Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wolf ODonnell
Mon 21 Aug, 2006 11:14 am
spendius wrote:

Anti-IDers love files and info and checking up on people. They are control freaks. When they come in we will all be investigating each other and in uniform.

Oh look, an assertion without proof.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 11:16 am
I'll tell ya what, if Big Brother is watching me, he must really be hard up for entertainment . . .
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 11:16 am
wande wrote-

My older daughter told me "evolution is disgusting".

She must be the family's brains. She was right and I hope she still holds to it.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 11:37 am
timberlandko wrote:
Laughing Sorry - I only sorta remember that (a link would help) - but as I hazily recall, that was one of my "be gentle now - its a n00b" jumps; I didn't really beat you up ... did I?

Good-Natured Newbie Versus Jaded Veteran

There is the link, timber. I was trying to be friendly, but you "talked down" to me. It's okay, though. I had you banned for six months because of that.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 11:41 am
Speaking of brains, spendi, have you ever considered trousers tailored generously in the derriere? Might do wonders for your outlook.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:13 pm
Gee- timber remembers something he learned in 3rd grade.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:33 pm
After that I take criticisms of my sentences as a compliment.

I was, writing in a dialect, I suppose that youve necer read attempts at dialect before. YOU, dearest spendi , are just a shitty writer. Admission to same will be your first steps to overcoming.

As spendi merely criticizes evolution but has brought nothing but insult and meager attempts to divert this threads discussions, I suppose well be stuck with his brain farts until he goes away.

However, he is amusing , in a Norm Crosby sort of way.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:33 pm
Damn, wande - 6 months?!?!?! Shocked I guess you were real sensitive back then; as you've prolly come to recognize by now, I was downright kid-glove-gentle (for me) with you on that one Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:36 pm
Setanta wrote-

I'll tell ya what, if Big Brother is watching me, he must really be hard up for entertainment . . .

How to grind Orwell into dust so nobody understands him thus protecting him and nurturing him. Anti-IDers eh?

Big Brother doesn't watch you. You come to his notice. Sudden movements or not paying attention. Then he watches for repeaters which hint at a not altogether worshipful adoration. Then he takes you in to show you where you're going wrong.

I left him out of my earlier list for reasons of discretion but as He has entered the thread as a bit of a bumbling jester I think it is okay now. He can unite the lot euthanasians and eugenicists included and cloners.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:37 pm
As a teacher who carries evolutionary theory into geologic context, I dont really care what the students may think of it. I just need them to understand it. That usually takes care of doubts
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:37 pm
Rereading that today, I realized I was over-reacting because of my nervousness as a newbie. I was glad to see you return after that long suspension, timber. Smile
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:44 pm

The Jesuits used to say things like that except they were dealing with carrying religious theory into a social context. I suppose if rocks are more important than social cohesion you have the upper hand although without the social cohesion the rocks are nothing but hills and the sea bottom.

You would probably have been scurrying around the stews hawking watered wine out of a leaking skein for a bowl of gruel a day had you been born in Ancient Rome.
Think on that my son.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 12:56 pm

I didn't know wande and timber had had the handbags at 2000 paces once upon a time. Has togetherness in anti-ID healed the wounds. What got timber the 6 months? I'm sure we would all love to see it. I think I'll put it on the "I Love" thread. Their new found friendship is a form of comprobatio which is one of the many types of emotional appeal.

Were you really nervous wande as a newbie? I don't really believe that. A bozo from the Windy City, where the great Frank Harris once stomped, nervous at an itsy-bitsy thread. Pull the other one-it clangs in b flat.
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Mon 21 Aug, 2006 06:57 pm
I suppose if rocks are more important than social cohesion you have the upper hand although without the social cohesion the rocks are nothing but hills and the sea bottom.
. That was never the point and you know it. The Jessuits who taught me also honored the intellectual drive that didnt matter whether some branch of knowledge stepped on "Holy toes". Thats why the Jesuits were cosidered fringies for a number of centuries.
It isnt the scientists who are locked into a diagenetic process, its the IDers and the Creationists who see their world but one way, with no room for alternative explanations that cast doubt upon a deity driven world.

You cant extract yourself freom that corner because once there , your options of thought are quite limited.

Im actually quite amused at how you try to mount a moral high ground with your own worldview of "bogus science" plainly at its core. You may sputter and call names but youve kinda velcroed your head to ID and its parent , Creationist spittle.

If you ever want to discuss points of what this thread is about, Id be happy to engage, but as you seem to lack skills in the sciences, nor show any interest in the actual question herein, then Ill simply refrain from encouraging you any further.

Besides, Ive gotta work on my goddam bow thrusters , I think Ive sucked in some kind of seafood.
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Tue 22 Aug, 2006 05:37 am
fm wrote-

Besides, Ive gotta work on my goddam bow thrusters , I think Ive sucked in some kind of seafood.

What's this "goddam". You said there's no God so if that's true there's nothing to do the damming.

Are you sure that "gotta" is correct. One has a choice surely. You could kick it all into touch and sit on the veranda relaxing or play golf. "Gotta" is a bit fierce.Actually incorrect unless you are a psychological automata.And what's a scientist doing sucking "seafood" into his bow thrusters. Seems a bit incompetent to me. It isn't as if the animals in the sea are not known to be there and that if they can get into the bow thrusters they will do and when they do they are mush presumably and not seafood.

And we have been assured on this thread by scientists that the universe exploded into existence out of nothing 13.7 billion years ago and now, according to the professor of applied mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University (heavy metal peers), there have been an unspecified number of similar events previously and the Albert Einstein professor of science at Princeton (hmp) agrees. If these two are correct the previous published material is up for the pulp mill to be turned into cheap brand toilet paper. (Top brands being made from coppiced silk-cotton trees from Nepal, thurificated with a blending of vanilla and patchouli, which is why the political instabity there is causing such grave concern).

The new theory which ,of course, involves torn up lesson plans across the nation, is proof that time, matter, and energy have always existed and always will just like the Pope has said. The expanding universe theory is thus as daft as a theory which said that city populations diffused into the surroundings because that's what they were observed to be doing between 4.30 pm and about half-past six on the day they were studied and that they originated in a spark of static which must have had the intelligence of a designer to go so smoothly as it does most of the time.

The Princeton professor has hypothesised that this "new" universe had "suddenly expanded trillions of times in a millionth of a second" in our time scales. This is known, as "inflation" a phenomenom Mrs Thatcher was elected to put a stop to.

But "dark energy" remains a spanner in the works as it is "thought" to explain "inflation" although, according to the Cambridge professor, supporters of the "dark energy" theory have become too evangelical and that the simple explanation is that our universe collided with one in another dimension. Professor Hawking, also a Cambridge professor, says that there "could" be 11 such dimensions and calls them,or some of them, "shadow worlds" as fitting in with "dark energy" just like "dark energy" is fitting for "shadow worlds". The physics professor at Stanford claims that it's all a load of bollocks and a mathematics lecturer at Columbia puts it all down to scientists getting bored whilst waiting for the next banquet and piss-up at the international symposium to which they all fly thinking of terrorists and sudden deflation of cabin pressure for every moment of the journey.

All may be settled, it seems, when the ESA launches its Planck satellite next year which will search for "tiny" fluctuations in temperature of the cosmic microwave background with instruments calibrated whilst studying housewives heating up the dinners the scientists came home late for.

Where this leaves the kids in the classroom I don't know but unless they are heading for a top university physics department, and somebody has to do, ID looks the best bet and that means whatever anybody wants it to mean and hey-presto-academic freedom in the hands of well paid teachers or conjurors if you prefer.

Talking of "fringies", a rather lewd term really, Copernicus was a champ along with many others of like ilk. I hardly think that Jesuits are the only ones to lay claim to such a title.

The unknowable "deity" is immune to certainty and, obviously, to doubt.
Both are anthropomorphic concepts associated with expanding egos which have other problems in the social field it might be best to inhibit in the plumbers, garbage collectors and can-can dancers.

Is not seafood in the bow thrusters a good way of gathering it or are the bow thrusters useless in seas containing seafood?
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Dorothy Parker
Tue 22 Aug, 2006 05:50 am
Don't talk rubbish Spendius.
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Tue 22 Aug, 2006 05:58 am
Ladies are not supposed to read this thread. Lola has special privileges which it is bootless to explicate.

It's man's talk.
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Tue 22 Aug, 2006 08:09 am
...probably why it's boring and pointless
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Tue 22 Aug, 2006 08:33 am
Dorothy Parker wrote:
Don't talk rubbish Spendius.

Spurious has never talked anything else . . . at this late date, one suspects that it is all that he is capable of.
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Tue 22 Aug, 2006 09:15 am
I quite like him though...

Bet he's a sweetie in real life - and only uses the anonimity of the internet to give vent to his (shall we say) difficult side...
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