Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 13 Feb, 2006 08:37 pm
That's rich, I crack up when I see that. Its family friendly, no offending references or naughty bits, just good clean bunny with pancake oer it.
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Mon 13 Feb, 2006 11:29 pm
Thats actually the nearly famous Oolong, the Balancing Bunny. Here's Oolong's website Its in Japanese, but there are a couple English pages, and all the image links work. One of The Web's folkloric treasures, Oolong passed away peacefully at a respectably-old-for-a-rabbit age a couple years ago, but lives on in cyberspace. There was quite a cyber-memorial service for him - crashed his server.
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Joe Nation
Tue 14 Feb, 2006 05:49 am
Believers speak up: NYT Good Words
0 Replies
Tue 14 Feb, 2006 06:10 am
I understand that , in Philly, despite the 22 " snowstorm, the turnout was pretty good at U Penn and The Academy of Science, although, Im sure, most Philly pholks were celebrating the commensal relationship between a Philly cheeseteak and a Draft Yuengling beer.
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Tue 14 Feb, 2006 07:26 am
Is Joe Nation's quote considered to be a scientific contribution to this thread?

The "Rev Patricia" eh?

"A faith that requires you to close your mind in order to believe is not much of a faith at all."

Would someone be good enough to explain what that is supposed to mean?

Most of the signatories to the project and those preaching on Sunday were from the mainline Protestant denominations. Their congregations have shrunk sharply over the last 30 years.

A dying breed maybe.

The Clergy Letter Project said that 441 congregations in 48 states and the District of Columbia were taking part in Evolution Sunday, but that was impossible to verify independently. Around Chicago, two churches that were listed on the project's Web site as participants in the event said they were in fact not planning to deliver sermons on the subject.

Not very convincing is it?

"Sermons like this are exactly the reason we came to this church,"

I have mentioned "tailor made" religions before and here is an example.

Looks like filling up the backs of adverts to me.
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Tue 14 Feb, 2006 08:44 am

"Critically analyze" evolution, panel advises
(BILL ROBINSON, Charlotte Observer, February 14, 2006)

South Carolina's Education Oversight Committee recommended Monday that theories other than evolution -- such as "intelligent design" -- be taught in high school biology classes.
The 10-2 vote, after months of wrangling, handed a victory to state Sen. Mike Fair and allies who have pushed education policymakers to include alternatives to evolution.
State Education Superintendent Inez Tenenbaum, a Democrat who is not seeking re-election this year, said the vote would water down the quality of science education in public schools.
The EOC, the state's school reform watchdog agency, took a stand in the months-long debate between evolution theorists and those who think there are other explanations about how humans came into being.
Teachers, the EOC said, should instruct students to "critically analyze" lessons presented about evolution.
Most scientists and science educators say "critically analyze" is surrogate language for instruction emphasizing "intelligent design," whose believers credit a larger intelligence -- perhaps a divine hand -- with influencing the diversity of life.
Monday's EOC vote is strictly advisory. The state Department of Education is responsible for writing the standards that teachers should follow when designing lessons, and those standards must get the Board of Education's OK.
The earliest the state board can take up the issue again is March.
Once the state board approves teaching standards, the Education Oversight Committee gets to vote them up or down. It cannot amend the standards.
Tenenbaum urged the EOC on Monday to reject the adopted recommendation crafted as a compromise by businessman Bob Staton of Lexington.
" `Critically analyze' is not just wordsmithing," Tenenbaum said. "It carries with it a whole campaign against evolution."
She suggested biblical lessons about life can be taught legally "as an historical document" in a separate class.
"Science is not up for debate," she said.
Fair, R-Greenville, took issue with Tenenbaum, saying, "When you run out of facts, you beat up on religion."
"We've worked hard at coming up with some balance," Fair said. "We're doing something that will strengthen the science classrooms in South Carolina."
Staton, a Republican candidate for state superintendent of education, suggested putting "critically analyze" in the first sentence of the document to emphasize it as a theme for the guidelines that follow.
Staton said he offered the compromise "to move the discussion forward. We need to be thinking about what will benefit children instead of it becoming an obstacle."
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Tue 14 Feb, 2006 07:36 pm
Happy Valentine's Day to All!
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Tue 14 Feb, 2006 08:15 pm
Thanks, Lola!

Happy Valentines to you also.

Frank Apisa has been sneaking around. Any chance of Frank starting a new thread?
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Tue 14 Feb, 2006 08:41 pm
What? Frank is back? We'll see what he does.

Best to all
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Joe Nation
Wed 15 Feb, 2006 05:19 am
The "Rev Patricia" eh?

"A faith that requires you to close your mind in order to believe is not much of a faith at all."

Would someone be good enough to explain what that is supposed to mean?

I smiled at the opening misogynistic aside.
Those silly women, Eh?
What, still stuck in the twentieth century, are we? No?
The Nineteenth?
Turn up the hearing aids on your brain.

Yes. I will explain what "A faith that requires you to close your mind in order to believe is not much of a faith at all." means.

It means exactly what it says. It is as simple a statement as could be made without being poetic.

Joe(of course, it was uttered by a woman, so ... .)Nation
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 05:53 am
spendi has been consistent in his belief that half the planets population should be kept barefoot and pregnant. I think , someday, when anyone gives a ****, we should explore that side of him further.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 07:00 am
Well Joe-

What can anybody say when-

Yes. I will explain what "A faith that requires you to close your mind in order to believe is not much of a faith at all." means.

And we wait with baited breath for the explanation and this is it-

It means exactly what it says. It is as simple a statement as could be made without being poetic.

Which is a long wided version of the well known schoolgirl response-"Cos!" (Because!).

Brilliant.How perfectly housetrained you are with that.It would be pointless you turning up your hearing aid.

The Rev lady could easily be shown to have a closed mind on a great number of issues which I will refrain from going into for obvious reasons.

One would imagine from your general tone that you are out demonstrating to have an equal number of women presidents,vice presidents and defence secretaries as you have had men.And generals and football players and coal miners and sea fishermen and-oh-just look through most dangerous jobs on Google.And most dirty.

Tokenism isn't policy-it's a plaything.

There are women airline pilots but I read that no passenger jet has ever taken off with a woman pilot and a woman copilot.I know that the tragic shuttle had a lady commander but she wasn't at the controls.

It is you who demean women.They are special.We men are expendable.Feminism has run the average woman off a cliff so that a few thousand pushies could make a name for themselves and here in England at least they are beginning to wake up to the dirty trick that's been played on them.

Simple irresponsibility.Chucking in the towel.Do you really think women respect men who give in to them?A 50% divorce rate suggests not and such a rate is proof that the relationship has broken down given the other factors holding marriages together.

I'll admit you'll be more popular than me but I'm not a chorus girl.

Try taking the pharmaceuticals away.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 07:17 am
fm wrote-

spendi has been consistent in his belief that half the planets population should be kept barefoot and pregnant.

That's like throwing darts at the wrong side of the dartboard.

Women should be esconsed in luxurious boudoirs and hardly ever get pregnant and they should be free to choose their next male friend for any reason they see fit.Three at a time if they fancy.

Ask the Rev Patricia if she has an open mind on that.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 07:50 am
I rest my case
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 07:58 am
Which case is that fm?

I thought you worked on scientific biology at the expense of social function.

Maybe you misunderstand the "should".There is scientific evidence to clearly demonstrate that the scenario I depicted in quite natural.And there is a clear record for those who take the trouble to look for it how that scenario was curtailed.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 08:06 am

It is stupifying that-

No 1 Joe explains a statement by repeating it and

No 2 You think "I rest my case" is an argument.

You are failing to distinguish between women who have a choice and women who don't.The fomer,minority though they are,are a good guide to true femininity and biological imperitives.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 08:11 am
your attempts at argument are "precious" to say the least.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 08:12 am

State drops analysis of evolution
(Catherine Candisky, THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH, February 15, 2006)

The State Board of Education yesterday stripped controversial provisions from science standards that critics said promoted the teaching of intelligent design.

After narrowly rejecting a similar attempt last month, the board voted 11-4 to eliminate portions of its curriculum guidelines for 10 th-grade biology and an accompanying lesson plan that called for the critical analysis of evolution. It also directed a committee to determine whether a replacement lesson is necessary.

The reversal marked another setback for the intelligent-design movement, which holds that some life forms are too complex to be explained by Darwin's theory of evolution and that a higher authority must have played a role. In December, a federal judge ruled that the Dover, Pa., school board violated the constitutional separation of church and state by ordering that students be taught intelligent design.

Also last year, a federal judge ordered the school system in suburban Atlanta's Cobb County to remove from biology textbooks stickers that called evolution a theory, not a fact.

"The (Ohio) board has protected itself from legal action," Patricia Princehouse, a biology professor at Case Western Reserve University and a leading critic of Ohio's curriculum guidelines, said after yesterday's vote.

"We (now) have science standards that do not try and indoctrinate students."

Although the guidelines did not mention intelligent design except for a disclaimer, critics said information came from intelligent-design and creationist literature. Singling out evolution for critical analysis unfairly undermines Darwin's theory and invites religion into the classroom, they said.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 08:29 am
fm wrote-

your attempts at argument are "precious" to say the least.

Ill purge all my hatred(or try to)
Live as a free man again
Do as I like when I want to
go where I choose to and when

I'm only as "precious" as that sig.line if you change "free man" to "free woman".Such a woman has the choice.
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Wed 15 Feb, 2006 08:36 am
We sincerely welcome the great state of Ohio into the 21st Century.

spendius.-My sig line is merely a quote written by a man about himself. I have no reson or desire to change his words for your benefit. Just let it ride, youre your own best opponent.
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