Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Tue 17 Oct, 2006 05:27 pm
Apparently we're not focusing enough attention onto spendi. Hes going to start quoting obscure Italian Philosophers and Dead Materialist/gluttons
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Tue 17 Oct, 2006 09:59 pm
farmerman wrote:
Apparently we're not focusing enough attention onto spendi.

Not an accident.
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Wed 18 Oct, 2006 07:44 am
fm wrote-

Apparently we're not focusing enough attention onto spendi. Hes going to start quoting obscure Italian Philosophers and Dead Materialist/gluttons

and from the ivory tower of intellectual excellence ros wrote-

Not an accident.

More of the usual gentle viewers.

Nothing to say. Naturally it is I who seek attention and not the the last 3 anti-IDers who seem to have a desperate need to post contentless material.

It wouldn't be so bad if such behaviour didn't imply that viewers are so completely stupid as to not notice.

What can one say to the above quotes?

Vico is "an obscure Italian philosopher" simply on the evidence that fm has never heard of him which is a claim to intellectual oafishness, a combination of stupidity, arrogance and tactlessness. That is fm's standard procedure as with other anti-IDers on here.

Everything they don't know about is "obscure" and thus not worth knowing about. The implication being that only anti-IDers have anything worthwhile to say to those seeking education. And anyone who doesn't agree is, by definition, "insane". A very vague term and self-flattering to those employing it. They are "sane" you see. Geddit?

Enough of such ignorant tomfoolery.

They are attempting to steal (yes-steal) Vico away from interested viewers on a www named Ask An Expert and Able 2 Know. It's a joke.

They only want you to know, dear viewers, what they know and if you fall for it they have you by the short hairs. They have done it with La Mettrie and, most unforgiveably, with Joyce, Spengler and Dylan to name just three.

They seek to close your minds my friends. Fold them into the same tight patterns their's are in.

This is the www- not fm's classroom dias. Their vocabularies are pitiful once their technical books and Google are taken away.

There is a Vico Road in Ulysses and it constitutes a direct bow of obeisance to the man from Joyce but as anti-IDers can't understand Joyce then he is "obscure" as well. No doubt "obscene" too.

Just cheap tricks to keep your noses stuck to the anti-ID grindstone.

Giovanni Battista Vico, aka Giambattista, (1668-1744) is one of the most important philosophers of our Western culture.

He taught that we can only know for sure about those things we have created such as the architecture fm made such a big deal about. Study of nature is only capable of providing approximations to the truth based on feeble attempts to imitate nature under experimental conditions. He thus invented irreducible complexity.

This is not to say, of course, and I hang my head in shame feeling the need to point it out due to the nature of anti-ID discourse, that these experiments are not valuable.

And human beings are part of nature too despite the anti-IDer's self-evident desire to render us into automata.

Vico also argued, anticipating and inspiring much in subsequent European thinking, a morphological nature in human social structures and that political, economic, linguistic, cultural and intellectual processes and development are intimately interconnected. Anti-IDers naturally deny this and are stuck with the determined facts of their science which Vico correctly perceived to be only approximations arrived at artificially by methods anti-IDers determine.

He also said that past societies can only be understood in their own terms and not in terms we lay upon them for various, usually self-serving, reasons and certainly not in terms of a half-baked education so obviously involved in the poster of the previous page who almost fell over his own feet in the rush to claim precedence in the race to assert my insanity.

Now, dear readers, compare this short and rushed post of mine, never mind others, to the contributions of the anti-IDers which you see above it from the point of view of taking your intelligence seriously and suggesting new directions for you to pursue should you have the inclination as one or two of you may. Anti-IDers must have neither in mind.

Anti-IDers are what you need if you wish to learn how to boo, insult, assert your way through life, smear and how best to get your head up your arse in the most efficient manner and to keep it there for ever and ever Amen.
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Wed 18 Oct, 2006 11:26 am
Giovanni Battista Vico, aka Giambattista, (1668-1744) is one of the most important philosophers of our Western culture.
And Ibn Sinna (Avicenna) stated that all these fossils in the ground are the result of the "vis plastica" force inherent to fluxion of the nature of the rocks and sedimentrary oozes.

My how weve managed to come far pilgrims.
Now, dear readers, compare this short and rushed post of mine, never mind others, to the contributions of the anti-IDers which you see above it from the point of view of taking your intelligence seriously and suggesting new directions for you to pursue should you have the inclination as one or two of you may. Anti-IDers must have neither in mind
Now, let us all take a moment of silence while spendi gives himself a pat on the back. Laughing Laughing
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Wed 18 Oct, 2006 11:35 am
Aw gee fm-

I was watching a brilliant cricket match doing that.

It was a one hand tied behind my back job.
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Thu 19 Oct, 2006 08:28 am

Polish education official wants Darwin's 'lies' out of schools
(Gulf Daily News, October 15, 2006)

Poland's deputy education minister called for the influential evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin not to be taught in the country's schools, branding them "lies" in comments published yesterday.

"The theory of evolution is a lie, an error that we have legalised as a common truth," Miroslaw Orzechowski, the deputy minister in the country's right-wing coalition government, was quoted as saying by the Gazeta Wyborcza daily.

Orzechowski said the theory was "a feeble idea of an aged non-believer," who had come up with it "perhaps because he was a vegetarian and lacked fire inside him."

The evolution theory of the 19th-century British naturalist holds that existing animals and plants are the result of natural selection which eliminated inferior species gradually over time. This conflicts with the "creationist" theory that God created all life on the planet in a finite number.

Orzechowski called for a debate on whether Darwin's theory should be taught in schools.

"We should not teach lies, just as we should not teach bad instead of good, or ugliness instead of beauty," he said. "We are not going to withdraw (Darwin's theory) from the school books, but we should start to discuss it."

The deputy minister is a member of a Catholic far-right political group, the League of Polish Families. The league's head, Roman Giertych, is education minister in the conservative coalition government of Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Giertych's father Maciej, who represents the league in the European Parliament, organised a discussion there last week on Darwinism. He described the theory as "not supported by proof" and called for it to be removed from school books. Roman Giertych has not spoken out on Darwinism, but the far-right politician's stance on other issues has stirred protest in Poland since he joined the government.A school pupils' association was expected to demonstrate in front of the education ministry yesterday to call for his resignation.
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Thu 19 Oct, 2006 09:10 am
Going back to Vico for a moment.

He said that our modern society had "instruments of philosophic critique" and Cartesian logic and analysis which lead to scientific advances in every field, including realism in art (see fm's portrait painting), and that these skills were not available to the Ancients. (Or any other culture.)

He agreed on the many benefits but claimed that they came, and will come, at the cost of limiting imagination, which is what developed those skills in the first place, and reducing the eloquence of persuasive rhetoric, which is what sold them to a resisting authority. Every authority resists change by its very nature.

He thought that these limitations resulted in too much attention to mechanical processes and abstract thinking such as thinking of a classroom and a school and communities surrounding them with no people in them.

He claimed that this "benumbed" the imagination and "stupified" the memory both of which are crucial to education and the discovery of truth.

It must be stressed, sadly, that this view does not entail no attention being given to mechanical processes and abstract thinking. Far from it.

One of his influential ideas was that "The true and the made are convertible" or, to put it another way, "the true is precisely what is made."
Thus science is a method by which things are made.

The analysis of nature's wonders, he said, can only be done by human beings who are limited to "abstraction" as set against "construction" which he said was "For God alone."

Vico would be an IDer. Being outnumbered on here is a nothing thing.

Flaubert once said that man's greatest edifices were paltry besides the wing of a dragonfly. And he was right. I might have said pathetic.
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Thu 19 Oct, 2006 09:26 am
wande quoted-

.A school pupils' association was expected to demonstrate in front of the education ministry yesterday to call for his resignation.

You will report wande, won't you, on the size of this demonstration. Numbers are of some importance in these matters.

It is a bit abstract is "demonstration" and I know the word conjures up an image of seething throngs in some peoples minds and it would be remiss on a thread discussing science if viewers took away the wrong impression which they easily might in the event of it being a dozen chanting girls with placards.

It will be on the news I suppose if it is a seething mass of thousands. I'll keep a lookout.
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Thu 19 Oct, 2006 07:49 pm
Going back to Vico for a moment.
I always thought that spendi was an oxycontin kinda guy
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 03:10 am
One can see from that contribution that the abstract, mechanical anti-IDer is not given to "construction".

Knee-jerks seem more in order.

It sure is a strange thing to have "always thought".

The correct term is OxyContin.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 04:49 am
If thats what yer bottle says, then I have to accept your spelling correction.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 06:11 am
Poor old anti-IDers eh?

It must be quite embarrassing to see one's position being publicly represented by such infantile claptrap.

What form of evidence exists in order to draw the conclusion that my two posts on Vico and the one on how to see through a journalistic trick (also infantile), prove that I use OxyContin which I had never heard of before it appeared on the thread as a result of jumping into fm's head as a variation on his standard, all-purpose, response when nothing else is available to him.

He'll be saying that I beat my wife next and it won't bother him that he doesn't even know whether I have a wife.

It requires very little effort to draw conclusions on the general state of mind of those deploying that sort of unsupported smear. So much so that I'm sure viewers don't need me to suggest any.

I pick up many hints that the US is having some form of mid-life crisis and if that method of fm's is at all widespread within the educational hierarchy, and I believe he has a fairly senior role in it, I don't think there is much need to look any further for the cause.

The institutionalising of the unsupported assertion leads directly to the complete breakdown in communication leaving only raw power to fill the vacuum. One presumes OxyContrin is taken by lots of Americans for the word to be deployed in this manner.

fm doesn't like Vico's ideas and my mentioning them as directly relevant to the thread proves I'm on OxyContrin. Brilliant!

Is this method used for interpreting fossil evidence? As it is 100% incorrect in my case perhaps some of the pseudo-science relating to nature's wonders is equally so.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 09:10 am
States supporting removal of intelligent design in classrooms
(Jamie Smith, ISU Daily Vidette, 10/20/06)

The debate over creation versus evolution has been ongoing for several decades, but now states are supporting that intelligent design be left out of the science classroom.

"Intelligent design is an interdisciplinary way of thinking about not just human origins, but actually origins of life," Daniel Liechty, a professor of social work, said.

Last week, Michigan backed teaching evolution over intelligent design in the classroom by changing their state standards.

"I think what the resolution the school board came to was to solidify the position that was already pretty solid of having evolution in education. They changed the wording of their standards to say that evolution may be the cause of diversity so now it will read, 'students will be able to explain that evolution is the cause of diversity,'" Donald Petty, a science teacher at University High School, said.

Michigan teachers or districts that choose to include intelligent design in science class could face legal action.

"It is illegal to teach creationism [or intelligent design] in the classroom," Petty said.

University High School in Normal teaches evolution over intelligent design.

"Here at UHigh, we don't even teach intelligent design in science classes. It does not meet any qualifications of being science," Petty said.

"We strongly emphasize evolution in our program here because we believe that it is the foundation of modern biological science," he added.

Intelligent design is another term for creationism; however, people who believe intelligent design refuse to be categorized with creationists.

"They are trying to distinguish themselves from the creationist people by saying there is a need for some kind of external forces intervening in what would otherwise be normal evolution. But they don't have enough material for that to have a well-rounded theory," Liechty said.

"Creationism is a theory. Intelligent design is not yet a theory," he added.

Some public schools are not allowed to teach intelligent design in the classroom.

Petty said he would acknowledge the subject if it is raised by the students, but not as part of the curriculum.

"I do recognize that some students have philosophical or religious conflict. I tell them I understand that does occur, but I explain to them that the religious issues that we are talking about are something they are going to have to go over with their parents," Petty said.

Intelligent design has been refuted in the science classroom for not having scientific evidence.

"I don't think intelligent design should be taught in a science class at this time. Evolution is the best of our knowledge at this point in time and I do not think intelligent design is what supersedes evolution," Liechty said.

At ISU, intelligent design is not specifically covered due to the fact that it does not meet the criteria of being science.

"Intelligent design does not meet those criteria of scientific explanation and deduction. When I teach my class in Evolution or Mammalogy, I mention and explain the controversy of teaching evolution versus intelligent design, but I do not teach intelligent design because I limit myself to teaching science," Sabine Loew, professor of biological sciences said.

While there maybe another theory to the origins of life, many agree that intelligent design is not it.

"Maybe intelligent design people are pointing to some of the data in the evolutionary theory that might be the catalyst to push into something beyond evolutionary theory. I don't think intelligent design is science at all," Liechty said.

"The business of science is to explain things based on observable physical phenomena. It is not the job of science to refute or verify religious explanation," Petty agreed.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 10:10 am
Now that the fuzzabuzz about ID is wearing down, and the Supreme Court will probably NOT be called in to rule, Id like to take the opportunity to piss all over my geology colleagues nested in academia

1They , for the most part, did not stand up and make their points before the faculty advisory committees

2They , gave in to the declining clout that the geociences have had recently

3I think that their absence in most of the hearings was shameful. Most members who defended the basic points of the age of the earth, the methodologies of such determinations, and the importance of the fossil record, were from industry and the academic silence was defeaning.

I understand the reasons for their cowardice, its job security cloaked in a fake stand that "they didnt want to get involved in such a ridiculous argument drawn from the Middle Ages" . I dont share the tenure track lifestyle anymore and I remember when lectures discouraging faculty activism were presented to the Colleges of Arts and Sciences. "Be active as citizens in your communities, but not too active that bears bad reflections on the College"

In the Pa case, had the faculties in the grad schools, colleges , and even the high schools shown a little more backbone and scientific leadership, the fight would have, indeed been shorter and the Hoynims wouldnt have had enjoyed such a day in the sun as they had. The teachers who did take a stand at Dover, were in a fight to retain their jobs based upon "vague performance issues" and these issues were taken on advisory by the ID leaning schoolboard. So to even give the IDers a moral pat on the back, is not to understand their methods of intimidation and tenure review.

You could only have appreciated the academic vacuum had you been here during the run-up to Dover. Now that its over, a number of teachers recognized that theyve had severe civil rights violations threatened o them, and theyd been advised to sue. The ACLU had settled for a recommendation that the teachers have anything negative removed from their records that coincided with the time period that the ID NAzis were in power..
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 10:20 am
farmerman wrote:
You could only have appreciated the academic vacuum had you been here during the run-up to Dover..

That makes me feel almost sentimental. I first posted about Dover in January 2005 on bibliophile's legendary thread. At first, I tried find some way that intelligent design could qualify as science. It soon became apparent that it was a religious viewpoint in scientific trappings.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 10:30 am
From Wande's article -
... people who believe intelligent design refuse to be categorized with creationists.

Much as the NAMBLA crowd refuse to be categorized with sex offenders.
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 10:40 am
Very Happy It aint what ya say, its how ya say it. Good analogy
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 11:12 am
A couple of obscurities for a foreigner.

1-What does this mean-

I dont share the tenure track lifestyle anymore

2-What is NAMBLA. Why did they refuse to be classed as sex offenders?
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 11:20 am

How does Michigan education answer points about origins and meaning to life because evolution science goes nowhere near doing so?

How do they propose inhibiting the doctrine of "devil take the hindmost" when evolution is proof that such an attitude is rewarded and its opposite punished with extinction?

Or the "might is right" position?
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Fri 20 Oct, 2006 12:06 pm
spendius wrote:

How does Michigan education answer points about origins and meaning to life because evolution science goes nowhere near doing so?

The resolution of the controversy in Michigan means that my work is finished. I have obliterated the ID infestation here in the United States!
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