Amy Klobuchar - 2020 Presidential Candidate

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2019 11:14 pm
BTW - What do you have against John Wayne? I don't consider myself very similar to Wayne, but I don't think the comparison is the insult you intended.
Reply Wed 27 Feb, 2019 12:23 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Did you ever read John Waynes interview in Playboy? His views on racial superiority and inferiority were unsettling, and frankly I was disillusioned. Those interviews are still available on line...published May 1971...he proclaims "I believe in white supremacy"...read how he came to this conclusion, please.

In all fairness to Lash, she was not disparaging John Wayne, I think she was telling you you don't measure up. But I'm also pretty sure I may be the only person here who read her brothers Playboy magazine for the articles (male and female).

If I misinterpreted Lash, I apologize.
Reply Wed 27 Feb, 2019 02:41 am
LOL. As glitterbag said, I used to admire John Wayne, attached several positive attributes to him that were more in my head than based on reality...

and then he spoke...
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Reply Wed 27 Feb, 2019 07:41 am
glitterbag wrote:

Did you ever read John Waynes interview in Playboy?

Snopes summarizes that interview here.
Reply Wed 27 Feb, 2019 08:58 pm
John was a great western actor. But his politics sucked. He was more conservative than Ronny Raygun.
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Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2019 12:52 pm
Amy Klobuchar

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Today I met with some of the inspiring students from March for Our Lives to discuss how we can make it easier for people to vote. That includes passing my bills to automatically register every eligible person when they turn 18 & give everyone the option of same day registration.
Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2019 08:30 pm
Damn democrats. Trying to brainwash high school kids. Everyone knows its a requirement for 18 year old kid to travel at least 25 miles to register to vote. But they can register for the draft in any post office.
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 09:41 am
You say you want a candidate with substance? Here’s substance.

Politics is a mix of show biz and public policy, but lest you think with the entry of Beto O’Rourke into the race that the coverage is only about the former, the Sunday shows did talk to other candidates, who showed what serious and sober presidential candidates can sound like.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) in particular seems like the anti-Beto. She said on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that she wouldn’t have ever said she was just “born to run.”

She is comfortable talking about health care, which she did at length:

CHUCK TODD: What will you make — what is number one, in your mind, that you’ve got to, that you know — that is going to be the hardest thing to do, so you’re going to do it early? Health care was Obama’s. What is yours?

KLOBUCHAR: Bringing down health-care costs with some much-needed changes to the Affordable Care Act. And that would be, first of all, pharmaceutical prices. I have been on this for over a decade. And neither during Democratic or Republican administrations, have we had any significant votes in this Congress. Pharma may think they own Washington. They don’t own me. And this means everything from unleashing the power of 43 million seniors to negotiate lower prices under Medicare, bringing in less expensive drugs from Canada, stopping the pay-for-delay practice, a bill that I have with Senator Grassley. … I believe in bringing out universal healthcare to all Americans. And we’re not there yet. And the fastest way —

TODD: But you want to use the, but you want to use the structure of Obamacare?

KLOBUCHAR: Yes, I do. And the fastest way you get there is with a public option. You can do that with Medicaid. You can do it with Medicare. I would get that done in the first year as president. There’s no reason we can’t do that, as well as immediately using reinsurance and cost sharing, things that would really help here in Iowa, where they’ve had some major issues with their premiums.

TODD: What do you tell the folks that say, “No, no, no, no, no, no. You know, stop that. Obamacare isn’t the answer. Go to Medicare-for-all”? What do you tell those folks?

KLOBUCHAR: I tell them that we have had some major successes with the Affordable Care Act. We have made sure kids get on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26. We have stopped people from being thrown off their insurance for preexisting conditions.

Clear, direct answers based on experience. It’s not impossible, you see. She also answered questions on reparations, Venezuela and the Paris accords. (Oh, and she got into politics after she went through the experience of getting kicked out of the hospital 24 hours after giving birth despite her daughter having a serious medical condition. She has written a book and talked publicly about her own experience and that of other working mothers, but it seems she has never gone on a solo road trip to lick her political wounds.)

She also sat down with Jake Tapper on Sunday’s “State of the Union” to talk about President Trump’s role in the propagation of white nationalism. (“There has been an increase in hate crimes. There has been an increase in very negative rhetoric at groups. And … no matter how someone looks, it happens to them. They could be Orthodox Jews. It happens to them. They could be Hispanics. It’s been happening to them.”) She went after tech companies. (“I want privacy legislation to basically say, hey, we have a right over our data. Stop messing around with us, and then also put in plain language what your rights are, instead of 50 pages. And then, finally, notify us when there’s breaches. And when it comes to hateful violence like this, they should have to get this off the Internet immediately. There is no place on the Internet for people watching murders. ") And she defended her prosecutorial record on race:

We worked very hard on several fronts. The first is to diversify the office and to add more people of color to the ranks of prosecutors. And I did that.

The second was to look at how we were handling drug court and make sure that we were doing it in a way that wasn't racist. And you can always do better. I can tell you, you learn in retrospect, when you look back, things you can do better.

The third thing was to up our focus on white-collar crimes. Things that are committed in the boardrooms are just as bad as things that are committed with a crowbar if someone is trying to break in a house.

And so I really made a major effort on that. And then, finally, I was one of the first prosecutors in the country to work with the Innocence Project to do a DNA review on our cases, to do something differently when it came to eyewitness identification, so you would have the police officer who was not involved in investigating the crime show the photos. And you would show the photos one at a time, instead of all at once.

And then, finally, we had videotaped interrogations in Minnesota. We were one of the only states that did it at the time to make sure that suspects were treated fairly, Miranda rights were being read.

When she talks about herself, she talks about what she’s done, not her destiny to run for president. “ was just ranked by Vanderbilt as getting the most done for any Democratic senator on 15 different metrics. And that’s because I have been able to find common ground to get bills passed and to respond to my constituents. And I think that’s what we need in the White House.”

That’s about the most substance, aside from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), you’ll hear from any candidate. And yet many outlets run the same story (was she a hellish boss or just tough?) over and over — with no inquiry into the supervisory skills of others. Is this sexism or just superficiality? Maybe some of both.

Voters who say they want an informed and competent president need to look for presidential candidates who exhibit those attributes. If they don’t want a president who thinks he alone can fix things or who has gone through life coasting and talking a good game with little to show for it, they’d better find someone who talks authoritatively about issues, not himself, and has been a work horse, not a show pony. Otherwise, we’ll wind up with another president whose self-regard is radically at odds with his or her capacity to govern.
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Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 09:45 am
Amy Klobuchar Runs On A Record Of Accomplishments — Including With Republicans

Minnesotans like Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar. She was re-elected in the purple state in 2018 by 24 points, and in January Morning Consult polling found her to be one of the most popular senators in the country.

She's hoping that strong support in her home state — which happens to be in the upper Midwest, neighboring states where Donald Trump carved his path to victory — can translate into support from primary voters looking for someone who can beat President Trump as they choose the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.

But on the way, Klobuchar faces some obstacles: her moderate politics (at least, relative to many of her competitors for the nomination) may turn off some Democratic primary voters, as may some of the reports that she has mistreated her staff.

Klobuchar discussed her approach to policy, politics and leadership with NPR's Rachel Martin.

She's the fifth 2020 candidate to talk to Morning Edition for an Opening Argument conversation, exploring the presidential candidates' core messages.

On health care
Martin: Several Democratic presidential candidates support some version of Medicare-for-all or single-payer health care system. Do you?

Klobuchar: Every American deserves affordable health care, and we have to move to universal health care. So, what I support is moving to universal health care as quickly as possible.

Martin: And when you say universal health care, you mean a single-payer system.

Klobuchar: I mean health care for everyone ... and we may end up there one day. But what's the fastest way we can expand health care more immediately? I would do cost-sharing and reinsurance. That's a bill that's out there right now to help with premiums. ...

Then, the public option, in the first year we should pass legislation for a public option that could be done with Medicaid or with Medicare. You could expand Medicare. You could expand Medicaid, but have a public option, which is the original idea that President Obama conceived. Why? Because then you would have a less expensive option for people to go to. That could result in a lot of people leaving other private plans to go to that public option, and Medicaid's an interesting way to do it.

Many Democrats in this presidential field are backing some form of single-payer health care, following the lead of Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign, in which he pushed his Medicare-for-all plan.

That sets Klobuchar apart from some of her competitors.

Her route to "universal health care" doesn't mean putting everyone on a government-administered insurance plan. Rather, she here first supports a bipartisan plan backed in the last Congress by Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. That bill, which ultimately failed, would have stabilized the Obamacare exchanges.

In addition, Klobuchar has said that she wants to allow people to buy into Medicaid via a bill sponsored by Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii — a "public option" plan.

That said, Klobuchar explains that she's not exactly against Medicare-for-all.

She told NPR, "We may end up there one day. But what's the fastest way we can expand health care more immediately?"

On being more moderate than many of her Democratic opponents
Martin: More than any candidate, in a very large field of Democratic presidential hopefuls, you have a proven record of working across the aisle with Republicans. You are by most definitions someone who legislates from the center — a political moderate. Do you think that helps you or hurts you in this campaign?

Klobuchar: I would hope that it helps me, because when you look at my record I have stood up on so many progressive issues, whether it is choice, whether it is the environment, whether it is standing up for immigrants and against racial injustice.

But there are moments where we can find common ground.

... I worked with [Former Utah GOP] Senator [Orrin] Hatch to get a billion dollars for school safety after the tragedy in Parkland. But that doesn't mean that I don't stand my ground.

So while I was the lead Democrat on the school safety money, which passed overwhelmingly, I also was standing my ground against the president when it comes to universal background checks and an assault weapon ban. I sat directly across from him at that meeting, listened to him say nine times he wanted to get universal background checks done, and then saw him bow to the NRA the next day.

That's just wrong. So, I use that example because on one hand you can find common ground with people like Senator Hatch on the billion dollars for school safety, and then you can fight the bigger battles.

Progressive voters are clearly energized in this campaign, as evidenced by the kinds of positions many of the candidates are taking.

Klobuchar still takes some relatively liberal stands — she's a cosponsor on the Green New Deal, and a public option isn't exactly a popular proposal among Republicans. But she has also stopped short of endorsing Medicare-for-all and said she opposes tuition-free college.

Her willingness to reach out to Republicans might help her with those voters who believe Washington is broken, and that compromise would break gridlock. But it's easy to see how in a primary, running as a candidate who reaches across the aisle might not endear her to those Democratic voters who simply do not want compromise on their most important issues.

And while Democrats say they want someone ultimately who is "electable," there are disagreements over whether that means someone who can appeal to the political center or has a clear, progressive message to excite the party's base.

On regulating big tech
Martin: Senator Elizabeth Warren — also running for president — has identified privacy and transparency as an issue when it comes to these tech companies... She wants to break up those companies, so that they can't sell the same products on their platform where competitors are also trying to get an edge in. Do you agree with that plan? Do you think it goes too far?

Klobuchar: Well, what's interesting is I see it an even larger way, which is why I've been trying to use antitrust law and make changes there... Yeah, some of them you may spin off parts of the companies, some of them you may break off.

And you can do things like that, but I think you should do it by getting those things investigated and figure out which company is doing what, number one.

Number two: I would then change the standards under the law so that no longer does the government have to prove that it reduces competition to throw something out; that in fact the companies have to prove that they don't materially reduce competition, which is also a language change to the standard, and also that you can look back at deals like what Facebook just did by buying Instagram and other apps, that you can look to see, even though they already did it, is that anti-competitive?

Tech regulation and, more broadly, antitrust regulation may be topics on which Klobuchar can set herself apart from a wide field of candidates. She is well-respected for her knowledge on the topic, and it's an area where she has been active in the Senate.

Along with Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., and the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., she introduced the Honest Ads Act in 2017. That bill would require better disclosure of the people and organizations who fund online political advertisements.

She has also introduced antitrust legislation that could make mergers tougher for large companies. While that might be a dry policy topic to many voters, it could be more of a hot topic this year, as tech firms' uses of customers' private data, as well as the spread of hate speech and propaganda online, have angered many Americans.

On her treatment of her staff
Martin: There are reports citing several former staffers from your office who allege that you mistreated them. And I ask about this because we are in a moment in this country where we are having a national conversation about power and workplace dynamics and what is acceptable and what is not, especially in a leader.

Do you think your behavior in these instances should raise concerns in the minds of voters?

Klobuchar: No, I don't. And I would first point to that over 60 of our staff — former staff came together, everyone from chiefs of staff to people on the front line that worked with me, that were in the car with me all day, and said that they had a good experience working in our office. So, to me that was really important when I saw that letter, and I think it's worth looking at. So that's the first thing.

Secondly, I do have high standards. I do push people hard. I have high standards of myself, of our staff and also for our nation. And so that is the way I'm going to look at this going forward. And that is - I can always do better and I will. But we have gotten so much done with our team. My state director has been with me seven years. My chief of staff around five years. My campaign manager 14 years.

You don't win elections like we have, which is winning every single congressional district in Minnesota, including [former GOP Rep.] Michele Bachmann's. You do not pass — get Vanderbilt to rate you as the number one Democratic senator for getting things done under 15 metrics in the U.S. Senate and the first minority party senator to break the top five since John McCain in 1994.

You don't get that done alone. You get that done because you have great staff that work with you, and they're not only just working for me, they are working for our country, and I'm very proud of them.

In multiple news stories, former Klobuchar staffers have alleged that the senator engaged in abusive behaviors from bullying to throwing a binder that accidentally hit a staffer.

That is raising questions for voters, and Klobuchar has been attempting to answer those stories by acknowledging her high standards for her staff. She has also taken the chance to pitch herself as a candidate with a strength of character that would serve the country well.

"When you're out there on the world stage and dealing with people like Vladimir Putin, yeah, you want someone who's tough," she told CNN. "You want someone that demands the answers and that's going to get things done, and that's what I've done my whole life."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 09:52 am
I heard her on NPR this morning and I thought she sounded damn good.
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 03:45 pm
What if that was your daughter or son, humiliated by a boss, hit by an object, thrown by their boss?

I know what an honest answer sounds like.
I can’t believe you people approve this abusive, elitist bullshit.
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 03:46 pm
Is she going to throw a goddamn binder at Putin?
Brand X
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 03:51 pm
Mommy Dearest wouldn't physically scold Putin, would she?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 04:00 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Damn democrats. Trying to brainwash high school kids. Everyone knows its a requirement for 18 year old kid to travel at least 25 miles to register to vote. But they can register for the draft in any post office.

In New Mexico, you can register to vote in any post office or bank.

Sorry 'bout that.
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 05:22 pm
I think Rabel may have thinking of polling places.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 07:02 pm
Oh come on...she made a good presentation. That's an important part of being an effective politician.
I can’t believe you people approve this abusive, elitist bullshit.

I don't think we see the situation from the same perspective and we're probably talking about entirely different qualities.
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 07:05 pm
If a male senator threw **** at an intern and hit them, would that be ok?

I’m constantly baffled at the violence people here approve and stan. Boggling. Throw something at my DOG, and my boot will be up your ass. How do you have so little compassion for the abused staff??
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2019 07:43 pm
I know very little about the incident. Did somebody actually throw "****"? — if so, things are really getting out of control.
Klobuchar: And I would first point to that over 60 of our staff — former staff came together, everyone from chiefs of staff to people on the front line that worked with me, that were in the car with me all day, and said that they had a good experience working in our office. So, to me that was really important when I saw that letter, and I think it's worth looking at. So that's the first thing.

Secondly, I do have high standards. I do push people hard. I have high standards of myself, of our staff and also for our nation. And so that is the way I'm going to look at this going forward. And that is - I can always do better and I will. But we have gotten so much done with our team. My state director has been with me seven years. My chief of staff around five years. My campaign manager 14 years.

Blah, blah, blah you get the picture — I don't find this level of scrutiny particularly interesting or useful at this stage of the campaign. I'd rather develop my own impression depending on how a candidate actually performs as the season unwinds.
Reply Wed 20 Mar, 2019 02:15 am
If a male boss threw a piece of office equipment at a young, low paid intern, I hope to Hell that would be considered abuse.

It’s not ok that a woman boss did it. She’s unfit to have staff. It’s called assault and battery, is illegal, and demonstrates an inability to control one’s temper.
Reply Wed 20 Mar, 2019 08:42 am
I take it you won't be supporting her.

The alleged incidents don't really amount to "assault and battery" however; I'm sure charges would have been pressed if the victim truly feared for his life or if the Senator actually had physical contact with him.

With something like ten months to go until the first contests I'm not committing myself to voting for her in the primaries but I do think the way she handled hot-tempered, florid-faced Kavannaugh in the hearing demonstrated impressive self-control.
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