Ticomaya wrote:A man should not lay a hand on a woman.
Unless of course she interupts him while NASCAR or football is on.
Dats funny!
Setanta ... you are a sweetheart. And you never stop proving that fact. :wink:
dlowan ...... There are alot of women in prison for killing their abuser. There's no law here that says we are alowed to do that and get away with it. As a matter of fact, if I would have shot my abuser that day I wanted to...I would have been arrested and incarcerated. From that point it would be up to my lawyer to prove self defense on my part. That's why the shot would need to be at relatively close range.
There is also the defense of Battered Womens Syndrome.
So it's not exactly a cut and dry case. If you are a victim of abuse, and shoot your attacker.....you best have a good lawyer. And you best have documented evidence of the abuse. Another good reason for women to SPEAK UP and NOT BE SILENT. It truely is in the victims best interest to report these things.
I had a police officer give me some pointers. He told me to only shoot my abuser if he enters my home and endangers my life. To shoot to kill not to wound. And to use a hand gun powerful enough that he won't get back up after the first shot.
So, yes....a person might get away with killing the abuser - but the road traveled will be long and hard.
I think in California, they are recognizing the battered syndrome and letting lawyers go back and fight for women that have been in prison for years without a fair trial. One that truely looks at the emotional state of the victim and her need, and her right, to defend her own life.