Well this forum has turned into a remarkably stimulating debate.

It does amuse me how people love to dig deeply into any IDer's past and discredit them, rather than actually focus on what they put forth as theory. Also funny how a religious connection is immediately 'evidence' of a person's inability to be objective... yet an atheist/agnostic is never questioned how his philosophies affect his biases. Hypocritical? Definitely.
As for you Setanta- your posts always give me something to laugh about. I am honest enough to acknowledge that one motivation of my posting in response to you is because your arrogance is very hard to swallow. In fact, I have had private messages congratulating me for taking you to task. However, you have the audacity to try and maintain that you only 'tackle the issues'! Let's be honest!
Quote:Your responses to me in the past, and in this example, show you picking and choosing portions against which you think you can make your strongest argument.
As far as I am concerned I was choosing the sentence that captured the essence of what you were trying to say and responding to that. So shoot me.
Quote:Evolutionary biologists don't rely upon Miller for the basis of their work. Haeckel's embryos equally are not a basis for evolutionary biology.
I'm sorry- you know this how?? You often say you only have a layman's knowledge of evolution and science, and then try and claim that you actually know the inner workings?? Something's wrong with this picture.
Quote:In fact, school texts in history, an area in which i can claim to be expert, are notoriously fallacious. That in now way detracts from the valuable work of careful historical researchers.
Despite the fact that history and science are notoriously different, since when is it an excuse to say that since there are errors in this book, that makes the errors in that book ok? This is a poor argument. In addition to this, how can you claim that the historical researchers are 'careful' and perform 'valuable work' if the texts they contribute to are 'notoriously fallacious'- how does this make sense?
Quote:Your claims about Java man are equally specious--you quote an IDer for your refutation, as opposed to using the work of a credible and peer-reviewed author.
Ha ha- I can't believe the ignorance you still claim to hold. That IDers can't POSSIBLY be peer-reviewed or credible! What a laugh. If you need more evidence: Prominent Cambridge University anatomist, Sir Arthur Keith also said the skull of the 'Java man' was distinctly human and reflected a brain capacity well within the range of humans living today. So, just checking- when an IDer and an evolutionist say the same thing- which one is credible?
Quote:You carefully edit what others have written to as not to be obliged to answer cogent objections to your thesis. Your responses to me in the past, and in this example, show you picking and choosing portions against which you think you can make your strongest argument.
Again, your hypocrisy is amazing, Setanta! You must have responded to my comments about your wikipedia sources and materialism in another forum?
Quote:You needn't keep saying you're sorry, i already know that.
Wow- can you teach me to argue like you?
Quote:The strength of the movement to prevent the imposition of ID on school curricula in the United States rests upon pointing out that it attempts to impose a religious view, which violates the no establishment clause of the first amendment to our constitution. It is a pathetic technique, successful only with the religiously fanatical, to attempt to suggest that people who do so are forwarding an atheist agenda. The link which you allege does not in fact extist, you are indulging a post hoc fallacy.
So, if you attack me on the basis of technique you won't have to address my actual points? This forum is prima facie evidence of people having an agenda to push- ie. ensuring that children don't get a chance to evaluate the Intelligent Design theory with Evolution theory and decide for themselves. There is a definite fear of 'religion' (whatever that may mean) involved. I think a vehement 'anti-religious' attitude is an extremist and fundamentalist approach to this issue.
Quote:Once again, if you allege there is evidence of "intelligent design," what is the nature of the alleged designer? If you cannot answer that question without reference to a deity, without reference to a religious principle, you have failed utterly to dismiss the charge that ID conflates science and religion.
Once again, it is not the function of science to determine who or what that intelligent designer is. Do you really not understand this? This is obviously a job for philosophy or religion. Can I put this in plainer English for you? You are trying to artificially set the parameters for this debate- won't work.
Quote:Yes, it is convenient to mount such an attack in the midst of a fighting retreat during which your army of allegations and accusations melts around you.
That's very.... poetic!
(Happy now? I responded to every single paragraph!!)
I will address the 'oh-so-controversial' Wedge document next time.