Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Thu 9 Nov, 2006 08:26 am
spendius wrote:
What was the turnout? I saw a 20 odd % somewhere. Is that a guide or a small local aberration?

Take all the time you need, spendi - we'll wait for you to catch up.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 09:06 am
I have looked for the turnout figure but it has eluded me somehow. I thought one of you might be good enough to give it. If you are not it says more about you than it does me.

Is it a big secret which you are somewhat ashamed of?

I think you ought to do some catching up timber if you think-

while other issues were at play in the overall election outcome,

is going to slip by unnoticed especially when the "other issues" seem to be so important in the White House.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 09:09 am
farmerman wrote:
Well, the man is in his 80's , he can be forgiven a touch of senility, except when his thumb"s on the button. The fact that hes shown thee signs for a long time has always worried many

There was talk that since he was showing more advanced signs of dementia there hadda be some quiet way to dump him. Even though many of us find the politics of the neocons repugnant, nobody should have to suffer the indignities that accompany Alzheimers.

Hes gotten an honourable way out and he shall , no doubt, just fade from view.
Alzheimers can attack and occupy the most brilliant minds,It shouldnt be the cause of childish derision. Do you stand around publically poking fun at handicapped people Mathos? Does it give your ego a boost to hide behind your anonymity and call an Alzheimers victim a retard? Better look to your own inbred Parliament, theyre out there doing "silly walks".

Your akin to a warder strutting up and down the cell block Farmer, spouting a load of bollocks!

You might want to add a little ditty to your arrival in future;-

"My Names Farmer, I'm the floor walker!"

If he has alzheimers he should have been packed away a long time since.

Maybe you like the idea of a senile fool authorising the bombing of innocent men, women and children, I don't!

I don't recall referring to him as a retard either, perhaps you can show me, as you appear to have seen it, or is everything you spout, a bloody assertion?

As a citizen of the world, I have the exemplary right to object to any act or idiot who shows a tendency to subvert peace and good order of society in general, no matter where or when.

We haven't been paying attention to the natural laws of society through our duly democratically elected leaders, have we?

Inbred Parliament? Is that another preposterous allegation from a fool on the hill, or can you back it up matey, I've heard hens fart before!

All the world had in Rumsfield was a ruthless, abrasive clown, who would never admit he was wrong.

On the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden;- December 26th 2002

We do know that he is either in Afghanistan, or some other country, or dead!

The mind bloody boggles, NOBODY could make that up.

Don't think I am just blaming America either (my wife wouldn't like that)
we joined in with you, but not on my say so or in my name.

You could use the next quote of his I am going to give you, with Spendi, it might make you feel better:-

November 19th 2003

Your not asking the question that I've answered.

If you have some lead in your pencil you might want to see if Bush's path to retirement home is encouraged. We might just be arresting Blair, and he knows it.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 09:12 am
After all timber-

To try to portray the election result as a victory for anti-ID was patently ridiculous and insulting to the intelligence of the readers here.

What you need to catch up on is that there are others on these threads with just as much intelligence as yourself and I daresay a considerable number can surpass it and not a few by a fair old margin.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:23 am
spendius wrote:
After all timber-

To try to portray the election result as a victory for anti-ID was patently ridiculous and insulting to the intelligence of the readers here.

What you need to catch up on is that there are others on these threads with just as much intelligence as yourself and I daresay a considerable number can surpass it and not a few by a fair old margin.

Spendi and Mathos, PLEASE NOTE:

The election results discussed on this thread pertained only to school board elections in Kansas and Ohio. The issues for school board candidates are not the same as congressional candidates. Both of you are far off-topic. Science education issues played a major role in the school board elections discussed on this thread.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:39 am

Your farting like a hen with Farmer!

I made a simple aside issue to the thread regarding remarks or statements issued by Mr Rumsfield. I would imagine several threads have incurred such a variation to-day, especially.

I am a bystander to your election/political meanderings, adding some colour every now and then. Nothing more.

Farmerman made some insolent and false allegations out of my entry, how he conjured those allegations up, I have only a slight idea.

He read the post and thought Rumsfield was a retard.

Consequently, he assumed I had called Rumsfield a retard.

Well, let the retards stand and be counted, they are not doing a very good job with the camouflage on these pages, are they?
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:51 am

In the school board elections in Kansas and Ohio do the candidates campaign under Republican and Democrat labels or as private individuals?
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 11:33 am
spendius wrote:

In the school board elections in Kansas and Ohio do the candidates campaign under Republican and Democrat labels or as private individuals?

The Kansas school board election in particular showed that the party affiliation of a school board candidate was less important than the candidate's personal position on specific education issues.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 12:56 pm
In what respect?

Did they campaign with their party affiliations or not.

I have worked in elections. Half the punters don't know the candidates names. They have to put party affiliations on the ballot papers to guide them. They didn't used to.

The swing to the Dems was almost entirely due to the war which is why the dramatic change at the Pentagon has taken place. Do you think Mr Bush felt "thumped" over ID?

Mr Bush could be excused for pulling all the troops out and letting you pay the price. But he is too responsible for that.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 9 Nov, 2006 01:04 pm
spendi, You never understood from the beginning. Using "responsible" in the same sentence with Bush is an oxymoron.

Bush is responsible for the Iraq war.
Bush is responsible for destroying our Consititution and Bill of Rights.
Bush is responsible for destroying the Geneva Convention agreements.
Bush is responsible for the division in our country.
Bush is responsible for alientating most of our allies.
Bush is responsible for using his religious' beliefs to influence politics in our country: the very first.
Bush is responsble for incompetence in handling the natiional disaster in New Orleans.
Bush is responsible for torture in our prisons.
Bush is responsible for the highest national debt.
Bush is responsible for the lowest job creation since Herbert Hoover.
Bush is responsible for more middle-class families falling into poverty.
Bush is responsible for more Americans losing their health insurance - from 39 million when he took office to 46 million last year.
Bush is a moron.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 01:25 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
spendi, You never understood from the beginning. Using "responsible" in the same sentence with Bush is an oxymoron ... etc etc etc

Just howinhell does Bushophobia relate to a discussion concerning whether ID-iocy rises to the level of science?

Oh, yeah ... sorry, I forgot; "Its all Bush's fault" Rolling Eyes
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 01:39 pm

That's some baby of a post c.i.

A bit oversimplified but all the more entertaining for it.

Does he not know?

You don't think then that there might be any other causes such as the insatiable greed of the American public whipped up by media.

Mr Bush is the little lad with his fingers and toes in the holes in the dyke.(pun intended).
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 01:45 pm
timber wrote-

Just howinhell does Bushophobia relate to a discussion concerning whether ID-iocy rises to the level of science?

timber- get it into your head willya? Nobody here is talking about ID being science. ID is the soil in which science grows. We eat the veggies not the soil.

Try answering the Bettelheim post I did instead of going round that free ride again. There is some science on the Fairy Story/Psychology? Immune System link. And immune systems are biology.

You are in danger of defining biology within your own limitations and possibly for your own purposes.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 9 Nov, 2006 02:14 pm
timber, FYI, I was responding to spendi's post when he wrote: Mr Bush could be excused for pulling all the troops out and letting you pay the price. But he is too responsible for that.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 02:44 pm
Intelligent Design Suffers Further Setback in Midterms
(By Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, ScienceNOW Daily News, November 8, 2006)

Intelligent design (ID) received a drubbing yesterday, with pro-evolution candidates taking control of the Kansas State Board of Education and strengthening their representation on the Ohio State Board of Education.

Many scientists also cheered the defeat of Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), one of the most politically influential supporters of the ID movement.

In Ohio, incumbent board member Deborah Owens Fink lost decisively to Tom Sawyer, a former teacher and U.S. representative. Owens Fink had repeatedly attempted to dilute evolution in Ohio's science standards.

Sawyer, who contested the seat at the urging of Ohio scientists, will help swell the ranks of moderates on the 19-member board. The scientists' group, Help Ohio Public Education, is also celebrating the victory of three other "pro-science" candidates including incumbent G. R. "Sam" Schloemer, who had described his candidacy as a referendum on ID. Schloemer won by a 2-to-1 margin over John Hritz, an ID supporter. The only pro-ID candidate elected Tuesday was Susan Haverkos.

In Kansas, supporters of evolution were already assured a majority on the 10-member state board after a primary election earlier this year. But that 6-4 edge was all they could manage yesterday, as two conservative incumbents retained their seats. "That shows the state is still very split on intelligent design. We have to continue educating the public about the issue," says Sally Cauble, a moderate Republican from southwest Kansas who will make her debut on the board next month.

Although the ID debate was not an issue in most congressional races, voters may have punished Santorum because the once-vocal ID supporter tried to distance himself from the movement after a federal judge struck down an attempt last year by the Dover, Pennsylvania, school board to insert ID into the curriculum. That "flip-flop" probably cost him both moderate as well as conservative votes, says Brown University biologist Kenneth Miller. Santorum's defeat will further reduce the influence of ID proponents on the national level, predicts Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, California.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 02:51 pm
Another bit of colour for Farmer to twist

My wife pointed out an article in Tatler:-

Miss List to me earlier today.

Makes me even more content and glad to be married.


Coco Brandolini - 27

A New York Fashionista

Never marry a girl from New York!

They are stupid and will spend all your money.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 03:01 pm
Wandel-One of the issues that Ricky Santorum was alwys presented was his "flip flop" om "teach ID in science", then this position magically morphed to
"we should neve teach ID as science" shortly after the DOVER decision was in. Ricky always had his base stirred up for him , but apparently the many issues, including his stand on ID , merely allowed the voters to see what he was really worth. He was just another politician in an ARmani suit and a "blue" power tie.

Mathos, I have no idea what youre talking about, are you and spendi switching personii.?
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 03:34 pm
Is your literary judgement that bad fm?

Nobody could make up Mathos if they tried. Not even Joyce.

Listen Mathos- I don't need to have a wife reading out of Tatler to never marry a New Yorker. I learned that yonks ago. Last Exit/ Naked Lunch/ Bob Colocello.

I'm with my gurus. Seaside girls. The stupider the better so long as they are perfectly formed.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 9 Nov, 2006 03:41 pm
spendi, You speak volumes about yourself that shows your disrespect for women and science. It's a wonder you even respect the patrons of the bar you frequent.
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Thu 9 Nov, 2006 05:43 pm
Hes living the life of Walter "spendi" Mitty. Always dreaming what hed say to anyone , but always afraid hed get his proboscis pounded. british Bars can be rough and they throw darts too much.
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