Lola wrote:And nimh, darlin.........I didn't mean to offend you, really........
Heh - that posta mine was intended to lol about (tho it wasnt, admittedly, funny enough for caps) - so dont worry about it, darlin'.
Gautam - <big grin> - you're too funny. Heh ;-).
nimh wrote:
Gautam - <big grin> - you're too funny. Heh ;-).
And pretty sexy too. Now do u have a crush on me ? <he asks with a hopeful eyes like a puppy sitting near the dining table, hoping to get his first bone - no pun intended

Now, here's a story of the heart
Puppies are so cute ... the way they lap up their milk, all eagerly ... or get all into chewing their bone ... yeh, puppies can be real cute.
And he so avoids answering a direct question
I continue to live in hope....
Gautam wrote:And he so avoids answering a direct question
I continue to live in hope....

on the issue of reading in between the lines ...
and there was me thinking I was overdoing it! <winks>
<giggle> <blush> I am sure easy jet does cheap fares to Netherlands..what do u think ? <flirt>
I'm getting the hell out of this thread! I'd hate to get caught in the middle when you guys rush each other.
I'd be impaled by the wavering javelins and probably never recover -- from the shock or the injury.
Carry on.
Ah Gus.........stop that. You're safe.
Hey Rae, how good to see ya.
yeh Gus, you're perfectly safe.
<nudges Gautam, points at Gus, winks and grins mischievously>
<nimh winks at Gautam>
<Gautam faints>
Honestly, Guatam, I thought you'd gotten over the fainting thing!
You're a hunk.....and we all love you.
Yeah Gautam, are you planning on coming to our 2004 reunion? We'd love to have you!!!
I thought about this crush thing long and hard.....the Bear doesn't like to have crushes because it draws attention away from my one true love......myself!!!
Believe me, that takes a lot of time and energy.
Recent events in my life have caused me to rethink my position however, and I've decided I have two A2K crushes.
Ceili, for the completely shallow and superficial reason that she's such a hottie, although I also enjoy her posts and get the impression she's a musical artist of some sort.
Rae....there's something about Rae......
Its Lola for me, head and heels
keep your goddamn horn where it belongs
Bernie old chap-well met
Do I detect the sweet smell of male testosterone ?