Sorry, I was giving you a pass understanding the FUNCTIONS of the various molecules (speciiclly the big polymers like RNA. Functions that include the growth, respiration, digestion, movment etc. Youve seemed to obsess only upon the information and informational transmission processing. I was mrely referencing functionaries among an organims " molecular "parts" that carry out th electron transport chain (like the mitochondrion)
mutations can and do occur anywhere in a tissue, organ , or cellular function and the result has absolutely nothing to do with an "intelligence" behind it all. The latst viral and bacterial and rickettsial disease mutations sem to bar this observation out.
Ive used an referenced several functions that weve been able to "track" the origins of macro an micro evolution at cellular to organismal lvel. Like the inabilty to produce Vitamin C , was a protein function in a single digestion pathway that arose from changes in th GULO about 6 my ago (AND for the most part, how thy show up as extant as well as "Pseudogenes" from PCR DATA genomes studied between monkeys (old worlD) and the'great apes. Weve been able to trace the evolution of recent human iseses from a genomic stanpoint o that the "Biological history" of covid 19 is bginning to sho us an wvolutionary pathway of mutations an related outomes much like weve been able to trace the development of :beneficial" results from mutation of uch bacteriological diseases lik MALARIA. , mot by gene transfer at the chromosomal level
Sorry if you dint pick up what Ive been saying an differentiating between SOMATIC and GENETIC structures,
I think th GULO story will provide some answers to how a genic mutation can occur and how this can occur at the microcellular lvel.
You wre trying to explain some point lat yar in which you were using the ork ofKArl Woese. I added Lynn Margulis (a more controversial prson who Creationists love to flog for some "Wilder Ideas") to te list and I thought you were up to speed about gene transfer and acquisition of ntire genomes.
Remember, this i supposed to be a dsicusion re: ID v SCience or Religion. ou seemingly have been stuck on one function and transmission . Youve ignored much of hat science has been finding and Ill go out on a limb to say that youve been obsessing (like all the DI staffrs), that wvolution i only a fact if an IDer i incharge.
Actually, to science, if it shows up thar real data supports Intel Design, it woulnt rally matter to science, it woul still try to fin out ho hit happns only now then woul there be a"Intelligent Origins" dept be added to biology an geosciences . I am obsessed with what I consider a FACT, that no credible evidence (other than evidence -free philosophical discussions have ensued)
Specified Complexity _a Demski point, has, in my mind been dbunked because all our rcent mutational and evolutionary information sees no ANAGENETIC direction of evolution (conier covid, GULO and covi19). The IDer would, were any of these be proof of a god incharge (Or an a-religious based IDr) , this organism or whatever, would be one callous dude
Irreducible Complexity- so far, very attempt at validating this big idea has crashd and burnt.
ANAGENESIS-rnt Mayr was quite succesful at debunking this idea more than 45 years ago.
Sorry that I was unclear in my failure to istinguish the functions of proteins and aminos an my ol fav s ,purines an pyrimidines.