adele_g wrote: However, it is a completely different thing to say that descent with modification causes change so significant in creatures that you end up with a completely different type of animal, as evolution claims must have happened.
What you say evolutionary biology "claims must have happened" is really a refutable hypothesis. Originally derived from morphology, the hypothesis was stated before molecular biology was even invented. Yet it implies rather precise predictions about the similarity between the DNA molecules of any two living animal species. In the overwhelming majority of all pairs of species you might compare, that prediction will turn out to match the biochemists' observations. There also is a very small minority of cases where prediction wouldn't match reality. But one would expect the original morphologists to make mistakes too, and the frequency of mismatches is no bigger than you would expect from the frequency of misclassifications by morphologists.
So we're not talking about a simple
claim by the theory of evolution here. We are talking about a
prediction by it, a prediction that has no reason to be correct except if the underlying theory is true. The prediction turned out correct nevertheless, and this gives us strong confidence that the theory of evolution is in fact correct. Despite decades of trying, no creationist theory has anything nearly as impressive to offer. It is high time for the adherents of these theories to put up or shut up. In other words, biochemical experiments have confirmed the theory for all practical purposes.
adele_g wrote:As for ID making predictions of phenomena, i'm not really sure.
Then what is your basis for claiming what you claim a few lines later?
adele_g wrote:These theories do have merit
No, if they have no track record of predicting anything we don't know already, they
don't have merit! Not as scientific theories they don't.