Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 28 Aug, 2006 08:01 pm
Trust me, spendi - I've made many trips to and from many haylofts - and sometimes all aquiver with prurient anticipation on the way up and all atremble with sweaty, sated exhaustion on the way down. Country living, country girls, country entertainments and all that, you know.

'fraid "those were the days" though - any more, my hayloft frequenting has to do almost exclusively with feeding livestock ... still plenty of sweat, but not much entertainment.
0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 03:42 am
And you don't know what intelligent design is after all that?

0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 06:00 am
And you don't know what intelligent design is after all that?

The only "intelligent design" that one could imagine is that one
1always have available some comfy blankets
2never go couchee on alfalfa bales. Somebody could get killed
0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 01:26 pm
That's anti-IDers to a "T".

Always putting their concerns for comfort and safety above more important things. Probably need everything doing for them as well. Who cares about getting killed. There's plenty more where I came from.
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Tue 29 Aug, 2006 03:28 pm
Thinking about it in the bath I realised I should have said "creature comforts".

Anti-IDers are creatures. Some IDers, possibly most, may well be creatures too but not all of them. Some IDers can attain pure intellectual states where comfort and safety considerations disappear. You can easily be made to jump out of your skin like that. A creature never leaves off them except when asleep and then not all the way.

The introduction of a pure anti-ID agenda, and you can only have a watered down one on pragmatic principles and you then concede the case,
would result in a disappearence of the capacity to daydream. The content of a daydream being a function of the education of the dreamer who might well be a scientist in a partial ID world. How would science proceed without the big-time dreamers which is what it seems to me you will get in a pure anti-ID world.

Intellectuality might be a function of the infinite being.

Orwell has his characters seeing, as best they can, to their comfort and safety.

One might learn something on an alfalfa bale that one might never learn in an office stuffed with expensive polished fossils and photographs of oneself looking good.

Like a bit of bloody humility in the face of nature.
0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 04:04 pm
farmerman wrote:
And you don't know what intelligent design is after all that?

The only "intelligent design" that one could imagine is that one
1always have available some comfy blankets
2never go couchee on alfalfa bales. Somebody could get killed

Good heavy blankets, or better yet one of those quilted cool-down horseblankets, will work just fine on alfalfa bales.
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Tue 29 Aug, 2006 04:15 pm
Who cares about getting killed. There's plenty more where I came from.

Timber, I dont know about you , but the thought of more like him , oy.
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Tue 29 Aug, 2006 04:26 pm
to spendi and other dylan fans...


Just bumped into it. Haven't read the thing yet but Menand is himself a treasure.
0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 05:14 pm
Thanks Bernie-

I've read enough to know that I'll read it tomorrow.

Keep a clean head and always carry a lightbulb.

0 Replies
Tue 29 Aug, 2006 07:11 pm

Cardinal: If Evolution is Science Rather Than Ideology Let it be Debated in Schools
(by Hilary White, LifeSiteNews.com, August 29, 2006)

Christoph Cardinal Schönborn has asked for a "reasoned, ideology-free" debate on the nature of the Darwinian proposition for the origins of life. He hoped that the shorcomings of Darwin's theory of evolution could one-day be discussed freely in schools. "This should be discussed in a serene manner. If a theory is scientific and not ideological, then it can be discussed freely," he said.

The archbishop of Vienna and a primary author of the Catholic catechism, clarified again that the Catholic Church does not adhere to the "creationist" theory that takes its information on the origin of life exclusively from the bible. But he said pure materialist Darwinism that precludes the action of God is unacceptable and unscientific.

"The alternative to the process of pure chance is not absolute determinism but rather the interaction between the actions of creatures and the divine creator who sustains their actions," he said.

Speaking from Rimini, Schönborn announced that Pope Benedict XVI would be meeting September 1 to 3 at Castel Gandolfo, the Papal summer residence with a number of his former doctoral students. He implied that one of the topics under discussion would be the origins of life.

The creationist position is one that is largely held by American Protestant evangelicals among whom there is also much debate on the relationship between the action of God and the scientific evidence. The tarring by the media of the creationist theory as anti-intellectual and retrograde has become a major source of tension between American Christian groups and the scientific community.

Schönborn was careful to distinguish in his speech between the scientific theory that species change and develop from one form to another and the quasi-religious ideology that denies any possible intervention of God in the origin of life.

There is "no conflict," Schönborn said, "between science and religion." The debate lies, he said, "between a materialist interpretation of the results of science and a metaphysical philosophical interpretation."

Despite the Cardinal's call for a reasoned debate, the mainstream media, having already made up the Pope's mind, is spreading the story around the world that Benedict is preparing, as the UK's Guardian put it, "to embrace theory of intelligent design". The Taipei Times led the story with, "Pope edges closer to accepting theory of intelligent design"; the Sydney Morning Herald posits, "Meeting could move Vatican closer to theory of intelligent design".

The assumption that the "debate" is closed and Darwin has won, is a major part of the arguments being made, especially in the US, against the teaching in high school biology classes of Intelligent Design, or any other theory of the origins of life, in addition to the pure materialist Darwinian proposal.

This assumption was summed up by evolution supporting Catholic scientist, Dominique Tassot, who told the US National Catholic Reporter, "Most Catholic intellectuals today are convinced that evolution is obviously true because most scientists say so."

Cardinal Schönborn's 2005 article appearing in the New York Times called for clarification of the difference between the "theory of evolution" and the secularist ideology of "evolutionism." The Cardinal cited Marxist materialist theory as an example of where ideological Darwinism can lead when it is taken out of its scientific boundaries. He warned against the current infusion of Darwinian materialism into bioethical issues, where, he said, they have given rise to a revival of eugenics.

On Wednesday, Schönborn said, "The open questions of the theory of evolution should be exposed," which questions, "(Darwin) himself recognised and regretted" .
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Wed 30 Aug, 2006 03:51 am
After dinner with the brandy and port settling in His Eminence might start presenting the case in a similar manner I use.

He is being diplomatic there.

Anyway-what has been said on this thread about my posts does apply to the Cardinal also.

Some posters on here, I fear, have been moved by certain political considerations which they seem to have confused with philosophical and literary judgement and they must, if they are consistent, have to submit to the rigours of Marxist philosophy which I feel sure they won't be very comfortable with.

I'm happy that I'm with the Cardinal and not the vulgarity of the "Have gavel-will travel" judge and his no doubt lucrative tour of speaking gigs.

Come on lads- apply your crass assertions to him. He's a bit more of a challenging target than I present.
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Wed 30 Aug, 2006 06:13 am
any debates forwarded by ID ers have purposely avoided reliance on anything that approaches evidence or data. Why is that?. The point that "life is too complex to have originated without a Designer" is about as defeatist an argument that Ive heard. Why study anything, "Its too complex well never understand it" seems to be the default position of ID. Then, by the same slight of hand, they want to make ID a scientific discipline. Science in the West will become another cargo cult with this attitude.
Evidence abounds that clearly shows that the planets changing environment parallels the rise of life from very simple forms to the most complex forms, including the various changes of the dominant species at any given time. This would have to be refuted by EVIDENCE for IDers to make any successful dents in the Facts of evolution. I can understand the need that IDers have to belittle and assign non scientific pop-sociological underpinnings to evolutions findings. Thats a decoy because, were ID a real science, it would not need to resort to "if-then" arguments like an elementary theorem in plane geometry.
When IDers amass some credible data (including some irreducible complexity arguments that hold water) then , perhaps, they can claim some science in their midst. AS it stands, they are clearly a religiously inspired sodality that only has place dominance on ther agenda.

Spendi, your "arguments" have, by being pretty much diversionary from the core arguments of the place of science in ID, been exactly the proof of my above submission. If you had any data , dont you think youd have used it to dazzle us by now? You dont do justice to a scientific discussion by lame attempts at diversionary slight of hand.

If the Pope does listen to Schonborn and does advance a 180 degree posture shift on this issue, itll be nothing more than the continuation of the "dumbing down" of the Church that was speeded up by Voytela. As far as educated religious layity, Im sure it will speed up their decisions to become Lutherans but , as the Church itself has recognized, Its own major growth corridor is in the Third World, and a good superstition base would help that cause immensely.
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Wed 30 Aug, 2006 06:30 am
farmerman wrote:
If the Pope does listen to Schonborn and does advance a 180 degree posture shift on this issue, itll be nothing more than the continuation of the "dumbing down" of the Church that was speeded up by Voytela. As far as educated religious layity, Im sure it will speed up their decisions to become Lutherans but , as the Church itself has recognized, Its own major growth corridor is in the Third World, and a good superstition base would help that cause immensely.

In that endeavor, the Catholic Church is in a race with fundamentalist and charismatic sects which are laying on the propagation of their superstition of chioce with a will. It is not just in the "third world," either, that this occurs. Many, many pages ago i alluded to the flap raised in northern Québec by a teacher who was told he must not mention evolution, and who was laughed at by students who called him "monkey." All of the reports of this event have pointed out that the Pentacostals have been vigorously proselytizing the Inuit and other "First Nations" people in the north of Canada for fifteen years or more. That is a period long enough that the school children in question have likely known no other preferred superstition than that peddled by the Pentacostal "missionaries." There is no basis in the native cosmology of the Inuit to object to a theory of evolution, and the conclusion is therefore inescapable that this attitude on the part of the school board as well as of the students is a product of a fundamentalist religious propaganda which has derided a theory of evolution from the very beginning of their "mission" in the Canadian north.
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Wed 30 Aug, 2006 06:47 am
So, what were saying is that the CatholicChurch may be trying to "fit right in there".
Next thig , there will be a fiddle and banjo High mass with everybody handling rattlesnakes and speaking Klingon.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 06:54 am
I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as i got my plastic Jesus
Sittin' on the dashboard of my car . . .
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:01 am
farmerman wrote:
If the Pope does listen to Schonborn and does advance a 180 degree posture shift on this issue, itll be nothing more than the continuation of the "dumbing down" of the Church that was speeded up by Voytela.

I am willing to bet serious money that Ratzinger will never do this. Although he's a conservative, he decidedly is neither anti-intellectual nor a Southern Baptist.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:01 am

Celebrating the Holy Family. we need a stanz celebrating Joseph
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:05 am
OK THomas, Ill put up some serious e-money(100 virtual euros) and bet that there will be a council convened to further study this entire new direction.
Almost Nothing in the CAtholic Church happens in less than a century.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:10 am
farmerman wrote:
any debates forwarded by ID ers have purposely avoided reliance on anything that approaches evidence or data. Why is that?

You can find the answer in the article JW posted, where Mr. Schönborn answers it: "The debate lies, he said, 'between a materialist interpretation of the results of science and a metaphysical philosophical interpretation.'" Unlike outright creationists, ID proponents have no quarrel with the data. They have a problem with a materialist interpretation of the data.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:12 am
Well I don't want no Abba Zabba
Don't want no Almond Joy
There aint nothing better or more suitable for this boy
Well its the only thing that can pick me up
Better than a cup of gold
See only a chocolate Jesus
Can satisfy my soul
0 Replies

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