I think the spikey things on the tongue bar are made of that bendy rubber stuff.
Ever seen two teenagers get their braces caught together while kissing?
Well, what if the spikey tongue thingy and the vibrating "down-there" ring
thingy get tangled together, and both were set on high speed?
I don't mean to be a worry-wart, but aren't there dangers involved?
That might be a good time to have an integrated camera. And a cellphone
to call 911 at the same time. "Hthelp! B-R-R-ung-ung-Hthelp us Pthlease!"
I'd hate to be the insurance agent covering personal electronic devices,
but what IS the world coming to?
Please tell me insurance covers it . . . comprehensive? Traveller's? Home? Libido insurance? What do I need?
Two brief updates:
Vibrating Nokia self-pleasure - yours for £1.50
"The Purring Kitty transforms Nokia mobile phones into discreet, vibrating massagers"
Woman wearing vibrating panties passes out while shopping
I have grown unfavorable towards my friends vibrating phone. It reminds me of a nasty bug from David Cronenbergs films or something. Make you just want to crash it so that it will stop being so irratating.
I don't know. After the "cell phones cause testicular cancer" and 'cell phones cause brain tumors" I think I'll stick to using em just for talking.
Imagine having to call Mom and Dad to tell them you have cancer... And, why.
I suppose it will work wonders, after it becomes well known, in keeping people from using your cell phone, though.
Where can I get one?
Ill post my number on the internet with this message:
Please call back immediatly if I dont answer!
Its an emergency!!!