Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:28 am
spendius wrote:
... I really don't understand ...

Now, there's a self-evident truth.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:43 am
wande quoted-

he argued that faith and science should not be intermingled in the public school.

That's the first time I have seen that said and it's what I've been saying from the start on here.

It has been anti-IDers who have said, and consistently, that science and religion can mix in a school but not in a classroom. As if we all live in little compartments convenient for arguing about in simple terms.

Well JJ says it and backs me up. That's peer reviewing eh? He says "should not" where I would say "cannot unless you are up for the fighting".

What JJ does by using "public school" instead of "classroom" is ratchet the debate up a notch or two heading towards a choice between a science mentality and a religious mentality.

He might have used "community" rather than "public school" but that's for later.

I said JJ gave a lawyer's judgement. Fighting = Fees.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:45 am
timber wrote, much to my disgust-

spendius wrote:
... I really don't understand ...

Now, there's a self-evident truth.

That's a foul!
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 09:49 am
spendius wrote:
wande quoted-

he argued that faith and science should not be intermingled in the public school.

That's the first time I have seen that said and it's what I've been saying from the start on here.

It has been anti-IDers who have said, and consistently, that science and religion can mix in a school but not in a classroom. As if we all live in little compartments convenient for arguing about in simple terms.

Well JJ says it and backs me up. That's peer reviewing eh? He says "should not" where I would say "cannot unless you are up for the fighting".

What JJ does by using "public school" instead of "classroom" is ratchet the debate up a notch or two heading towards a choice between a science mentality and a religious mentality.

He might have used "community" rather than "public school" but that's for later.

I said JJ gave a lawyer's judgement. Fighting = Fees.


Point of clarification, please. What does "public school" mean to you? Do we use the term differently on this side of the pond?
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:01 am
I would imagine Eaton and Harrow conform with spendi's concept of public school.

spendi, you present a straw man - and I expect you do so knowingly and with provocative intent - in that contrary to your implication science indeed, perforce, and by both function and definition is compartmented entirely apart from and without respect to (note:"without respect TO", as opposed to and unambiguously distinct from "without respect FOR") religion; it is religion (or more properly perhaps, the posturings of certain religionists) which, in arrogant over-reach and total disrespect, is guilty of overstepping the bounds.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:11 am
I really don't understand why you posted there wolf.

I think that Wolf posted "there" just to remind us all that , he for example, is an Englishman who makes decent sense when he writes.Whats your excuse?

Wandel, It all comes back to the Harrisburg Patriot, which has been covering the entire "ID is really really science, no it really is" news. Now with Wisconsin in the mix, maybe they can extract some more column space with the ID morons.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:21 am
I find that interesting, farmerman. Like you said, what happens in Wisconsin may show the extent to which "teach the controversy" will go.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:29 am
The label "Public School" in our country applies to those schools which require parents to pay fees and which are more "Public" the less day boys they have. And day girls if one might imagine such a sorry concept.
They all do now, I gather, have a scholarship system which provides places for the bright boys of parents who can't afford the fees. As pupils are drawn from a much wider area when they can board the community is of little or no consequence.

I am aware that in the US it is the other way round and that public schools there are places where all the kids are locked up all day to try to reduce the mischief they are naturally inclined towards making.

The distinction hardly matters in relation to the point I was making and which JJ made. He might just as easily have said- " that faith and science should not be intermingled in the school. " and presumably for the reasons I have given many times in the foggy ruins of this thread.

I might have used an adjective on "thread" were it not for timber having committed a most foul foul blatantly and right in front of everybody's eyes and is obviously not responding to a request for an apology which is not unusual for anti-IDers.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:44 am
fm wrote-

I think that Wolf posted "there" just to remind us all that , he for example, is an Englishman who makes decent sense when he writes.Whats your excuse?

I have explained that fm in the post responding to your "simpleton" assertion. (BTW "decent" is an assertion on which your statement is based).

It must be that you and wolf are not simpletons and thus understand each other, e.g. in having an agreed meaning for "decent", and that me, being a simpleton as you so acutely observed, with your originality not going un-noticed, have no need of excuses and am ignorant of any rule saying that such things are required of me.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:44 am
spendius wrote:
I might have used an adjective on "thread" were it not for timber having committed a most foul foul blatantly and right in front of everybody's eyes and is obviously not responding to a request for an apology which is not unusual for anti-IDers.

I submit, spendi, the assessment of foul as applied to the remark of mine you reference is unique to your perception. As matter of practice, I most frequently respond only to that which merits response, though, as in this instance, occasionally I'll make an exception.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 11:53 am

You took an excerpt from one of my sentences and used it in an underhand manner.

Like this-

timber wrote-

......science indeed..is religion.. which, in arrogant over-reach and total disrespect, is guilty of overstepping the bounds.

Which I rush to say is not what timber said but simply an easy demonstration of the technique he used in attempting to blacken my name and one which I would never dream of stooping to. But then I'm not an anti-IDer.

It's sort of like shooting in the back.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 12:10 pm
Yet another straw man, spendi - while I excerpted a comment of yours, I did not bowdlerize or otherwise mischaracterize it or your POV, I merely used your words to accurately characterize the evidenced style and substance of your posturings on these boards.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 12:19 pm
Excuses. Excuses.

It was a foul.

Being compounded as we go.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 12:55 pm

Dover PA Destroyed by God's Wrath Over Intelligent Design Vote
(unconfirmedsources.com, August 8, 2006)

Unconfirmed sources report that the city of Dover Pennsylvania has been destroyed. FEMA officials are on the scene and indicate that the devastation of the once proud city is utterly complete. The devastation was caused by a massive storm of fire and brimstone that engulfed the city yesterday as predicted by Reverend Pat Robertson. Robertson had warned of ill tidings for the city after its residents ousted eight school board members who forced creationism into the Dover high school curriculum.

"I hate to say I told you so," said Reverend Pat Robertson. "but I told you this would happen. The godless people of Dover have brought this destruction upon themselves. There is no one else to blame for this disaster of biblical proportions. This should stand as a lesson to others that Intelligent Design is the will of God and should he be denied, God will be very upset."

"I've never seen anything like it." Said Ted Helms, who was near Dover when it was destroyed. "I saw a flash out the corner of my eye and looked over to see a huge column of flames jetting right out of the ground. Then the brimstones started and that was all she wrote. I'm kind of sad about it really, there was a gas station in Dover I liked to shop at. They had good donuts."

FEMA puts the death toll at more than 23,000 and damage estimates in the millions of dollars. The FEMA team that landed by helicopter where Dover was supposed to be found only smoking rubble. Every tree, building, and structure of any type, has been destroyed. The rebuilding of Dover is going to be a massive undertaking and is expected to take years.

The Congress has sprung into action and unanimously passed a constitutional amendment to assure that Intelligent Design is taught in every school and that all mention of evolution and Darwin be struck from country's libraries and schools. The president has signed the bill and state legislatures across the nation are already approving the measure.

The Keep America Safe From Gods Wrath Amendment is expected to be approved nationwide by late this evening.

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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 12:57 pm
There's a buncha compounding goin' on, spendi, but the interest derived therefrom does not accrue to my account. You provide your own exposure.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 01:17 pm
It detracts from your integrity mate whatever it does for your interest.

Is is interesting that it is an anti-ID technique ,as is the constant drizzle of empty bluster, and that neutrals might like to consider the potential effects of an anti-ID education if it has such an outcome in a leading proponent of scientific materialism.

You said that I wrote something I hadn't written by editing what I had written. It's up above in black and white.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 01:50 pm
spendius wrote:
You said that I wrote something I hadn't written by editing what I had written.

No I didn't, I excerpted, VERBATIM, from a post you or someone using your account and style actually did write, employing that verbatim excerpt as an illustrative reference for an observation pertaining to the style and substance of the maunderings characteristic of the emanations sourced to your account.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 02:38 pm
Like in-

I am totally in favour of the eradication of evil being excerpted into I am totally in favour of evil simply by excising some of the original as you did with my words.

It's foul play of the worst sort in the literary world.

The proper way is to show what it is in my style and substance that you object to and justify your stance on it. Not to just declare that it is objectionable using a very simple trick that I had thought was banned.

The ease of doing what you did is the worst part of it because in both the artistic and scientific worlds anything easy is eschewed on the grounds that it will already have been done when Homer was a lad.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 05:04 pm
wandel. After Dover was destroyed there has been formed, a committee calling itself the "Dover SCholars for Truth". Theyve said that the destruction of the town was orcehstarted by the Bush adminiswtration using Thermite and cutter charges to cause a controlled demolition. Also a rocket was seen cruising the outskirts before it plummeted V-1 style, into the shopping center.
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Tue 8 Aug, 2006 05:22 pm
And anyone who lives in Dover who reads this thread might come to the conclusion that a slow motion version of what has been described is actually taking place.

Shades of Oxford Town.

Oxford town,Oxford town
Better stay away from Oxford town.

Bob Dylan.
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