should have read 'on the OTHER hand'
Just for you Setanta:
Manchester & the Northwest Region of England
Manchester is one of Britain's largest metropolitan conurbations, set in the old county of Lancashire, on the west side of the Pennine Hills, which form the backbone of the country. It was here that the modern world was born through the enterprise, industry and early development of its merchant skills, the coincidental admixture of climate, suitable natural resources and geography, the inventiveness of its people, the early building of transport infrastructures, and a powerful industrial entrepreneurial spirit which has long typified the region. The county still produces more than half of Britain's manufactured goods and consumables.
Manchester has been inhabited for more than 2000 years, since the then future Roman Emperor Agricola built a fort just north of the site of present day Manchester, though it was not until the 18th century that this hitherto remote and inconspicuous little town sprang into the forefront of world attention by being the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. The city and innumerable small towns and villages surrounding it saw the rapid growth of factories manufacturing merchandise for the textile industry, and became the prime region for this industry until its decline in the 1950s, when cheaper foreign imports sounded the death knell for the region's pre-eminence.
Manchester is a big place. While 2.6 million people live within its actual boundaries, over 7 million others live in the wider region, making it second only to London in Great Britain. For 11 million people living within 50 miles of the City , it is the place where they come to work, or to shop or to visit the many attractions and entertainments which only a large city such as this could hope to offer.
Manchester is an international centre. "The Times" newspaper places 80 of its top 100 companies in the city and over 60 Foreign and International Banks operate from here. Some 46,000 students currently study for Higher Education at its colleges and universities. More than 90 world airlines fly into Manchester Airport from 165 destinations world wide. In 1993 over 13 million people passed through the airport terminal, and that figure is soon expected to surpass 22 million.
The Metropolitan County of Greater Manchester has the most extensive motorway network in the United Kingdom. It is accessible by road, rail and air. Manchester is 2½ hours from London by Intercity trains, of which there are on average 17 departures every day. The city has the UK's first modern street operating rail system - Metrolink - which other UK cities are eager to emulate.
It is cosmopolitan - it offers more than 30 styles of foreign cuisine, with distinctive Chinese and Asian areas of speciality. It has 80 golf courses, more theatres than any other city outside London, two Premier League football teams, two major television companies, three Universities, two symphony orchestras, and many small chamber ensembles. It leads the field in music. Since the mid-1980s, Manchester popular music has dominated music charts.
It is also, by virtue of its central location within the British Isles, an excellent base for tourism. Within 1 hour's drive are 3 major National Parks (the Lake District, the Peak District, and the Snowdonia National Park). Also within an hour's drive are the seaside towns of the Fylde coast of Lancashire (Blackpool, Lytham St Annes, Southport, Morecambe, Fleetwood), as well as the great cities of Lancaster, York, Chester and Liverpool.
The City also has many fine listed buildings. Within the greater region are 170 tourist attractions including some 34 historic houses, country parks, moors, plains, hills and 8 theme parks all within an hour's drive away. For people in the locality, Manchester is a place to live - for some it is a place to do business - and for others it is increasingly becoming a place to visit as a Tourist.
smorgs lives there!