Phil Johnson's re-incarnation of Macbeths , earlier
DARWIN RETRIEDD is a book that , as Gould said in his review
"Is nothing more than a long magazine article allowed by generaous editors....The book is poorly written, full of errors, and based on false citeria..."
Johnson's hypothesis was nothing more than an apologiea for a "long Creation" with no doubt which deity was in control.
Whether you deny it or not Johnson started it all for you guys by forwarding this tome for consideration shortly after the time that the US SUpreme Court struck down the "Scientific Creationism being taught s science in Louisiana public schools". Your band of happy warriors had quickly circled the wagons about him (even though the books reasoning is simple-assed and lacking in any knowledge f facts in science). The Ahmansons threw out seed money and the show was on.
Then, and what is really laughable, ever since Dover, the IDers have totally reversed their adoration of Johnson and have been denying that they are a religious based team and that theyve been preaching a "scientific approach" all along. (Piling on religion has gotten to be a house industry by the Discovery Institute these last 10 years)
That's really why your and Leadfoots words ring hollow, by denying (or claiming ignorance) of the entire recent movement, you are right in line by attempting to cut your ties to Johnson.
See, in science we do really dumb things. We come out with "Piltdown Men" and Nebraska men" and aviornes, and PE. However, we have the guts to say "We fucked up" and then we go off and try to correct the findings. Conclusions are reserved until everything "Works" a(As Dr Dawkins said)
ID is , in my estimate, a big corporation based on a false pretense . I think you guys oughta go back to Norm MAcbeths book , where the rgument is not as fact-free as Johnson"s