenomena, fully consistent with and cross-corroborated by all other known laws, basic principles, and accepted theories, absent substantive evidence to the contrary, and has been multiply, independently, rigorously tested and consistently has been found to be accurate, explanatory, and without contradiction. The "Presupposition" foundational to science is that "We should be able to figure this out". The next step pretty much invariably is along the lines of "Lets see what happens if we suppose (or do) {whatever}". Most generally, a whole lotta "Lets see what happens ... " precedes any "Hmmmm ... this looks interesting", and a whole lotta stuff that appeared to be interesting fails to make it through the next phases of "Lets see what happens". Eventually, with hard work, a bit of luck, and lotsa confirmation, there may emerge a "This looks pretty good". Another few rounds of "Lets see what happens" may move "looks pretty good" to "Lets see if we have it down well enough to publish". In the event "looks pretty good" makes it to "Published", its almost as though the game starts all over again - other, independent, not infrequently very skeptical, even competing, researchers and/or professionals will put "Published" through all sortsa hoops to determine whether or not "This works - every time". Lotsa "Published" never makes through that gauntlet, but that which does make it through stands a fairly good chance of becomming "Accepted". In effect, the heart of the scientific method is to determine "What works" by determining "What doesn't work - and why". Science is all about "What Works and Why It Works As It Does" - science is probable-to-the-smallest-achievable-degree-of-uncertainty explanations with confirmed-valid reasons for according whatever certainty is merited thereby. Postulates, propositions, hypotheses, and theories compete with one another - often energetically, sometimes even bitterly - and for something to become a generally accepted scientific theory is quite an accomplishment; that means it works - every time its tested or employed; it is the best currently available explanation.

You say
"...The community removes design from the acceptable in the first place; therefore by fiat it's not scientific and should not be taught in school."
It is not by fiat that science rejects design, it is because there is no unambiguous evidence for design, much compelling evidence to the contrary, proponents of design have produced no science supportive of the proposition, and the proposition is forwarded in dishonest, decietful, illogical, and otherwise invalid manner. While there may be room for discussion in the question of whether design is religion, design simply, foundationally, and functionally is not science.

In a couple of short, for him, paragraphs he nails ID to the floor.

Joe(and Farmer wipes his feet on it. Good on you both)Nation
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:22 pm
Well surely Joe there ought to be little difficulty in persuading Mr Bush and Mr Blair and their governments to also have it nailed to the floor for them and be thus abled to wipe their own feet on ID.

You make it seem such a good thing and so intellectually obvious that it is that everybody ought also to be persuaded by timber's ramblings in some realm or other which I am myself unaware of.

I see you can hold your end up at the assertion game. I'm beginning to think it might be endemic in the USA as Mr Churchill said. And Mr Eden. The assertion that the Middle-East wouldn't go ape-**** if we let Nasser win has also proved a bit off beam.

After all it was an assertion that Iraq had WMDs I think. So everybody says anyway. Even the newspapers. It must have been an assertion if there were none.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:32 pm
timber wrote-

Neither effort nor imagination requires, spendi - your experience - or lack thereof, not withstanding, that precisely and in very damned nearly the exact same words, is taught by physics, and by philosophy - at all levels; it is a basic premise of both.

Maybe- but nobody understands it and any that do don't take any notice.

It's strictly for those finger twisting sessions in the armchairs in the club late at night. Or The Cuckoo's Nest.

Pub time.
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Joe Nation
Sun 7 Jan, 2007 05:26 pm
I think Spendi had a bit of a head start on that pub time.

Nassar? Wot?

um skip to WMD, after indicating something about Churchill, er.... .

The subject was science.

Joe(my favorite bit was when he said Timberlandko rambled.)Nation
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 06:12 pm
wandeljw wrote:
Your recent debate with fisherman is awesome. (sometimes silly, but still awesome)

You need to provide more detail for your position. Timber has far outdone you on providing detail.

My position? The only assertions I have made refer to a lack of objectivity.

I discovered this forum by searching for an objective discussion on a particular inquiry of my own. I have attended other discussion boards most of which are attended by apologists and pundits seeking to display their own proficiencies in their chosen area. I was hoping this board would be less so and would provide for more "discussion" and less preaching. My hobby is learning. It matters little to me that you know my "position". If you need to categorize me then I will offer this for your prejudgement. Naturalistic evolution on a macro level in my view is untenable by the evidence or the laws of nature or physics. I have studied that subject considerably in an effort to disprove my own belief in creation. The gaps in the theory are not in my view minor without an underlying faith in the original premise and I have found few tenable explanations for them. Almost always what is offered is an hypothesis that requires even further allegiance and faith to the original premise. I have discovered that most debaters on the subject are not so much debaters as they are the faithful who are in my view no different than those who blindly follow organised religion and just as enthusiastically preach their own proficiencies in their chosen area of presupposition. I have found that little is to be learned from such on either side of the debate.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 06:22 pm
Steve wrote somewhat temptingly-

Hi Spends whats it like out there?


The pub ran out of John Smith's Extra Smooth. The Landlord claimed the brewery had tits it but we all think his cheque hadn't cleared the counting house. I tried the Theakstone's and not wishing to take any further risks with the Bombadier I finished up on Guiness or Guinness which it is impossible to drink every night, every week all year through, year on year, without having to humiliate oneself inside of what I gather is called a gymnasium.

He was out of crisps for three bloody weeks.

On Sat. night the husbands brought their wives out, as usual, so they could show their tits off in proportion to their individual sense of good taste and decorum. I had to bathe Vic's eyeballs in some lager that had been slopped on the bar-top.

My rose bushes, which bloomed over the festive period, have had their tender petals vulgarly ripped off by the nasty gales and I have had a 2 yr old inchoate Madame take the piss out of me for half the day. "Where have the sweeties gone?", she said, conspritatorially, referring to my Bassett's which her mother disapproves of.

I saw The Guardian's art correspondent on Artsworld, Jessica something or other, it rhymed with EX-LAX, and was forced to insist on my nappy being changed. She was saving ART for the nation bless her. Isn't it wonderful to rest in such safe hands.

Other than that there's not much worth noticing assuming you are not interested in a novel drinking glass which plays Onward Christian Soldiers everytime you move an arm or a leg, it doesn't work if you only wiggle your ears, and knocks it off when you switch the lights off which some silly cunctator had insinuated onto my premises where I feebly attempt to endure and, so far, with a degree of success which I am not confident of being able to maintain for all that long.

Tonight the pub was a dead loss and it was pissing down. Were there some scantily clad ladies on TV or a costume drama of one such being taken advantage of due to her innocence and lack of guile?

And there's some beasts to muck and fodder.

What's it like on the inside track where the movers and shakers are?
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 07:33 pm
fisherman wrote:
I discovered this forum by searching for an objective discussion on a particular inquiry of my own. I have attended other discussion boards most of which are attended by apologists and pundits seeking to display their own proficiencies in their chosen area. I was hoping this board would be less so and would provide for more "discussion" and less preaching. My hobby is learning. It matters little to me that you know my "position". If you need to categorize me then I will offer this for your prejudgement. Naturalistic evolution on a macro level in my view is untenable by the evidence or the laws of nature or physics. I have studied that subject considerably in an effort to disprove my own belief in creation. The gaps in the theory are not in my view minor without an underlying faith in the original premise and I have found few tenable explanations for them. Almost always what is offered is an hypothesis that requires even further allegiance and faith to the original premise. I have discovered that most debaters on the subject are not so much debaters as they are the faithful who are in my view no different than those who blindly follow organised religion and just as enthusiastically preach their own proficiencies in their chosen area of presupposition. I have found that little is to be learned from such on either side of the debate.

I do not expect you to read the entire thread, fisherman. But we have tried to illustrate all points of view on this subject. Also, questions about evolutionary theory have been answered in detail.

People are free to believe in supernatural intervention in the history of life. However, attempts to make such belief scientific is dishonest. Science restricts itself to natural explanations of natural phenomena.
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 07:46 pm
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Sun 7 Jan, 2007 09:38 pm
fisherman wrote:
My position? The only assertions I have made refer to a lack of objectivity.

First, fisherman, I wanna say I hope you're enjoying yourself here - that's the main idea, after all - "If ya ain't havin' fun, yer doin' it wrong", ya know. And that said, no need to feel you're getting beat up on - even - perhaps least of all - by me. Debate is a sorta intellectual contact sport, and while I acknowledge some folks here play pretty hard, most play by the rules and those who don't generally don't play long. In loose terms, anything posted is fair game, but stuff like spam, porn, gratuitous vulgarity, hate speech, and ad hominem attacks on any individual poster him/her/itself pretty much are right out. The idea is tear into what's been said if you wanna, but not into the member here who said it. Still, this can be a tough crowd - be ready for 'em.

Now, on to topical response to the points of your referenced post - lets see - where were we? Oh, yeah ... you said "My position? The only assertions I have made refer to a lack of objectivity" ...

I submit that is a purely subjective assessment.

I discovered this forum by searching for an objective discussion on a particular inquiry of my own. I have attended other discussion boards most of which are attended by apologists and pundits seeking to display their own proficiencies in their chosen area. I was hoping this board would be less so and would provide for more "discussion" and less preaching.

Consider perhaps some of your disppointment is consequent to unrealistic expectation. Consider also that some of your disappointment may originate in your having found little with which intuitively, comfortably you can agree.

My hobby is learning. It matters little to me that you know my "position". If you need to categorize me then I will offer this for your prejudgement.

Misapprehension on your part perhaps? Implicationlly a straw man, at any event; while you assert the contrary, clearly you have presented and pressed one or more positions throughout our little side debate - were that not the case, there'd be no side debate. That aside, from your posts, it reasonably may be inferred you lean toward endorsing the POV of those who dispute science as pertains to evolution, at the very least, and there is fair evidence to lead one to suspect you personally endorse a religiospiritual construct derivational from the Abrahamic Mythopaeia ... Protestant Christianity, perhaps of a personal interpretation, and likely with fundamendalist/evangelical overtones, would be my first guess.

Naturalistic evolution on a macro level in my view is untenable by the evidence or the laws of nature or physics.

Your view - and perfectly entitled to it you are. In what manner and by what evidence, what "... laws of nature or physics" (odd, that particular 5-word string - rather a redundancy, an ideosynchratic syntactical composition, a specific word useage/phrase structure which, while not exclusive to, notably is more common to Creationist/ID-iot literature than elsewhere - "Naturalistic Evolution" is another word-join-up seen more in Creationist/ID-iot literature than in legitimate scholarly works pertaining to the Earth or Life Sciences, too, but no matter)

I have studied that subject considerably in an effort to disprove my own belief in creation.

Here we have what well may be a very telling disclosure - likely not intentionally so. One thing that statement does, at the very most charitable, is to render dubious any claim you might make to objectivity. You say you "have studied that subject considerably ... what subject? What has been the nature of your study? Under the auspices and direction of what institution? At what level? What directly relevant labwork and practicals have you done? How many directly relevant essays, term papers, and treatises have you submitted for grade? What independent reading have you done - and from where has that literature been sourced?

The gaps in the theory are not in my view minor without an underlying faith in the original premise and I have found few tenable explanations for them. Almost always what is offered is an hypothesis that requires even further allegiance and faith to the original premise.

Back to "Faith", eh? That says a bit too. However, overlooking that, what specific "gaps in the theory" (another of those statistically distinctive word lashups - wunner why they keep popping up in your posts - oh, well) trouble you, for what reasons, by what criteria? What is this "original premise" to which you refer - and apparently to which you object? In what manner does informed endorsement of some particular theory or subset thereof consitute "Faith"?

I have discovered that most debaters on the subject are not so much debaters as they are the faithful who are in my view no different than those who blindly follow organised religion and just as enthusiastically preach their own proficiencies in their chosen area of presupposition. I have found that little is to be learned from such on either side of the debate.

There may be something to your observation there is little to be learned from debate - certainly if you've learned nothing from it, you've learned nothing from it. I suspect, however, that if such indeed is the case - and I do not dispute it may be the case - the fault may not lie entirely with the debates and debators you've observed.

Objectively speaking, of course.
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Mon 8 Jan, 2007 03:29 am
timberlandko wrote:
…….religiospiritual construct derivational from the Abrahamic Mythopaeia………
After that I need to get a sandwich to sustain my vitals!
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Mon 8 Jan, 2007 06:53 am
Joe wrote-

The subject was science.

The problem of assertivitis needs to be addressed before you can even begin thinking about science.

Chum wrote-

timberlandko wrote:
…….religiospiritual construct derivational from the Abrahamic Mythopaeia………
After that I need to get a sandwich to sustain my vitals!

timber isn't happy with the "knit one purl one" literary approach. Elaborate tapestries are more his bag. He has a few well honed constructions which he is devoted to. That's one of them.
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