adele g qouoted someone else who saidQuote:"Through use and abuse of hidden postulates, of bold, often ill-founded extrapolations, a pseudoscience has been created..... Biochemists and biologists who adhere blindly to the Darwinist theory search for results that will be in agreement with their theories.... Assuming that the Darwinian hypothesis is correct, they interpret fossil data according to it; it is only logical that [the data] should confirm it; the premises imply the conclusions.
May I have an example? Care to use this in a sentence full of these false conclusions? I have a sneaking suspicion that we are out there searching the statements of kindred spirits rather than documenting truths.
As far as searching for results that are in agreement with their theories, I must say that the First molecular biologists that discovered the great similarities among the various organisms were , at first quite surprised at how lean and sparing the genome is. The conclusions that "fit" evolution were a targeted , vigorous argument that lasted many a year. To trivialize it as "fitting peconcieved notions" is not only incorrect , its disingenuous and quite ignorant of the facts.
georgeob-Youre only sidestepping, Your fall back to cosmology (most of which youve stated is not only unproven, its still in the early fomative years-so no one can really lay claim to it as a "comparable phenomena" as intelligent design), as I said , your fall back to cosmology is quite entertaining but, alas, totally misdirected. Are you trying to establish some linkage? or are you trying to convince us that youre a smart guy?
Im convinced youre a smart guy, now tell us where the linkage lies. Many IDers and Creationists claim that scientists make "grand leaps " in their conclusions, yet fail to see these "Warp9" leaps of reason that your ilkness make.