The Case of Pornography

extra medium
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:34 pm
Discreet wrote:
Or when you are surfing the internet for hot girls you keep clicking on new websites until you find what you like. This can take hours of your time

Sounds like the voice of experience. Twisted Evil

Well I guess at least you are probably Discreet about it?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 02:56 am
NobleCon wrote:
Yes, precisely; not directly related to it, but only indirectly, at not on all cases. There is a variety of adult entertainment- this I understand.

As I posted earlier in this thread, I felt as if the female actress was slightly "slave-handled" here and there, and not always. To my reception of it, she seemed to enjoy it only in particular scenes, and not in others. And the sex was a tad harsh; and, it seemed to me, painful, not enjoyable.

I do not know. Maybe it is just me. Others have told me (even in this thread) that for my age I should be more sexually open, and not "repressed."[/[/i]quote]

This is exacty the point I was trying to make. We take our cues about how we "should" be sexually from things we see (porn) in the case of some, or even from what strangers might say on an internet forum. This is the part that kind of scares me.

It's not just you- and even if it is just you - that's okay. Because when it comes to sex, consent is everything. Whenever power and control is inserted, in any way, even in just the suggestion that because you don't feel comfortable doing something, you might not be "normal", it becomes a manipulation of some sort and yeah, that's bothersome.

I'm a pretty sexually open person - not gonna go into detail - but you can take my word for it- and as open as I know myself to be - I can see the validity in some of your questions.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 04:35 am
Why didn't my quote from Noblecon get put in one of those nice, neat little boxes with"Noblecon wrote" in bold like everyone else seems to be able to get? Do I need to do something besides clicking on quote? Can somebody help me out here?
(Along with being a porn "virgin", I'm also somewhat of a technological idiot). Embarrassed Thanks.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 04:56 am
aidan wrote:
Why didn't my quote from Noblecon get put in one of those nice, neat little boxes with"Noblecon wrote" in bold like everyone else seems to be able to get? Do I need to do something besides clicking on quote? Can somebody help me out here?
(Along with being a porn "virgin", I'm also somewhat of a technological idiot). Embarrassed Thanks.

Assuming from the itallics in the end-quote (the [/quote]), I'd say that you put another code in between the brackets. Is there a [/i] in the quote box? Looking like this if you were to edit it.:


If that's the case, then just move the [/i] infront of the quote bracket Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:14 am
Thanks Sanctuary.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 09:39 am
Bella Dea wrote:
NobleCon wrote:

One more note: there are many items in your posts (on this thread) parados that speak of me without proper evidence- brief and loose replies in a forum are not sufficient to arrive at such solid claims about my own tastes in sex and of my sexual history. This is not appropriate in the least.

We can only gather that you do not approve of such behaviors you see in these films and therefore do not engage in sex that is in the least bit straying from the "norm" of traditional sex. What else should we think?

Bella Dea wrote:
NobleCon wrote:

You ask if anyone is turned on by "traditional" relations anymore? There are some out there...so I hope.

Traditional, how? What is "traditional" sex? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but people didn't just learn how to have "dirty" sex. It's been around as long as sex has.

I want to know why Nobelcon hasn't answered either of my questions. I am genuinely interested in his answers.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 12:29 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
We can only gather that you do not approve of such behaviors you see in these films and therefore do not engage in sex that is in the least bit straying from the "norm" of traditional sex. What else should we think?

Traditional, how? What is "traditional" sex? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but people didn't just learn how to have "dirty" sex. It's been around as long as sex has.

I want to know why Nobelcon hasn't answered either of my questions. I am genuinely interested in his answers.

I have not answered your questions because I was on the run for a student with an incomplete I submitted for her in 2003. She phoned the chair of the department, the chair phoned me, and I rushed to the college to submit my change of grade and a letter on her behalf for the Dean of Student Affairs. My apologies for not responding sooner.

Well, you should not "think" that of me; I would not assume such things from my replies. As for the behaviours you mention, I do not approve of every one of them- some, yes, but not all. And concerning the sorts of sex I engage in, at times they can be named "traditional," others not. :wink: My ex-girlfriend enjoyed many things that others would find completely "kinky," with no exceptions.

"Traditional" sex could apply to that form of sex devoid of such "kinks."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 02:56 pm
aidan wrote:

This is exacty the point I was trying to make. We take our cues about how we "should" be sexually from things we see (porn) in the case of some, or even from what strangers might say on an internet forum. This is the part that kind of scares me.

It's not just you- and even if it is just you - that's okay. Because when it comes to sex, consent is everything. Whenever power and control is inserted, in any way, even in just the suggestion that because you don't feel comfortable doing something, you might not be "normal", it becomes a manipulation of some sort and yeah, that's bothersome.

I'm a pretty sexually open person - not gonna go into detail - but you can take my word for it- and as open as I know myself to be - I can see the validity in some of your questions.

You have hit on a very valid point aidan. This is why we need to be more open and honest about sexuality. Hiding it means that people pick it up where they can and often they get the wrong ideas.

3 things I think everyone should know about sex.
1. Sex is great
2. Sex is a form of intimacy
3. Sex almost always comes with emotional consequences and sometimes with physical consequences

2 and 3 need to be taught so people can figure out when they are actually ready for it.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 03:00 pm
Gotta add one more thing parados to your list.

4. Anything goes during sex, provided both partners are consenting adults.

I don't want Noblecon to think I am saying he should be more freaky. What he does in his bedroom is his own business. I just want him to know that just because he doesn't think it is "normal" doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 03:06 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
Gotta add one more thing parados to your list.

4. Anything goes during sex, provided both partners are consenting adults.

I don't want Noblecon to think I am saying he should be more freaky. What he does in his bedroom is his own business. I just want him to know that just because he doesn't think it is "normal" doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.

I would lump your number 4 in with my number 2. What can be more intimate than sharing all those kinky desires with someone else, let alone acting them out? Twisted Evil
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 06:56 am
parados wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
Gotta add one more thing parados to your list.

4. Anything goes during sex, provided both partners are consenting adults.

I don't want Noblecon to think I am saying he should be more freaky. What he does in his bedroom is his own business. I just want him to know that just because he doesn't think it is "normal" doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.

I would lump your number 4 in with my number 2. What can be more intimate than sharing all those kinky desires with someone else, let alone acting them out? Twisted Evil

True...but you don't need true intimacy to do the nasty. You can have kinky sex with the one you love but also kinky sex with a stranger. Which is why I think it's different. Smile
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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 11:31 am
Bella Dea wrote:
parados wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
Gotta add one more thing parados to your list.

4. Anything goes during sex, provided both partners are consenting adults.

I don't want Noblecon to think I am saying he should be more freaky. What he does in his bedroom is his own business. I just want him to know that just because he doesn't think it is "normal" doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.

I would lump your number 4 in with my number 2. What can be more intimate than sharing all those kinky desires with someone else, let alone acting them out? Twisted Evil

True...but you don't need true intimacy to do the nasty. You can have kinky sex with the one you love but also kinky sex with a stranger. Which is why I think it's different. Smile

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watchmakers guidedog
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 09:55 pm
aidan wrote:
I can see the validity in some of your questions.

Unfortunately this would require NobleCon to take a stand on the issue and say something meaningful.

For example. "The increasing violence of pornography is bad, because it will encourage people's sex-lives to become more violent." Would be a complete statement. Opinion and justification neatly expressed.

However as of now what we've seen has been mostly an attempt to express an aesthetic distaste in terms of overriding moral generalisations. NobleCon either needs to admit that he simply doesn't like a particularly variety of pornography, or he needs to actually make a stand one way or the other on the issue and provide reasons for it.

You don't have to like pornography. You can even want to ban it. But be clear about your reasons and where you're coming from.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 01:50 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
I don't want Noblecon to think I am saying he should be more freaky. What he does in his bedroom is his own business. I just want him to know that just because he doesn't think it is "normal" doesn't mean it's wrong or bad.

I understand completely, Bella. And, I agree with your statements: what I find to be other than "normal" is not, to my mind that is, therefore wrong or right, bad or good, better than or worse than some one thing because of my reception of it. This argument would not pass mustard.

Moral sentiments are not, in general, conclusive and solid. -NobleCon
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 01:56 pm
watchmakers guidedog wrote:
aidan wrote:
I can see the validity in some of your questions.

Unfortunately this would require NobleCon to take a stand on the issue and say something meaningful.

For example. "The increasing violence of pornography is bad, because it will encourage people's sex-lives to become more violent." Would be a complete statement. Opinion and justification neatly expressed.

However as of now what we've seen has been mostly an attempt to express an aesthetic distaste in terms of overriding moral generalisations. NobleCon either needs to admit that he simply doesn't like a particularly variety of pornography, or he needs to actually make a stand one way or the other on the issue and provide reasons for it.

You don't have to like pornography. You can even want to ban it. But be clear about your reasons and where you're coming from.

My apologies if my sentiments on this matter have not been clear and meaningful; perhaps I have myself to blame. Of course, I was under the impression that not only have I "taken a stand" but also have expressed the reason for that stand via "meaningful" (declarative) sentences. If this is not the case, then I apologize.

And it is nothing more than an "aesthetic distaste," a sentiment; in a word, a matter of taste exclusively. I believed I noted "where I am coming from" in conjunction with my reasons. Once more, I apologize for not clearing up the matter.
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Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 11:33 am
That is a lame argument. If you remove "choice" all sex sex is wrong, rape. Porn stars HAVE choice. Women leave the porn industry all the time. Sorry you don't like "vigorous sex" but that does not equate to force or slavery. Maybe it was different in the 70s (Linda Lovelace) but today no one in mainstream porn is forced into the business. It is quick money, and to some easy money. Hard to believe but there are actually women who enjoy "vigorous sex". Getting paid well to do something you enjoy (sex) is a far cry from slavery. Actually sounds like the definition of the perfect job, you know "Find something you love then figure a way to make a living doing it".
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Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2015 05:49 am
You realize do you not that there's a gazillion other examples of modern porn right? Whatever you're looking at doesn't define modern pornography.

That said, in the sense that modern actors all look like prostitutes now, I still prefer the content from the 70s and early 80s. Less silicone, more hair, more real people not doing it fulltime.
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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2018 07:53 pm
Pornography is BAD. I know this is a view that very few on this forum will agree with, because if you are "into" porn you will seek sights like this. People who are not habitual porn viewers would not even type the word "porn" in their searches. I speak as one who from an early age had a very strong fascination with women's physicality and sex in general. In my time of growing up (in the sixties) there was no porn by today's standards. The closest thing available was "glamour" magazines depicting women in various stages of undress but NEVER showing their sexual parts. This for me as a teenager was very frustrating, as I longed to know what a woman/girl looked like "down there". In fact I saw a **** in reality before I ever saw it in a photograph. I have always been very sexually imaginative and fantasied far more as far as I can ascertain than most of my peers. I had a very lurid sexual imagination that delved into dark corners of the human psyche. Yet looking on line now as an old man and grandfather, the images presented for consumption at the touch of a button are beyond even my most fevered imagination in my youth, not only as an imaginative fantasy but in actuality, acted out in front of me. Not only can we now see a woman's "private parts" but it seems they are willing for us to look deep inside them at their cervix and and any other part of their anatomy, especially it seems their anal passage.. The "mystery" of womanhood has well and truly gone. A school boy today can see things about the opposite sex that only a gynaecologist would have seen in the past. If that was the limit of pornography I would not be too upset. However there appears to a massive amount of desirable, beautiful women that most men would be happy to call there own, happy to subject themselves to the most disgusting degrading abuse imaginable, even by the most perverted brain. Not only are the women degrading themselves, they are sending out a message to young men of today, that women are trash, are pieces of meat to be used and abused, deserve no respect and treated with total disregard to human feelings. They are in fact inviting the young men of today to go forth and rape and abuse the females they come across with no regard to human decency. What a betrayal of their own sex.
Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2018 09:01 pm
You're 15 years past the bubble.
Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2018 09:32 pm
He should have sought out naturist magazines if he was that curious, but eschewed porn. Very Happy

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