Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Tue 28 Mar, 2006 01:44 pm
c.i. wrote-

spendi, You have no idea what a worldview is.

Another worthless assertion.Vacuous.

Once again the idea that you making the assertion equates with it being true.It's incomprehensible to me that anybody thinks that by doing that they are doing anything other than showing themselves up.
I'm actually astounded.It must be agony to be within range of such empty posturing on a continuous basis.
Do you think black could turn to white just by dint of you saying it had.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Mar, 2006 02:11 pm
spendi wrote:

Do you understand "Weltanschauung"?

I rest my case.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 02:32 pm
What on.

Give us a clue willya for f***k's sake.

1-What was the straw man?

2-What does it mean saying I have no idea what a world view is?

3-What do you rest your case on?

Your last three posts.What do any of them mean?
From here they are "noises off".
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cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Mar, 2006 03:14 pm
From here they are "noises off".

Is this similar to what many a2kers believe they hear buzzing sounds? LOL
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 03:27 pm
Maybe-but give us a clue on the others.

Is everything a nuisance that you don't like?

It must be an endless series of trying days. It would be for me if I thought that.

One might easy think of it as inchoate road rage syndrome.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 03:33 pm
Buzzing does call for swatting I think.

Louder buzzing-harder swatting.

Shoot out if buzzing loud enough.

Inchoate violence in the word "buzzing" there. And inviting support.


And laughing at your own wit such as it is.


And can't get the wording right-but what does it matter-it's only A2K
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cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Mar, 2006 03:37 pm
spendi, That you would imply that somebody on a2k doesn't understand world view has very little to support it.

If you can support it, please show me.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 04:42 pm
spendi arms himself for intellectual battle as did Samson arm himself against the Philistine host.

(Those who find the allusion obscure are referred to Judges 15:16 )
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 04:45 pm
Your into that jawbone of an ass argument today, ain'tcha?
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 04:58 pm
Nah.Not really Settie.

I'm in a nice,easy going,mellow type of mood.

It takes a boil up my arsehole to get me out of that.

I had one once.

That's how I know.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:04 pm
My name is not "Settie." I hadn't addressed that remark to you. Shut your overweening ego down for a spell, 'K?

You'll know i've addressed you when i spit in your direction.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:22 pm
c.i. wrote-

spendi, That you would imply that somebody on a2k doesn't understand world view has very little to support it.

A world view is being built up from the moment the widwife smacks your arse and you get that sudden intake of breath like when you jump into a lake which is 10 degrees colder than you thought it was
with no cossy on.

It's to do with inputs.

The great writers are the ones who successfully communicate a world view.Read enough of them and you get a composite world view.But they are layered on to world views you got from before you could read and from when you could read a bit and from when you could read better and eventually a new world view which is a composite of all of it comes into view.

Crap writers do things like hating women when they are going through an expensive (i.e.traumatic) divorce and worshipping them when they meet their next loving doxie.You can easy get right confused taking any notice of them.

So I know how to tell great writers from shite graters as easy as falling off a logging camp's most in demand lady of easy virtue.

And my weltanschauung is derived from them and not all of them use words to communicate and it can't be explained in a short post such as this and to think it could is tantamount to an admission that the idea of a world view is an abstract concept and,as such,of no importance and I can even resist adding "whatsoever" so respectful of my fellow man am I.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:28 pm
spendi wrote:
A world view is being built up from the moment the widwife smacks your arse and you get that sudden intake of breath like when you jump into a lake which is 10 degrees colder than you thought it was
with no cossy on.

It's to do with inputs.

Your world view is laughable at best. he he he...
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:34 pm
Mr Setanta KMAG wrote-

My name is not "Settie." I hadn't addressed that remark to you. Shut your overweening ego down for a spell, 'K?

You'll know i've addressed you when i spit in your direction.

I'm very sorry.I apologise.I thought this was a battle of overweening egos.I hadn't realised it was a crusade to render everyone comatose.

I feel like the spare preek at the wedding.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:35 pm
Setanta wrote:
Your into that jawbone of an ass argument today, ain'tcha?

Co-inky-dink, I think - just popped up as an appropriate response a couple times in today's wanderings through the thickets of this board.
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:37 pm
Now Samson was a mighty man
And he fought with a cuddy's jaw
He fought a t'ousand battles
Wearin' crimson, flannel drawers . . .
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Tue 28 Mar, 2006 06:14 pm
timber wrote-

wanderings through the thickets of this board.

Point taken timber.

Right-you have this mixed class of 17 year olds.Some of them have a pair of tights rolled up and stuffed down each cup and a tattoo, just above where the crease begins to be discernable,of a soaring eagle, and a shiny metal stud underneath their tongue.Some of them have read of the secrets which the ones with the studs are said to conceal.Often written in terms calculated to excite a wooden gate post.

Any mention of a "bladder" causes tittering,meaningful glances and coarse jests.

And in comes the Superintendent with a sheety of paper,calls for quiet, and he proceeds to read out the 3 paragraphs which have been composed especially for the occasion in a world of parents and general all round do-gooders,busybodies and chancers.

Is that back on topic?
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Wolf ODonnell
Wed 29 Mar, 2006 04:18 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
spendi, You have no idea what a worldview is.

Actually, my Collins German dictionary translates Weltanschauung more as Philosophy of Life. However, I think they are more or less the same thing.

spendius wrote:
Once again the idea that you making the assertion equates with it being true.

But this is what you do all the time with your talk of Essdeeoids, which you still haven't explained, and Evolution triggering the descent of society into Nazism. You make an assertion and equate it with being true, without any physical proof and half-arsed logic.

Right-you have this mixed class of 17 year olds.Some of them have a pair of tights rolled up and stuffed down each cup and a tattoo, just above where the crease begins to be discernable,of a soaring eagle, and a shiny metal stud underneath their tongue.Some of them have read of the secrets which the ones with the studs are said to conceal.Often written in terms calculated to excite a wooden gate post.

Any mention of a "bladder" causes tittering,meaningful glances and coarse jests.

And in comes the Superintendent with a sheety of paper,calls for quiet, and he proceeds to read out the 3 paragraphs which have been composed especially for the occasion in a world of parents and general all round do-gooders,busybodies and chancers.

Is that back on topic?

No, it's not.
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Wed 29 Mar, 2006 05:42 am
Wolf wrote-

So, you think we shouldn't teach the students anything about electron behaviour around the nucleus. What other scientific basics do you want us to strip from science classes? The water cycle? That's oversimplified bunkum too.

Yes to the first question based on the simple fact that very few teachers,if any,in schools know anything significant about electron behaviour.My answer has no bearing on the water cycle which hardly requires advanced mathematics to present a reasonable version of it.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that your position is nonsensical.

You really need the words "I think" interpolating between "that" and "your" to avoid creating the impression that you are God.The position of another person is never non-sensical even when it claims absolute authority as your statement does.

Exactly. Now you know how I feel about your posts. They're incredibly presumptuous.

If you will show me where I will endevour to correct my crass error and apologise for it.

You believe that teaching Evolution will bring about a nightmarish dystopia, but that is far from the truth.

I have said nothing about nightmarish dystopias.Such ideas never enter my head.Nightmarish for who?You are making a personal value judgement.

You give too much credit to the power of Evolution over the human mind.

Which minds?And why have a multitude of learned people been arguing about this subject since the 1850s if it is only me. Evolution theory has power over social systems.It operates unhindered in anarchic situations and,for us,Christian theology is a veneer which mitigates some of its effects and those who seek to remove the veneer have to expect the effects.
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Wed 29 Mar, 2006 07:44 am
Two bits from The Sunday Times.

1-By AA Gill.TV critic.Relating to The Chatterley Affair.A programme about the trial of Penguin Books in which two jurors have an affair.



Could these be anything to do with the attraction to religion in some areas and in some segments of society and its vociferous rejection in other areas and segments?

If moms and dads in American suburbs can go from normal to freaks in 40 years won't they be seen as perverts before too long if religion is got rid of as evolutionary logic demands.

I can make a scientific case that monogamy is a perversion but I'm not going to because I don't agree that "whether the choices are good or bad is beside the point." The choice between good or bad is the only point as far as I'm concerned.

A couple of Dylan quotes to finish-

1-"The truth is obscure,too profound and too pure,
To live it you have to explode."

(Journey Through Dark Heat aka Where Are You Tonight.)

2-"There are no truths outside the Gates of Eden."

(Gates of Eden)
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