First, this thread is about the distinction between evolutionary theory and the fantasy known as "intelligent design." It is not about the possible singularity, the probable existence of which lead a Belgian
Catholic priest to coin the term "big bang." Second, you seem to have completely failed to appreciate that all the physical laws of our cosmos came into existence at the time of the singularity event, idiotically referred to as "the big bang." Third, you also completely fail to establish that any such "mainstream science's" fantasy exists.
No one is obliged to untangle the silly fantasies you cobble together when you watch some idiot youtube video, and either take to heart the witless propaganda embodied therein, come up with a confused narrative, all your own, born of your ignorance and confusion.
Back to the topic of the thread for once, OK?
If you expect anyone to take you seriously, you need to provide evidence for your claims, and no matter what you say here, your confused babble about quantum mechanics and chemistry constitutes an unsubstantiated claim.
You still have not given even a brief bibliography of reliable books on quantum mechanics and chemistry which you have read.