Ive addressed Frank on his "issue" for several YEARS. Hes trying to embody the concept of
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".
1. So far as I see it, no evidence exists that even suggests the existence of an intelligent designer. All evidence , instead seems to support a world in which lifes basic information banks respond to ,often, cataclysmic shifts in the planets environment. Life also responds to environmental shifts that are wrought by humans
The process of natural selection, which is the mechanism for all these above responses, has never been shown , by the ID folks,( who are those who actually give a **** about inserting gods into their scince) to even suggest the validity of ID.
Ive let ID research be the sole focus of several national (heavily funded) ID organizations.These organizations, like the Discovery Institute or The Institute for Creation Research have spent HUUUGE amounts of time and money studying and trying to impose "scientific rules" about the presence of a SUpremely Intelligent Designer in the Universe over the last 15 or 20 years ( ever sincePhillip Johnston changed the title of "Scientific Creationism" to "Intelligent Design"), and Ive even cheered them on by suggesting areas of research that they may look into (like convergent evolution or to pursue the fossil record of such organisms as bats).
SO far, all these organizations have not produced anything scientifically compelling as promised (except for very slick ads and sound bites and equally slick blogs all funded by the Ahmanson family in the US).
"Methodological Naturalism" is an assumed baseline by which Ive pursued all my geological research over the years. I would have no idea in hell how we would even go about inserting some sub task by which we "hunt for gods or god-like tracks". Even if we tried, this would violate everything that the scientific method imposes upon us. (Besides, how do we do Poppers review on something like that??-Its so unfalsifiable that wed have to change the very rules of logic to even squeeze in a simple research proposal on ID)
The scientific pursuit of knowledge about the rise of life is quite clear and is all falsifiable (this fact is demonstrated so nicely every time we come in from the field and start hacking away at our samples)
Most recently, in SOuth Africa weve seen the discovery of two new hominid fossil groups. One, a new species of Australopithecus, and another, a new species of Homo. Each fits in a narrow band of cave stratigraphy and each demonstrates the growing fact that the ancestry of humans dont follow a strait line "tree pf life" but seems to follow a "Bush of life" in which any specific branch of the two genera dont seem to follow anything "intelligently based" beyond a physiologico- structural response that can be seen to follow a climate that had become increasingly arid allowed the formation of vast Savannahs beyond a shrinking core of a previous continental sized rain forest that had begun shrinking as a geological response to the breakup of a supercontinent that had begun maybe 200 million years before.
The geology of the pile-ups and breakups of supercontinental masses had gone on in the present "Atlantic basin" for at least 3 separate events that geologists had interpreted in the 1990s . Thee events are still going on today and Ill be damned if I can see any intervention of some god-like creature messin with tectonics
As Will Durant once said
"Everything thats happened on earth has been at the exclusive pleasure of geology"
Theres really no place for any real science to get done if we insert some god into the mix. Once someone does that, his or her research comes to a screeching halt . Really, Franks demand that we search for something that shows that "THIS IS THE WAY AN INTELLIGENCE WOULD DESIGN HIS WORLD" is something that science has no time for because we work under imposed budgets , organizational research strictures, common sense, and only finally -- PEER REVIEW.
Frank has stated about what he feels science should be about and how scientists should proceed. He has no idea of anything hes talking about in that realm. Hes out of his fairway and he has no concept in hell of what he speaks. This has, as far as Ive observed, never been an issue of concern to him, since he is worth an opinion on any subject even though he may know nothing about that .
Frank is infused with New Jersey Machismo instead of scientific competence. He is, at least highly predictable (he even used to be entertaining when he didnt tie his entire A2K existence on his "Possible existence of gods defining the possibility of ID"
"If we had eggs we could have bacon and eggs, if we had bacon"