Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Solius Symbiosus
Tue 19 Jun, 2012 07:28 am
Setana wrote:
Stay tuned, folks, up next: Piltdown Man: Fiction or Fantasy? . . .

Yes, do drag up something from over 100 years ago to make a point! Hey science deniers: Tiktaalik-- game, set, match!
Tue 19 Jun, 2012 07:41 am
@Solius Symbiosus,
Solius Symbiosus wrote:
Yes, do drag up something from over 100 years ago to make a point! Hey science deniers: Tiktaalik-- game, set, match!
Don't be silly, Satan created Tiktaalik and hid it in the rocks to test people's faith. Talking snakes rule!
Solius Symbiosus
Tue 19 Jun, 2012 04:52 pm
That is laugh out loud funny! All hail talking snakes.... oops! Wrong god.
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Wed 20 Jun, 2012 03:27 pm
@Solius Symbiosus,
Hey science deniers: Tiktaalik-- game, set, match!

They're all science deniers on here SS. Did you not know? Some people deploy the gambit of "science denier" to try to pretend they are not science deniers themselves. It's a running joke on this thread.

They just pick and choose some bits of science to try to undermine the Pope's message about underpants down positions. Some simple bits of course. And they search high and low for some nutcase Fundie as a typical example of a Christian. As if you couldn't prove anything with a scientific method like that.
Fri 6 Jul, 2012 08:45 am
A recent entry on the Acronym game by you know who.


Everytime Xanthippe practiced esoteric, religious incantations Empedocles' nodosity carried ELECTRICAL stimulations.

(a twitch it was called in those days but Science has put us straight on that sort of silly, anachronistic terminology.)

I think it has some relevance here for those who understand what this argument is all about in the real world.
Fri 14 Sep, 2012 09:37 am
In the Hofstadter, Aaron, Miller book The United States there is this--

Of the $350 million spent on research by American colleges and universities in 1952--1953, 90 per cent was earmarked for the physical or biological sciences. Thoughtful educators worried lest the nation develop an educated class whose technical skills far surpassed their humanistic understanding.

From what I've seen "transcended" might be a better word.
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Mon 17 Sep, 2012 01:28 am
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Mon 17 Sep, 2012 01:54 am
@Solius Symbiosus,
Well you're real slick, Bubba. I made that remark, tongue in cheek, seven and a half years ago when the thread was started. Get yourself a sense of humor.
Mon 17 Sep, 2012 11:16 am
Setanta should get on topic. It's trolling coming on to blow your own trumpet and instruct others about their sense of humour.
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Thu 11 Oct, 2012 08:19 am
Yesterday I was flipping through channels and for some reason I stop on a show trying to prove Creationism. Yup, human and dinosaur footprints totally from the same time period. Damn fools. Cool
Thu 11 Oct, 2012 08:32 am
who was showing it, jc?
Thu 11 Oct, 2012 08:35 am
I'm not positive but I think it was one of those religious channels, TBN I believe. I changed the channel Cool
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Thu 11 Oct, 2012 08:38 am
The Alley Oopian . . .


EDIT: This was posted in response to the last post, after JC's post, which the member has now, inexplicably, removed.
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Thu 11 Oct, 2012 09:43 am
Those dino and human footprints in the same strata was a neat hoax from the 1970's when the "Cornerstone Project" of the ChristianNetwork was eally humming. During that time, the US was being flogged by several states that were considereing or actually had installed the teaching of Creationsim in SCience classes (Loiuisiana being the most famous). The Cornerstone project had a number of real jerk-off Creation "Scientists" going around looking for **** and reporting on things that tried to cast doubt on everyday science.
These guys were hunting for "Noah's ARk", reporting on Mkele Mbemeb (a supposed left over Diplodocus or Apatosaur) AND--the foot prints of humans and diconaurs from thePAluxy River SHale in TEXAS (remember this was TEXAS).
It made the news and many real paleontologists were invited down to investigate. Most dismissed the concept and said "no thanks but I gotta get a haircut that day:
It later turned out that these two hill country hillbillies had carved the footprints by emebelleshing already existing dino tracks (they merely added toes). A geologist from NEw MExico TEch came down and did some macro photography of the prints and determined that the toe prints were carved and not "splatted" like footprints in mud was wont to do. It turned out as a mystery no more and the Creationists kept their mouths shut for a bunch of years. NOW I see that, enough time has passed so they can bring up the PAluxy Footprints again.

Thu 11 Oct, 2012 10:47 am
Sticky critters ain't they fm? Perhaps they enjoy watching you lot fulminate.
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Sat 20 Oct, 2012 12:17 pm
Its been awhile since I posted since my email was hacked and I just managed to figure out how to get back in since my alternate email password recovery was incorrect, I managed to get it all straightened out just today.

I began reviewing the replies again and decided to comment on your reply here since its an absurd rebuttal.
"This statement ios irrelevant and only partially correct (Re: the scientsist of the past}.
Newton was a "believer" and he was a;lso an alchemist. SHould you cherry pick his beliefs that assisted in the developmet of his various laws?

Newton was also a vegetarian, was this important to calculus?"

Really? You have completely missed my point here. I think you missed it due to your persistent desire to reply with any opposing argument you can think of at the time.

The whole point of my post was to reveal to you how Scientists of the past had no problem Holding true to their faith while holding true to science as well because unlike you, and most of modern scientists, they understood that science does not prove God or the scriptures false. The 2 are not a positive and negative.
When YOUR modern perception of opposing (without reason or logic) is faced with scientific evidence of an intelligence above and beyond your pitiful puny human self, you get scared and lash out with any reply you can.

Your method of doing so is with insult and a patronizing tone. It merely shows a weakness of character and intelligence and an inability to keep an open mind to something you cannot prove wrong. I've heard it all before by many of whom hold to the same bitter, angry, badger like opposition to anything higher than themselves, fairy tale, bedtime story, the great spaggeti monster in the sky.
These are ridiculous, immature, ignorant responses that simply attempt to tear down any statement made from those who have faith even through science.

Your reply was absolutely irrelevant to my point. My point was not stating that Their faith aided in the development of their science. I was stating that they did not find an opposing negative between the 2 as so many today. The only thing that polarizes the 2 today is the false perception that science proves that there is no God.

Think about it.


Sat 20 Oct, 2012 01:09 pm
TruthSeeker says:

When YOUR modern perception of opposing (without reason or logic) is faced with scientific evidence of an intelligence above and beyond your pitiful puny human self, you get scared and lash out with any reply you can

What scientific evidence? No one has ever presented any such credible evidence. Intelligent Design certainly isn't, since every bit of evidence alleged has been shown repeatedly to be factually in error, and no evidence has held up that meets its two basic criteria.
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Sat 20 Oct, 2012 01:11 pm
I think fm knows he can't prove there is no God. It's the Roman Catholic Church fm is after. He doesn't agree with its rules of conduct. Admittedly not that many do. But it doesn't get up most people's noses like it must have got up fm's long ago when his views ossified.

The GPS. (The Great Pantsdown Secret).

Sat 20 Oct, 2012 01:19 pm
The Catholic church accepted evolution as the fact decades ago. They say Intelligent Design is bad science. Why do you keep arguing a position on their behalf that they don't agree with, Spendius?
reasoning logic
Sat 20 Oct, 2012 02:00 pm
You and TruthSeeker123 seem to have a common understanding of science, did TruthSeeker123 go to the same pub as you to learn his science as well?
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