Democrats hard at work for America

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 09:03 pm
Democrats in the House are blocking the ethics committee from organizing so they can protect several fellow party members from ethics investigations, Speaker Dennis Hastert said Wednesday.

"We know there are four or five cases out there dealing with top-level Democrats," Hastert told the conservative Sean Hannity radio program.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous claims I have ever heard.. If the dems let the GOP change the rules then NO Dem will ever be brought before the committee since the rules would allow the Dems to block any charges brought against a Dem.

You are more intelligent than this McG. It is OBVIOUS that it is nothing but political posturing on Hastert's part with NO BASIS IN REALITY.

If anyone can make an honest case how a dem could be investigated if the Dems let the GOP have their way on the ethics committee then it might make some sense.
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 09:12 pm
McGentrix wrote:
You should do as I do and not watch Fox news. I believe 3/4's of his ratings come from liberals watching him so they can be angry at Fox.

haha! i took your advice the last time, mcg. i very, very rarely hit channel 205 on the remote.

unfortunately, just like the one time i tried sea urchin sushi, the bad taste and nausea just refuses to go away... :wink:
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 04:27 am
Fox is sufficiently politicized, and sufficiently commercialized, that it is not a very good source for news, without regard to one's approval or disapproval of their editorial policy. The manage to give you less news than the "big three" . . . a signal accomplishment . . . better to read the news than to watch it . . .
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 04:43 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Really? I wasn't aware Delay was a Democrat. He switched parties sometime in the last 24 hours? I named the names that are being kicked around on various threads today, this week. And in your eagerness to take a swipe at me, you completely missed the point I was attempting to make. But oh well.

Hmm, so posting an article about alleged "Clinton-era abuses" in response to the question of the Ethics Committee's work was, like, an expression of bipartisan evenhandedness? Yes, I did miss that specific point about your post entirely.

There was me thinking that when you decided, faced with the question of why exactly the Democrats are blocking the Committee's work as long as the new rule is in place, to post allegations about all the sleaze the Dems purportedly are stuck in, you were echoing Hastert's allegation that "Democrats in the House are blocking the ethics committee from organizing so they can protect several fellow party members from ethics investigations".

But that wasn't your point then, at all. OK, good. What was your point then, vis-a-vis the question raised in this thread?
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 07:32 am
Nimh writes
Hmm, so posting an article about alleged "Clinton-era abuses" in response to the question of the Ethics Committee's work was, like, an expression of bipartisan evenhandedness? Yes, I did miss that specific point about your post entirely.

There was me thinking that when you decided, faced with the question of why exactly the Democrats are blocking the Committee's work as long as the new rule is in place, to post allegations about all the sleaze the Dems purportedly are stuck in, you were echoing Hastert's allegation that "Democrats in the House are blocking the ethics committee from organizing so they can protect several fellow party members from ethics investigations".

But that wasn't your point then, at all. OK, good. What was your point then, vis-a-vis the question raised in this thread?

"Alleged Clinton era abuses"? It used to be that an indictment, pleading guilty, followed by a presidential pardon sort of took it out of the 'alleged category'. The thrust of the article posted however shows that the Democrats are as culpable as the Republicans in using government for their own ends. That must have just gone over your head. On the other hand, while I've not suggested he is even probably innocent of wrong doing, Delay has not been charged with any crime despite the Democrats continuing to fling accusation after accusation after accusation at him at more or less regular intervals for years now.

Why is the 'right' evil for pointing out the shenanigans and maneuvering of the other side and the 'left' isn't evil for picking on the right? Hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter who is doing it. I will believe that you are even handed if you will show me your posts expressing vitriolic contempt for all the posts zeroing in on the sins of the right.

But my point, my dear Nimh, was that the whole thing gets pretty ridiculous when they spend more time on trying to prove who's is blackest instead of going about the business they were hired to do.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 07:53 am
The Democrats can't accuse DeLay of anything they can't be accused of. Right now, we are being insulted with one of the lowest points in US politics. Not because DeLay is being attacked. And, not because the GOP has gained so much power, and is even dickering with the rules---

Because as desperate as the Democrats are to taint DeLay and oust him, they are fuming--because they have realized--though he has violated ethical principles, so have they ALL.

Which is why DeLay will skate.

They are all going to Barbados and where ever the hell they want to go on us. We are chumps for letting them do it. Is there anybody willing to take steps to address this?
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 08:05 am
Lash wrote:
We are chumps for letting them do it. Is there anybody willing to take steps to address this?

I've been wondering about this as I've been reading along.

I'm pretty pissed about what's going on in our federal parliament (and has gone on recently). I spent some time earlier this week making some phone calls. Letting my member of federal parliament know I'm not impressed about what's coming out of the Gomery inquiry, and that I am watching for what the party in power (then and now) is really going to do to change things - calling the reps of other parties in my riding and letting them know that I won't be voting for any party that forces an early election, and letting them know I'm talking to a lot of my colleagues and neighbours about this - they are not going to spend our money unnecessarily without hearing from us about our displeasure.

Do other A2K'rs do this kind of thing? are you politically vocal in real life - or just on a keyboard?
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 08:09 am
Absolutely. I have the e-mail addresses of my elected representatives in my address book and their telephone numbers thumbtacked to the bulletin board beside my desk. They hear from me when I think they get it right, and they hear from me when I think they get it wrong and they also get my opinion on various matter before the final vote is taken. While I know my single voice is not going to be heard, many voices will be, and they actually will eventually get around to doing what we insist they do.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 08:29 am
ehBeth wrote:
Do other A2K'rs do this kind of thing? are you politically vocal in real life - or just on a keyboard?

Just on a keyboard these days. I used to be a fairly activist Green during my last three years in highschool, and during my first one or two years in college. Then I got frustratd with the political process and faded out my activism. Today, if we had a majority voting system like you do, I might find I can accomplish something by writing my representative. But our system of proportionate representation tends to populate our parliament with androids who toe the party line, so I decided not to bother anymore.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 10:43 am
Thomas wrote:
.... our system of proportionate representation tends to populate our parliament with androids who toe the party line, so I decided not to bother anymore.

then other than the proportionate part, it's not all that different here. the political landscape has become so partisan-centric that it brings to mind the image of nero bowing away as rome burns.

it's really getting stupid.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 10:48 am
For shame, DTOM, Corporate America has the best government money can buy . . .
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 11:25 am
Setanta wrote:
For shame, DTOM, Corporate America has the best government money can buy . . .

heh... what makes it worse is that after they buy it, many of them get rebates in the form of subsidies. the current energy policy bill includes, if i remember correctly, something like 12 billion in subsidies for the oil companies.

12 billion ?? it was reported that even bush thinks that's too much. i think it's passed the house (thanks again tommy d. ) and is moving to the senate.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 12:49 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Lash wrote:
We are chumps for letting them do it. Is there anybody willing to take steps to address this?

I've been wondering about this as I've been reading along.

I'm pretty pissed about what's going on in our federal parliament (and has gone on recently). I spent some time earlier this week making some phone calls. Letting my member of federal parliament know I'm not impressed about what's coming out of the Gomery inquiry, and that I am watching for what the party in power (then and now) is really going to do to change things - calling the reps of other parties in my riding and letting them know that I won't be voting for any party that forces an early election, and letting them know I'm talking to a lot of my colleagues and neighbours about this - they are not going to spend our money unnecessarily without hearing from us about our displeasure.

Do other A2K'rs do this kind of thing? are you politically vocal in real life - or just on a keyboard?

ehBeth--and anyone else--

I have written my state representatives a couple of times on only a couple of issues---and the Veteran's Affairs Committee, and Bush and Principi...but one letter to a few people can't have the impact I'm talking about. Zell Miller has been in contact with us more than once, Strom's office, too. (Thanks, Zell!)

I want desperately to be a part of a BIPARTISAN dumping of the **** that has collected in Washington. Not about Democrats or Republicans--but crooks who are robbing people in this country. If you want to talk about healthcare....this is what is really bothering me. The healthcare that THEY ALL GET FREE FROM US, while it is unaffordable for the majority of Americans has got to be CANCELLED.

Would anyone here support a movement to force them to lost that insurance and have to buy it like the rest of us? Somehow, I think healthcare would suddenly become more affordable. I know I sound like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland planning a musical in dad's barn, but it can be done.

I just think it needs national exposure to force change.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 12:51 pm
PS-- Sonsofbitches.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 01:32 pm
Lash writes
Would anyone here support a movement to force them to lost that insurance and have to buy it like the rest of us? Somehow, I think healthcare would suddenly become more affordable. I know I sound like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland planning a musical in dad's barn, but it can be done.

I just think it needs national exposure to force change.

I would not only agree with that and would join a reasoned and responsible effort toward that end, but I would include their retirement plan in that too. Make them have to live on social security and whatever they can scrounge up to put into a 401K even if the government matches a reasonable percentage of their contributions. I bet we would see some meaningful reforms on that front in a big hurry too.

I've always thought the best solution for our elected representatives, however, is for their salaries and benefits to be provided by the state who sends them. I guarantee our state legislators who don't fare nearly so well, would not be nearly so generous as the 'sonsofbitches' in Washington are in voting themselves raises and perks.

And if that bends the constitutional intent just too far, then make them live with health care and retirement benefits as the rest of us do and give them a salary that they HAVE to live on. To accept any kind of monetary contribution or gift or perk from any source would be illegal, including any monies that come from their campaign funds. If they want to go visit Europe or Tajiti, let them pay for it unless there is a compelling reason for them to be there on government business and what constituted business would have to be approved by Congress or a congressional committee. And they couldn't take along all of their best friends at government expense either. Further any campaign funds received would have to be used for campaigning only and could not be used for any other purpose. I'm still thinking about a nepotism law, but probably would not go that far.

Back in 1994, the GOP revolution intended that Congress live under the laws they made for everybody else. That concept seems to have gotten sidetracked a lot over the last decade, but it was a good idea then and it is a good idea now.
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Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 01:46 pm
Lash wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
Lash wrote:
We are chumps for letting them do it. Is there anybody willing to take steps to address this?

I've been wondering about this as I've been reading along.

I'm pretty pissed about what's going on in our federal parliament (and has gone on recently). I spent some time earlier this week making some phone calls. ...they are not going to spend our money unnecessarily without hearing from us about our displeasure.

Do other A2K'rs do this kind of thing? are you politically vocal in real life - or just on a keyboard?

ehBeth--and anyone else--

I have written my state representatives a couple of times on only a couple of issues--but one letter to a few people can't have the impact I'm talking about. ...
I want desperately to be a part of a BIPARTISAN dumping of the **** that has collected in Washington. Not about Democrats or Republicans--but crooks who are robbing people in this country. If you want to talk about healthcare....this is what is really bothering me. The healthcare that THEY ALL GET FREE FROM US, while it is unaffordable for the majority of Americans has got to be CANCELLED.

... I know I sound like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland planning a musical in dad's barn, but it can be done.

I just think it needs national exposure to force change.

no b., lash. i'd heard that they get the same coverage for life, all paid. but now, i also heard that the also recieve their same paycheck for life as well. can that possibly be true ???

talk about a sweetheart deal...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 01:47 pm
Lash wrote:
PS-- Sonsofbitches.

damn straight, girl... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 01:49 pm
My Representative is Debra Pryce. The Senators in this state are George Voinovich and Mike DeWine. Let's see, should i contact my representatives to complain of this? Hmmm . . . maybe i'll just go outside and piss into the wind . . .
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 06:27 pm
Let's just have an A2K meet on the steps of Congress. That's all I ask.

<after a loud net campaign and a couple of calls to like-minded political organizations, and the media, and Jon Stewart and Jay Leno...and Judy Garland....>

NO DEFEATISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Hey. That Voinovich is a wild man. Did he say the Holy Spirit told him to put the brakes on Bolton?)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2005 06:38 pm
All i say is that Voinovich is proof positive--as though any were needed--that nothin' good ever came outta Cleveland . . .
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