HOX genes are interesting but hardly the answer. HOX genes basically direct the the axial order of gross anatomy - head, then neck, then arms, torso, legs, etc. That works great if you are making paper dolls.
I’m looking for the detail explaining how all the millions of details are documented. How do you describe something as complex as just a human hand, let alone a brain.
This and how we could work on them like a biological CAD program was what was promised by the human genome project but it hasn’t delivered much yet, certainly not those blueprints to the human body we expected.
What we got from HOX was how to **** up a fruit fly with an extra pair of non functional wings. Interesting but no cigar.
HOX is not the answer. It
might be a clue on where To look next. I’m not saying it’s not there, it may be encoded so deeply that it will take another century to find it. But that level of sophistication and cryptography also points to an intelligent designer.