The Case of Pornography

Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 10:02 am
I do not show scorn. I qualify, as I have done with the last posting.

Parados raised the issue of "consistent" argumentation and quoted two statements of mine. In particular, he noted they are inconsistent and non-sensible. I beg to differ.

A better comparison could have been made, and his assumption, that drove him to say I am naive in certain respects, is false. Nothing more...

And I defined those activities only to show briefly that such a comparison was not unjust. A better one could be made...
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 10:08 am
Parados quoted you saying:

No. Firstly, a porn star is not a sex slave; she may resemble one at times, either by her own volition or by the script,

Yes, of course we agree. I have attempted to say only that within certain venues such sexual acts carried out on the females "resemble" outright slave-handling.

And then he wrote:

These statements make about as much sense as if I were to say "Black people resemble slaves in the movie Amistad."

He is absolutely correct.

And your explanation...as I mentioned...does not deal adequately with his concerns.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 11:56 am
As pretty much of a porn "virgin" (I do remember going to a drive in with my then-boyfriend/now husband years ago and we watched some movie with a character named "Chickie Tetrazzinni" and of course I started laughing and couldn't stop - so he got mad because his choice of movie was not producing the desired effect... )anyway - haven't watched very much porn - because I haven't had the time or inclination or found it necessary for sexual fulfillment, so I can't say I'm familiar with what you speak of personally.
I do believe in sexual freedom and have absolutely no qualms with what people choose to watch or do as long as they are adults, watching adults and it is consensual.
But as I read through these posts, the one aspect that does bother me is that I can picture a scenario in which men who watch these "sex-slave", rough sex videos who do not have a past or present relationship with an actual woman to insert a little reality, might mistakenly think that this is how all women might choose to be treated, or secretly want to be treated or would choose to express themselves sexually if only they could, and expect that and ultimately demand it. I don't know - I can see how it might not lead to the healthiest relationships, and potentially dangerous encounters that would not be mutually satisfying to both partners.
And while I would never qualify what is normal and healthy for anyone but myself, do you guys think it's healthy to want to be demeaned? Do you think someone can be a "slave" to their desires and addictions that is beyond a matter of simple choice. I'm sincerely asking...Interesting subject.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 12:44 pm
NobleCon wrote:
Parados, are you certain of this response? In other words, have you read it prior to its posting and found absolutely no errors in it?

Those two statements make perfect sense, in that the one qualifies the other, and vice versa. As for the "black" people in Amistad, well, let us think this over...

A movie such as that involves the script, the actors carrying out the script, and so on. We know the story and the plot, the ending as well. In an adult movie, the script is minute in details and story, and the actresses constitute the prime objective of that script. More, the actresses "are" the script, and the script revolves around that. But this is secondary.

On this note of yours, I say that the actor, or the "black" actor as you put it, does not involve himself or herself in the same sorts of activity as the adult actress; torture scenes perhaps, but not that the activity is the movie. In adult movies, the activity is the movie, and the actresses, for the most part, are the activity. You can not equate the two: one is historical- factual at that- that depicts the historical record, the other is anything but historical, and the activity of the latter is the entire movie. The formats are not equivalent, and so the objectives are not equivalent; then, your comparison is not just.

As for the rest of your reply, it underakes an assumption that is just that: an open assumption of your own doing. I will tell you that it is false entirely, and you continued onward with it without question. Thank you for such consideration.

I am naive, my sexual attitudes that is? Please qualify...

I never said the 2 statements conflicted. I used them as showing how you had a continuing thread that doesn't make much sense. If the film depicts people as slaves then why should you be offended that it "resembles" that. The normal behaviour is to not look at things that offend you if you can avoid them.

The actors are the script? Where did you learn your film criticism? Actors are NOT the script. The script is the script. The actors are the actors. The script can be a loose script in that it defines action or plot without much dialogue involved. Many "mockumentaries" like "Spinal Tap" and "Best In Show" have less written dialogue than an average porn film. Because the script says "the band goes to the airport" or it says "the pizza delivery boy delivers a pizza to 2 naked women" doesn't make one a script and the other one not one. Much of a film script is made up of action that will occur and shot selection for the cameras. When a porn film's script says that now there will be girl on girl action and then at this point there will be male female

I am confused about your argument that the "activity is the movie." Actors engage in activities in all films. Just because the activity in one involves sex doesn't make the activity of wearing chains any less in Amistad than it does in a porn film. A bad script doesn't make the movie not a movie nor does it make the actors not actors. Lots of horror films have terrible scripts and the only purpose is to splatter blood and gore across the screen. Lots of chase movies only have the purpose to crash cars. A sex film has a purpose of depicting sex. Because it completes the goal for which it was made doesn't make it not a movie. I don't know of any porn film that is made up of only one activity. Most of them are several different sexual scenes with some cheesy dialogue in between. When comparing porn films to mainstream films, I agree, the formats are not equivalent because the objectives are not. But that doesn't mean that the objective makes one valid and the other not and it certainly doesn't lead to your "slave" conclusion.

It is your comparison that isn't just. You seem to think that because actors in one movie are chained and shown being tortured it is OK while actors in another movie chained and tortured is not OK. The ONLY difference is the purpose of the film. Both depict torture. In neither case are the actors injured or forced to do something they don't want to or were not paid for. (Amistad is a fictional depiction of an historical event. Your logic here would make it perfectly alright to do a porn film depicting Jefferson raping a chained Sally Hemmings.)

Your naivity comes from your attitude that you seem to feel you can decide what others are feeling when they have sex. You are naive when you think that everyone should be the same as you and you are offended by what some people think is OK. I pointed this out because you obviously have never had a sexual partner that is more adventurous than you and asked you to do things you felt uncomfortable with. If you had then you would understand that bounderies are different for different people. When it comes to sex between 2 people, as most on here can attest to, you find what works for both of you. You explore the limits of what makes you feel good and what makes you uncomfortable. You respect what your partner wants and what they desire. If you are too far from each other in what you want then the relationship will probably fall apart. Some people like the control and submission of bondage and S&M. It may seem strange but that doesn't make them bad people as long as they are consensual.

If you only answer one thing, answer this question. Are you offended or otherwise disgusted by the idea of a woman being bound during sex?

It's perfectly fine if you are. It's also perfectly OK if you are disgusted by pictures of bound women. You don't have to do it nor do you have to look at pictures of others doing it. The problems occur when you try to force your morality on others by claiming things exist in those pictures that aren't really there.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 12:57 pm
I see my error. Thank you for pointing it out.

I am not offended by some adult entertainment, and by others extremely so. And, to the point, I am not offended by a woman being tied for sheer pleasure. As many have noted, she may enjoy it.

Concerning my own morals, I have not attempted to apply my sentiments on any one person; of course, if this is the impression I have provided, then my apologies- it was not my intention.

One more note: there are many items in your posts (on this thread) parados that speak of me without proper evidence- brief and loose replies in a forum are not sufficient to arrive at such solid claims about my own tastes in sex and of my sexual history. This is not appropriate in the least.

Thank you for the reply.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 01:17 pm
aidan wrote:
As pretty much of a porn "virgin" (I do remember going to a drive in with my then-boyfriend/now husband years ago and we watched some movie with a character named "Chickie Tetrazzinni" and of course I started laughing and couldn't stop - so he got mad because his choice of movie was not producing the desired effect... )anyway - haven't watched very much porn - because I haven't had the time or inclination or found it necessary for sexual fulfillment, so I can't say I'm familiar with what you speak of personally.
I do believe in sexual freedom and have absolutely no qualms with what people choose to watch or do as long as they are adults, watching adults and it is consensual.
But as I read through these posts, the one aspect that does bother me is that I can picture a scenario in which men who watch these "sex-slave", rough sex videos who do not have a past or present relationship with an actual woman to insert a little reality, might mistakenly think that this is how all women might choose to be treated, or secretly want to be treated or would choose to express themselves sexually if only they could, and expect that and ultimately demand it. I don't know - I can see how it might not lead to the healthiest relationships, and potentially dangerous encounters that would not be mutually satisfying to both partners.
And while I would never qualify what is normal and healthy for anyone but myself, do you guys think it's healthy to want to be demeaned? Do you think someone can be a "slave" to their desires and addictions that is beyond a matter of simple choice. I'm sincerely asking...Interesting subject.

Leave it to a woman to insert a little reality when it comes to sex. ;-) Thanks Adian.

I think you have stated quite clearly what NobleCon may have been trying to express.

Is porn bad because it may lead to behaviour that imitates it? Does porn that shows women forced to have sex lead to a desire or at least make that desire more likely to be carried out by the viewer? Those are valid questions that are easier to discuss than "slavery" in porn.
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 01:20 pm
NobleCon wrote:

One more note: there are many items in your posts (on this thread) parados that speak of me without proper evidence- brief and loose replies in a forum are not sufficient to arrive at such solid claims about my own tastes in sex and of my sexual history. This is not appropriate in the least.

We can only gather that you do not approve of such behaviors you see in these films and therefore do not engage in sex that is in the least bit straying from the "norm" of traditional sex. What else should we think?
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 01:32 pm
Pornography is just like cigarettes. The first time you try it you like it but you can live without it but after a while it becomes routine and before you know it your hooked.... I think pornography is bad but it is hard to resist. But having a girlfriend it does effect your sexual life. Because you can often want your gf to act like the girls you see in pornos and because of course she will most of the time revoke this idea you get frustrated. Anyways i think sex would be so much greater if you never watched porn at least from a guy standpoint. Cause you would not have seen all the mysteries of a womans form so when your gf strips it would be that much more exciting. LIke john mayor says "your body is a wondeeerland" lol
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 01:35 pm
Discreet wrote:
Pornography is just like cigarettes. The first time you try it you like it but you can live without it but after a while it becomes routine and before you know it your hooked....

No it doesn't become routine for everyone and it isn't like cigarettes. I know plenty of guys who have been watching it for years but on a minimal basis. They are in no way "hooked" on porn.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 01:57 pm

I apologize if I misrepresented your sexuality or your intentions in this thread. I am simply trying to understand where you are coming from.

Aidan brought up a good point that I thought might be the one you are intending to convey. The response of people in seeing the more violent porn.

The other thing that has crossed my mind is you might be asking why so much of the porn available seems to be geared toward bondage and assorted other outlandish perversions.

It appears you are not equating porn directly to slavery as I think many of us assumed at the beginning. But we are still not quite clear or at least I am not clear on the "slavery" angle.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:05 pm
Yes, precisely; not directly related to it, but only indirectly, at not on all cases. There is a variety of adult entertainment- this I understand.

As I posted earlier in this thread, I felt as if the female actress was slightly "slave-handled" here and there, and not always. To my reception of it, she seemed to enjoy it only in particular scenes, and not in others. And the sex was a tad harsh; and, it seemed to me, painful, not enjoyable.

I do not know. Maybe it is just me. Others have told me (even in this thread) that for my age I should be more sexually open, and not "repressed."
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:15 pm


...some people are having a cyber election of sorts (for president of A2K)...and I have decided to run for the office.

Apparently it is entirely ceremonial...since Craven owns the site and he is gonna be the big cheese no matter what happens in this cockamamie election.

In any case...it appears some procedural meneuvers are taking place that may (MAY) prevent me from appearing on the ballot. I get the feeling that a minimum number of primary votes will be needed to make the final list of names.

I understand that occasionally I get passionate...and throw some shyt at some of the people to whom I am addressing this request...but, if you ever intend to get elected to anything...you gotta have desire and balls.

And "balls"...I've got in abundance.

So...even if you hate the thought of seeing my avatar in a thread in which you are a participant...I would appreciate you taking time to visit the thread linked below...and casting a vote for my name.


YOU WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR ME...because the election is not even scheduled (as far as I know) yet...and this is like a primary to see who will make it to the final ballot.

You might hold your nose if necessary to do it...with the thought in mind that you could come to the actual election; vote against me; and hope for a humiliating landslide in someone else's favor.

Thank you for at least considering my request.
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 03:58 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
I know plenty of guys who have been watching it for years but on a minimal basis. They are in no way "hooked" on porn.

That has to be an oxymoron lol

I think if you have been watching porn for years it means you like something in it and are hooked
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:03 pm
I've been eating steak for years. Does that mean I'm "hooked" on it...or does it mean that I enjoy steak?
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extra medium
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:06 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:


...some people are having a cyber election of sorts (for president of A2K)...and I have decided to run for the office.

Apparently it is entirely ceremonial...since Craven owns the site and he is gonna be the big cheese no matter what happens in this cockamamie election.

In any case...it appears some procedural meneuvers are taking place that may (MAY) prevent me from appearing on the ballot. I get the feeling that a minimum number of primary votes will be needed to make the final list of names.

I understand that occasionally I get passionate...and throw some shyt at some of the people to whom I am addressing this request...but, if you ever intend to get elected to anything...you gotta have desire and balls.

And "balls"...I've got in abundance.

So...even if you hate the thought of seeing my avatar in a thread in which you are a participant...I would appreciate you taking time to visit the thread linked below...and casting a vote for my name.


YOU WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR ME...because the election is not even scheduled (as far as I know) yet...and this is like a primary to see who will make it to the final ballot.

You might hold your nose if necessary to do it...with the thought in mind that you could come to the actual election; vote against me; and hope for a humiliating landslide in someone else's favor.

Thank you for at least considering my request.

Nice. Asking for a vote in the Porn Thread.

Can I vote for you for President of Porn? Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:43 pm

And I raise you one twisted devil's head.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:43 pm
Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 04:52 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
Discreet wrote:
Pornography is just like cigarettes. The first time you try it you like it but you can live without it but after a while it becomes routine and before you know it your hooked....

No it doesn't become routine for everyone and it isn't like cigarettes. I know plenty of guys who have been watching it for years but on a minimal basis. They are in no way "hooked" on porn.

I agree. I used to watch porn weekly, and I haven't now in about a year and a half. Not because of anything other than I haven't gotten around to it. Doesn't mean I don't like it, doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again, I just haven't felt compelled.

The arguement that just because someone does something means they are addicted to it is obsurd, and quite entertaining Laughing
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extra medium
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 07:57 pm
Sanctuary wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
Discreet wrote:

The arguement that just because someone does something means they are addicted to it is obsurd, and quite entertaining Laughing

I agree.

I have a chocolate bar about once a week.

Or if don't get around to it, about once every 3 or 4 weeks.

Does this mean I am addicted to chocolate?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:02 pm
Just because you personally are not addicted to chocolate doesn't mean that other people are not. I think with pornography some kids often to get addicted or obsessed. Just like a cigarette where you are always looking for that better "high" not stoned high but just a good tasting cigarette or w/e its hard to explain if you smoke or have smoked for a while you know what i mean. With porn you have one really good high of masturbating or w/e and you constantly dl more videos trying to find the best one. Or when you are surfing the internet for hot girls you keep clicking on new websites until you find what you like. This can take hours of your time
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