Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wed 7 Jun, 2006 01:47 pm
who said I avoided reading him?I just dont get a tan from his glow.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:01 pm
Why's that fm-

He's wonderful.

He's especially great for the bank balance and all that really tiresome stuff around the home improvement business and the serviettes and the latest fashions etc etc etbloody cetera.

And he does wonders for one's sense of humour.

Don't you think Waste=Status and Use = Odium a reasonable scientific principle when you look around you.

But it's the money and the time and the sheer wasted effort that he saves and then you can concentrate on your science without any trivial distractions and be rich as well and, as such, be sought after assuming you don't look like Boris Karloff.

I'm tanned all over.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:03 pm
be happy with your beleifs.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:04 pm
Oh-I forgot.

His English!

And it's his second language too.

He never stayed long in any university and as for promotion-weeellll you can imagine.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:07 pm
fm wrote-

be happy with your beliefs.

Are you suggesting that WASTE = STATUS and USE = ODIUM is not a valid principle in evidence everywhere you look apart from fat girl's bottoms.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:13 pm
It's no belief fm.

I don't do beliefs. I'm a scientist don't forget. I only ever think scientifically. It's quite good when you get used to it. I'm not just a scientist when I'm turning a bunsen burner on and then morphing into a total wallie planting rows of petunias the rest of the time.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:07 pm
I'm not just a scientist when I'm turning a bunsen burner on and then morphing into a total wallie planting rows of petunias the rest of the time.
I can guess when you do turn into a total wallie. PS, whats a bunsen burner?
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:20 pm
A Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.

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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:24 pm
I dont like my bunsens burnt. Ilike them lightly sauteed
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:31 pm
Forgive my evident forgetfulness, if you would please, spendi, and just chalk it up to another of the symptons of my advanced age. I would appreciate your taking the time and effort, if not too much trouble, to help me refresh my memory. In just which field of science, in what particular, and under what credentials, is your practice?

Note: I'm no scientist myself, just an interested, fairly well-read bystander - wanna make sure that's clear.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:51 pm
Spendius wrote:
I don't do beliefs. I'm a scientist don't forget. I only ever think scientifically. It's quite good when you get used to it. I'm not just a scientist when I'm turning a bunsen burner on and then morphing into a total wallie planting rows of petunias the rest of the time.

Look's like Old Granddad is taking over. I talk that funny like that when I to much Comfort in me get.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 07:09 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Forgive my evident forgetfulness, if you would please, spendi, and just chalk it up to another of the symptons of my advanced age. I would appreciate your taking the time and effort, if not too much trouble, to help me refresh my memory. In just which field of science, in what particular, and under what credentials, is your practice?

Note: I'm no scientist myself, just an interested, fairly well-read bystander - wanna make sure that's clear.


Spendi would be unconscious right about now. I once told spendi that my guess would be that he is a chemist for a brewery. He neither affirmed nor denied that. (He changed the subject.)
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 07:37 pm
Thanks, wande - I do recall your relevant question, and your conjecture, but I'm drawing a blank on spendi ever having said anything about it.

Don't wanna put the old boy out none, and certainly not looking to invade his privacy - just trying to get a bit of pertinent perspective. My curiosity is piqued a bit, in that I happen, a good while ago, to have picked up a bit of working familiarity with lab practice, back in my edjucayshin chasin' days - some academic, some - internships, more or less - in the play-for-pay world.

There was a spell with a food, drug, and chemical manufacturor, working in their QC lab - interestting in its way, and informative, but not my cup of tea. Another bit was more to my liking, that was with the Electrical Product Testing division of Underwriters Laboratory - had some fun there, and learned a good deal. Mighta been carreer potential at UL, but, sadly, that didn't end well.

Still, there was no significant structural damage, nobody got hurt, and honestly, I had no idea things would go that wrong that fast ... was pretty spectacular though, even if the higher-ups totally failed to see the event for its entertainment value. Some folks just have no sense of humor. Rolling Eyes
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 07:38 pm
I found this curious.

Farmerman asked Spendius what a bunsen burner was.

This is his answer;

Spendius wrote:
A Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.


Why would a "scientist" have to go to Wikipedia to find the definition of a bunsen burner?
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 07:40 pm
(pulls up chair)

Surely your not gonna leave us hangin with THAT teaser are you bird?
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 07:46 pm
I also have a story about working in science. My undergraduate major was political science. However, all four years I had a part-time job as a lab tech for a biology professor. His lab experiments were set up in the morning. I would come in for a few hours every afternoon to record data.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 08:03 pm
In his Morphean state, we pull back the onion skin of the one we call spendius.
I like that, a chemist in a brewery. At least hes not making WMDs,
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 08:34 pm
farmerman wrote:
(pulls up chair)

Surely your not gonna leave us hangin with THAT teaser are you bird?

It involved a more or less unscheduled, unauthorized, and, as events transpired, thoroughly ill-advised "what if" using an energized TV set, its CRT impacted by a standard remote-release swinging hammer (used among other things to test the tensile properties of glass, ceramics, and similar materials), in an enclosed space the atmosphere of which had been liberally (too liberally, apparently) dosed with a flammable gas - hydrogen, to be exact - the catastrophic implosion of the CRT caused the TV to do some really neat sparky things, then, a split second later the gasseous atmosphere detonated - detonated, as oposed to merely ignited, mind you - blowing out the sides of the inadequate to the task for which it never had been designed containment structure - an enclosed, ducted, fume hood, more or less, releasing an impressively expanding fireball and scattering burning debris, which unexpected event dislodged the externally mounted (and admittedly jury-rigged) hydrogen cylinder from its mounting, causing its feed nozzle to separate from the still-pressurized tank, which rocketted through a very sturdy, closed-at-the-time metal roll-up door some yards away, spewing around a 30' gout of flame as it made its way out into a fortunately empty paved parking area, where, after some aimless but vigorous spinning, it settled down. The building, as it was used for such things as flammability (but not explosivity) experiments, was (I suppose still is) independent of and somewhat distant from the other buildings of the complex, and equipped with a very efficient fire-suppression system, which did its job admirably. The shock and awe of the moment was capped by a sudden, thorough drenching of the building's interior, and us as who were in the building at the time, with an amazingly effective water-foam mixture of the sort used to combat aircraft fires. The deluge was almost simultaneous with the hydrogen cylinder's exit from the building, and went on a fair while - a couple minutes at least. The suds were several feet deep on the floor when the system either ran out of stuff or determined there was no more fire. I'm sorta hazy on the details of exactly what went down in the aftermath of the show; I wasn't with the firm for the cleanup. In fact, it happened around 10:30 AM, mebbe 10:45, and I wasn't with the firm at lunchtime that day.

Edit to add: never did get a refund for the unused portion of my pre-paid cafeteria pass.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 08:51 pm
Might I say that, were Henry Cavendish not still dead he would have said COOOOL.

There was an old Alfred Hitchcock story where a guy, (trying to murder his wife) punctured a hole in the gas feed line in the basement.Then he broke all the lightbulbs in the cellar so that only the filaments were still connected but no vacuum. His wife came home, smelled the gas and turned on the basement lights . BOOOOM.

It was probably the mixture of H2 and O2 that did the exploding. If there were more H2 , it would have merely popped and burned, and who knows you may have still been part of that business.

The foamy thing is priceless, Im sure you saw this event transpiring in your head.

We used to award the annual "wood butcher award" for the best explosions in R&D and since I was always working with cintererd rare earths, I had the biggest pile of ready made deflagrating salts around . I once took a hood out (that was before they started using lexan just auto glass) I let some perchlorate solutions go to too much dryness and they blew up and scattered the hood glass all over my lab. **** happens.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2006 08:52 pm
Oh, dang, did someone burn their Bunsen again?
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