Quote said-
Quote:Critics say intelligent design is a thinly disguised promotion of religion that lacks any basis in science.
wande say-
Quote:hypothesis: a proposed explanation that can be verified, modified, or refuted
Suppose,just for the sake of argument,that some science says that religion is holding the line above a general descent into monkeydom.Monkeys,which other sciences say we are descendents of,would,now they can talk and think, vote for a descent back into monkeydom because it is fed up of all these moral strictures holding them back from their natural state in which flashing a tit at the Superbowl is merely a foretaste of the proceedings.
Wouldn't that test the hypothesis quoted or would it simply be a question of whether social science had priority over physical science in the battle for the "soul" of the nation and easier to win if the next generation have been softened up correctly,whichever way is correct.
A democratic process worthy of a nation which a president said would rather have liberty than good government.(Ike).
Was the Superbowl exhibition the sharp end of the SDers argument.How could any self-respecting monkey object to that itsy-bitsy peek no matter how posh it had got?