Is masturbation evil?

Arella Mae
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 11:58 am
Chai Tea Wrote:


we have been totally nailed!

check out iljc profile, and connect to the website mentioned.

You'll see our friend Momma Angel is one of I thing 15 members of this group, other names I recognized were Coastal Rat, Echi, Timber.

Yes, I am one of the members on there. So what? Actually, is it any of your business, Chai Tea? Is it anyone else's either? Afterall, wasn't it mentioned that perhaps I would feel more comfortable on a different type of site? Well, if I choose to go to another site, it's what? Let's see, if someone gives you a suggestion and you take it then they get to ridicule you for following that well-meant advice? Rolling Eyes And if someone has a website on their profile, so what? That's not against the TOS, is it? And how nice of you to let everyone know other peoples' business, Chai Tea. Guess you didn't think about them though when you did this, did you? I couldn't care less that you told people I am on that forum. I mean, dang, didn't y'all tell me I'd be more comfortable somewhere else? So what?

And, if you had bothered to read anything I had posted on there, you would notice that I said since I had been accused of trying to find Christians to post on A2K that I was now going to do it? Of course, that would just point out that I was telling the truth when I refuted Setanta's allegation in the first place, wouldn't it?

Everyone has their opinions, Chai Tea. It doesn't mean they are right and it doesn't mean they are wrong. It just means that is what they feel or believe. Not everyone is going to like what everyone thinks. You can't tell me you haven't had bad thoughts about certain posters, can you? Should everyone be held accountable to everyone else for every single thought they have had about others?

So many posters on here say they want to be treated fairly and not be made to feel as if they are being looked down upon by someone because they don't believe in God. Well, I have seen plenty try to get across to those that just because they don't believe that doesn't mean others automatically think them evil or heathens. But, those statements have gone unaccepted. Then, when someone lashes out in frustration THAT is what is accepted.

So, Chai Tea, if you think you have busted anyone, IMO you have just busted yourself and others that seem to feel the way you do. No matter how hard I tried to explain how I felt or no matter how honest I was, it didn't matter to many. They stick with their interpretation of the situation and close their eyes and ears to what is being said to them. It's something everyone in this world does, Chai Tea. I have said time and time again that we all have differing beliefs and feelings and opinions. That IS REALITY. The reality is the world is made up of all kinds of people. Some are more educated, some aren't. Some are young and inexperienced, some are not. So, let's just attack everyone for everything different about them, why don't we? Let's ridicule those that can't spell very well even though we know what it is they are saying. I mean, afterall, there are so many of us in this world that have no faults whatsoever and cannot be called a hypocrite because of it, right?

The site administrator is someone called spirit warrior....that must be the evangelist....

And so what if spirit warrior is an evangelist? As long as he is not evangelizing on A2K, it shouldn't bother you a bit. That is, of course, unless you CHOOSE to go to that other site and read.

iljc - I didn't see any home schooled teenagers when looking at the profiles....the closest I could come was someone named master chief who had sh!itty spelling.....my bet is you're either My2Punkins or this newcomer whose web address is sexylingerie.com

here's a quote about A2K from My2Punkins.....

A2K is able2know.com. It's an all religion forum with so many lost people it's scary. There's even people who call themselves Christian but have some serious blinders on. You would be very welcomed there if you were to go (by the Christians anyway), LOL.

I think I was treated fairly decent until I mentioned my demonination. It's hitting now and it's not gonna get any better unfortunetly. I just told them it let's me know I'm in the right religion when they bash me!

Well, Chai Tea, perhaps it is scary to this person. How many times has the statement that Christians are dangerous been made? What's the difference?

The satanist doesn't believe in satan and he thinks he's a god.

Well, he did make these statements, Chai Tea. So?


Yep, you sure are. You want that equality and compassion from believers but boy, let us be imperfect one time. :wink:
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:01 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
wah wah, go if you want. I am sick and tired of people telling me what a nasty person I am for making them (gasp!) think about what they believe.

Oh God I know what you mean Bella, don't get me started.

I too am so mean and everything to poor people who just want attention heaped around them.

So mean that everyone has to stroke people's heads and say there there, you're just fine. Chai is such a meanie. Meanie meanie meanie. let's go back to ignoring the fact that you're full of crap.

<bouncing back>

HEY! I said "stroke people's heads"!!!!
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:05 pm
i apologize to every one if i said any thing to affend you.do you accept?
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:06 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
Chai Tea Wrote:


we have been totally nailed!

check out iljc profile, and connect to the website mentioned.

You'll see our friend Momma Angel is one of I thing 15 members of this group, other names I recognized were Coastal Rat, Echi, Timber.

Yes, I am one of the members on there. So what? Actually, is it any of your business, Chai Tea? Is it anyone else's either? Afterall, wasn't it mentioned that perhaps I would feel more comfortable on a different type of site? Well, if I choose to go to another site, it's what? Let's see, if someone gives you a suggestion and you take it then they get to ridicule you for following that well-meant advice? Rolling Eyes And if someone has a website on their profile, so what? That's not against the TOS, is it? And how nice of you to let everyone know other peoples' business, Chai Tea. Guess you didn't think about them though when you did this, did you? I couldn't care less that you told people I am on that forum. I mean, dang, didn't y'all tell me I'd be more comfortable somewhere else? So what?

And, if you had bothered to read anything I had posted on there, you would notice that I said since I had been accused of trying to find Christians to post on A2K that I was now going to do it? Of course, that would just point out that I was telling the truth when I refuted Setanta's allegation in the first place, wouldn't it?

Everyone has their opinions, Chai Tea. It doesn't mean they are right and it doesn't mean they are wrong. It just means that is what they feel or believe. Not everyone is going to like what everyone thinks. You can't tell me you haven't had bad thoughts about certain posters, can you? Should everyone be held accountable to everyone else for every single thought they have had about others?

So many posters on here say they want to be treated fairly and not be made to feel as if they are being looked down upon by someone because they don't believe in God. Well, I have seen plenty try to get across to those that just because they don't believe that doesn't mean others automatically think them evil or heathens. But, those statements have gone unaccepted. Then, when someone lashes out in frustration THAT is what is accepted.

So, Chai Tea, if you think you have busted anyone, IMO you have just busted yourself and others that seem to feel the way you do. No matter how hard I tried to explain how I felt or no matter how honest I was, it didn't matter to many. They stick with their interpretation of the situation and close their eyes and ears to what is being said to them. It's something everyone in this world does, Chai Tea. I have said time and time again that we all have differing beliefs and feelings and opinions. That IS REALITY. The reality is the world is made up of all kinds of people. Some are more educated, some aren't. Some are young and inexperienced, some are not. So, let's just attack everyone for everything different about them, why don't we? Let's ridicule those that can't spell very well even though we know what it is they are saying. I mean, afterall, there are so many of us in this world that have no faults whatsoever and cannot be called a hypocrite because of it, right?

The site administrator is someone called spirit warrior....that must be the evangelist....

And so what if spirit warrior is an evangelist? As long as he is not evangelizing on A2K, it shouldn't bother you a bit. That is, of course, unless you CHOOSE to go to that other site and read.

iljc - I didn't see any home schooled teenagers when looking at the profiles....the closest I could come was someone named master chief who had sh!itty spelling.....my bet is you're either My2Punkins or this newcomer whose web address is sexylingerie.com

here's a quote about A2K from My2Punkins.....

A2K is able2know.com. It's an all religion forum with so many lost people it's scary. There's even people who call themselves Christian but have some serious blinders on. You would be very welcomed there if you were to go (by the Christians anyway), LOL.

I think I was treated fairly decent until I mentioned my demonination. It's hitting now and it's not gonna get any better unfortunetly. I just told them it let's me know I'm in the right religion when they bash me!

Well, Chai Tea, perhaps it is scary to this person. How many times has the statement that Christians are dangerous been made? What's the difference?

The satanist doesn't believe in satan and he thinks he's a god.

Well, he did make these statements, Chai Tea. So?


Yep, you sure are. You want that equality and compassion from believers but boy, let us be imperfect one time. :wink:
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:08 pm
I Love Jesus Christ,

Anytime. But may I strongly suggest that we stick to the other site? :wink:
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:10 pm
Is masturbation evil?
I accept your apology, ILJC, even though you didn't offend me. Still, please, if you want an in-depth debate on Christianity, DO start another thread!

0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:13 pm
(grabbing Astroglide away from ILJC before Seductress' avatar disappears off the page again)
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:14 pm
Re: Is masturbation evil?
Questioner wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:
Oh, come on, Questioner. One person's interpretation posted on the Internet does not speak for all Christians' views.

Didn't say it did, did I? I was offering something constructive for the poor bastard that's getting frustrated by all the jokes.

Still, even if masterbation is immoral, we cannot be "sin-free" regardless of how much we might try.

Some can control themselves better than others. Let's not be to critical on either side of the situation.

Kindly point out where I was critical of ANYTHING and I'll gladly respond to it. As it sits, you are being both presumptuous and ignorant.

Do you feel better, now?
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:19 pm
I suppose. Though I think it had more to do with the salad I ate during lunch than anything else.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:23 pm
Momma - I don't feel I have busted myself.

why would I?

There's no ulterior motives within me MA, you should know that by now. What you see is what you get.

It wasn't the point that you belong to another forum, or what you talk about on another forum are anything else of that nature.

Actually, my point has nothing to do with religion.....

Here's my point.......

This "kid" (still not so sure I believe that) comes on this thread with no formulated ideas of his own, just some short prattles here and there saying basically nothing.

Here comes the meannie part......If this is a 16 year old that has been home schooled, someone as f*cked up big time....3rd graders write better than him. Beyond the horrible spelling, punctuation and grammer, there is no sense to it.

I get angry too that it apparantly acceptable to let a near adult loose on the world with skills that wouldn't get him hired at McDonalds

He and his parents should both be ashamed of themselves for how little he knows. Of course that's very mean of me to say because somehow the "system" must have falled him.

Like bella said, if you're gonna play with the big boys, you better come prepared...I'm not talking about being a Rhodes scholar, but when the response you get to questions is something like "uhhhhhh, I like........potato chips......uhhhhhh." I feel jerked around.

if what's him name can come here and put more than 10 words together, totaling more than 2 sentences, and express what he means, that'd be great.

I wasn't lookin for special consideration or whatever. I just can't waste time with someone who is stupid, and worse knows he's stupid and doesn't care.

Oh, and no, I don't really read much of anything you post in religion anymore. Nothing against you at all, I'm just busy participating in other stuff.

Honestly, and I mean this in the friendliest way, I wasn't trying to involve you in this at all.

but if you're going to recommend people post here, at least you can suggest they put their thoughts together, at least somewhat.

peace out.
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:38 pm
I'm sorry MA, but Chai is right to say that he was busted, IMO.

And the reason that you seem so uptight in your previous post to Chai, is that in a way, you've been busted too.

I (and quite a few others) have thought that some form of recruitment drive was under way from the christian soldiers, and although you may be right when you state that you didn't actually start doing this until Set had already accused you of it, I am of the opinion that this recruitment has been going on BEFORE that date, by "persons unknown", maybe.

ILJC was specifically recruited to come into A2K, purely to fight the "spiritual war" (your words) as "We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies".
You are encouraging fellow spirit warriors to join A2K, as "I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here".

Seeing this recruitment happen on a relatively new christian website makes me wonder how many other sites have a recruitment drive going on.

Personally, if I recommend someone come and have a look at A2K, I am praising the varied topics that are at hand, and letting them know that they can find something in there that interests them. I am NOT trying to get them to come in and convert the masses or do battle with anyone.

I find this whole thing quite alarming.

I wouldn't normally do this, but I feel that people should see your entire text on that particular post, just to see that I haven't quoted you out of context.

Taken from page 3, of "Question of the day"

Post is dated 12th Jan 2006

You wrote.... "How has God blessed me today? He sent me some real angels! Some know me from A2K, some don't. It's getting rough on that forum. The non-believers are really rebelling against God's word. I think those of you that post on A2K realize that.

I am asking if any of you do go to A2K and post in the Spirituality & Religion Forums, please DO NOT post in the threads that the atheists start that clearly are to mock the Lord! If we stay out of those threads, they will die from their own evil.

And those of you that do not post on Able2know.com, I encourage you to do so. We are in a spiritual war today. We need as many Christians as we can possibly get to stand united against the father of lies.

I want to see this site grow to be something so glorifying to God! We can all do that by finding others to come here. But, please, please, do not PM or directly ask anyone on A2K to join SpiritWarriors. That's against the TOS. I am in contact with a lot of the Christians there and I am telling them about this site to get them to come here.

We have to put forth our best Christlike armor we can my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Beast knows that his time is short and he grows angry."

There ARE other posts that could be included, but people can find them for themselves, if they wish.

This is a type of subtle manipulation, IMO, and is the main reason why I have no desire to belong to any form of organised religion.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:43 pm
In an effort to restore seriousness:
Chumly wrote:
neologist wrote:
I wouldn't even try to tell you I have never masturbated. Heck, I was born before the years had numbers; I've had plenty of time to live and learn. I speak for men and can only opine about women.

I submit that masturbation is a harmful practice. Think about it: what goes through your mind while beating the chicken? your term paper on the industrial revolution? Hah! Don't tell me; I think I already know. I submit that 99.99% of masturbation fantasies involve adultery or fornication. (Or worse, rape)

So, what's so bad about that? Well, there are few things more pleasurable than orgasm; and here you are rewarding your adulterous thoughts with this powerful climax. Remember what Jesus said about those who even think about adultery? What would he say to those who embellish their thoughts with prestidigitation?

I suggest if you are a habitual masturbator, you should try to find some other outlets for your energy. I'd suggest talking to your priest, but, well, you know. . .
You first need to make the argument that the organism provides reward for the "harmful" fantasy, and is not simply an integrated part of the process itself.

Then you need to make the argument that the fantasy has negative real world implications.

Then you need to make the argument that masturbation exacerbates the real world damage from this fantasy and not (for example) the reverse.

Where are your arguments?
I'm just parroting accepted psychological theory. A good case, written in layman's terms, may be found in Out Of The Shadows by Patrick Carnes; available in paperback.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:44 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Momma - I don't feel I have busted myself.

why would I?

I don't think you even realize what I mean. That's ok.

There's no ulterior motives within me MA, you should know that by now. What you see is what you get.

And that's one of the things I have always respected about you. You do put it out there. But, you don't usually get so personal with the attack. I have no interior motives either, Chai Tea. I lay it out there. I tell the honest truth. Hasn't been accepted that way and some of that I can understand and some I can't. But, that's life.

It wasn't the point that you belong to another forum, or what you talk about on another forum are anything else of that nature.

Just didn't see the need to bring it up at all. It has nothing to do with this forum.

Actually, my point has nothing to do with religion.....

Here's my point.......

This "kid" (still not so sure I believe that) comes on this thread with no formulated ideas of his own, just some short prattles here and there saying basically nothing.

In your opinion, Chai Tea. But, he obviously felt he had something to say. I don't think everyone on A2K has a lot to say either, but I don't find it necessary to point it out, thus possibly making them feel less than and I didn't understand you doing it. You just don't seem to me to be the kind of person to deliberately hurt someone's feelings at all.

Here comes the meannie part......If this is a 16 year old that has been home schooled, someone as f*cked up big time....3rd graders write better than him. Beyond the horrible spelling, punctuation and grammer, there is no sense to it.

No, there is not. But, did you pointing out how "whatever word you would like to use here" he is or isn't help? He is a sixteen year old child Chai Tea. Surely you remember what it was like to be 16? Wanting to be all grown up and yet get defensive when called a child or have your flaws pointed out? There are human beings on the other ends of these monitors. I think sometimes we all seem to forget that.

I get angry too that it apparantly acceptable to let a near adult loose on the world with skills that wouldn't get him hired at McDonalds.

Intolerance? From you? Sure, it makes me mad too. It makes me mad that our children are not getting from our educational system what they will need to make it in this life. But, taking it out on the kids isn't the answer, is it?

He and his parents should both be ashamed of themselves for how little he knows. Of course that's very mean of me to say because somehow the "system" must have falled him.

Perhaps they should, Chai Tea. But, why did you feel that YOU should be the one to point this out? Chai Tea, don't you see? This is a form of intolerance isn't it? We ALL have intolerance to something, Chai Tea. I will never deny that. But, I was just surprised at it from you. It did not seem to fit into my perception of you.

Like bella said, if you're gonna play with the big boys, you better come prepared...I'm not talking about being a Rhodes scholar, but when the response you get to questions is something like "uhhhhhh, I like........potato chips......uhhhhhh." I feel jerked around.

You feel jerked around because someone is not as intelligent as you? You feel jerked around because perhaps they were making a joke or whatever? Why take it personally? I wish I had a nickel for everytime I have been told to not take it personally. Laughing We all do it. We all take things personally at times that are not meant that way.

if what's him name can come here and put more than 10 words together, totaling more than 2 sentences, and express what he means, that'd be great.

I wasn't lookin for special consideration or whatever. I just can't waste time with someone who is stupid, and worse knows he's stupid and doesn't care.

Then Chai Tea, with all due respect, do not read it. Just ignore it.

Oh, and no, I don't really read much of anything you post in religion anymore. Nothing against you at all, I'm just busy participating in other stuff.

Doesn't change a thing in my day. And I don't mean that in a smart mouthed way. If you do, you do. If you don't, you don't. That is your choice and I respect that.

Honestly, and I mean this in the friendliest way, I wasn't trying to involve you in this at all.

but if you're going to recommend people post here, at least you can suggest they put their thoughts together, at least somewhat.

Well, hate to break the news to you, Chai Tea, but I had nothing to do with I Love Jesus Christ coming to A2K. Actually, I have been responsible for one person and one person only registering on A2K. And the only reason she joined was to get involved with that scenario I had started about making laws and stuff. Had nothing to do with her being a Christian or not. So, I cannot take any credit for any Christian signing up on A2K. And, trust me, I am NOT asking ANYONE to sign up on A2K now and will never do it again.
peace out.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:54 pm
i love JESUS CHRIST wrote:
i apologize to every one if i said any thing to affend you.do you accept?

Whoa hoo hoo young man....stop right there. My mother never would have allowed me to get away with a half assed apology like that.

Of course I'm not your mother, but I am still capable of giving that looking down the nose nostril flair to you....

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that no one has every properly taught you how to make an apology. So, I'll start from square one.

You don't get away with averting your eyes and scratching your toe at the ground while mumbling something about "yeah, i'm sorry, 'kay?"

You directly insulted a lady. You need to address your apology directly to that lady. One doesn't include the phrase "IF" you offended someone. You use words like "I'm sorry I offended you" You don't make excuses for your behavior.

You offended, you act like a man and own up to it, you apologize, hoping she'll accept. That's up to her. Bella is a very nice lady really, and I'm pretty sure she will.

Apologizing properly is VERY important in life. It make the other person feel like they have worth.

The lady in question is one of God's children, she at least deserves the effort proper punctuation and spelling.

One thing I'm very sure of, all kidding aside, is that Jesus would NOT be pleased with an apology like the one you gave her.

You know Iljc, you might just want to hang around A2K for more than just the religion.

You might find many things that will enhance your life skills.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:56 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Momma - I don't feel I have busted myself.

why would I?

There's no ulterior motives within me MA, you should know that by now. What you see is what you get.

It wasn't the point that you belong to another forum, or what you talk about on another forum are anything else of that nature.

Actually, my point has nothing to do with religion.....

Here's my point.......

This "kid" (still not so sure I believe that) comes on this thread with no formulated ideas of his own, just some short prattles here and there saying basically nothing.

Here comes the meannie part......If this is a 16 year old that has been home schooled, someone as f*cked up big time....3rd graders write better than him. Beyond the horrible spelling, punctuation and grammer, there is no sense to it.

I get angry too that it apparantly acceptable to let a near adult loose on the world with skills that wouldn't get him hired at McDonalds

He and his parents should both be ashamed of themselves for how little he knows. Of course that's very mean of me to say because somehow the "system" must have falled him.

Like bella said, if you're gonna play with the big boys, you better come prepared...I'm not talking about being a Rhodes scholar, but when the response you get to questions is something like "uhhhhhh, I like........potato chips......uhhhhhh." I feel jerked around.

if what's him name can come here and put more than 10 words together, totaling more than 2 sentences, and express what he means, that'd be great.

I wasn't lookin for special consideration or whatever. I just can't waste time with someone who is stupid, and worse knows he's stupid and doesn't care.

Oh, and no, I don't really read much of anything you post in religion anymore. Nothing against you at all, I'm just busy participating in other stuff.

Honestly, and I mean this in the friendliest way, I wasn't trying to involve you in this at all.

but if you're going to recommend people post here, at least you can suggest they put their thoughts together, at least somewhat.

peace out.
oh boy i have said i am sorry. it looks to me like you just like to fight.hey leave my parents out of this.how little i know i may not know a lot about book smarts but i do not care about that stuff.what does it matter.i am saved i know JESUS CHRIST and i have received JESUS CHRIST AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 12:57 pm
Is masturbation evil?
Don't worry, Lord Ellpus. There isn't anything to fear with them. They mean well, but they're in a world of their own. It's best to just let them be... they need what they need. If they didn't have it, they would be worse off than what they are, now. Religion does fill a purpose for those who need it.

They can't *force* recruitment. Those who join them in their beliefs are only gravitating to a personal spiritual need that can't be filled any other way. We can only accept what we are ready to accept. Their particular stand is on the level that they can handle.

I used to be there. I know. When I was there, I desperately needed it. It has now become a stepping stone to a higher level of spirituality. I'm still Christian, but an Independent one as well as a mystic, who is very capable of thinking for myself.

Most people are unable to "skip grades". Let's not eliminate that stepping stone for others.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 01:03 pm
Lord Ellpus,

Yes. I said it. I did it. But, I did it two weeks after Setanta accused me of doing it. And as I stated in my post to Chai Tea, I will take responsibility for one person actually registering on A2K. I do not know of any other person that registered because of me.

And if you can't deal with it, I am sorry. But, I have told you over and over and over again. I will stand up to whatever I have said. Now, I will admit I should NOT have painted with such a wide brush in that post from the other site and I do apologize for that. But, I stand by what I said. If you don't like me because I'm honest, then don't like me.

If you don't like me because I want to see God glorified instead of mocked, then don't like me. So many seem to think it's ok to mock God but oh no, don't let someone say something nice about God. That's not allowed, right? You want equality? Start giving some out, then. That does not apply to everyone on A2K. There are so many that allowed me my beliefs and feelings and felt no need to ridicule me or berate me for it.

How many times have I called any of you names because you do not believe in God? How many times have I attacked your beliefs? How many times have I condemned any of you? How many times have I tried and tried to make peace with you? I'm touting nothing here but the truth. I have taken great pains to let you know that I do not condemn you because of what I believe. Over and over again I have tried to explain to you that I am seeking answers and that you could help me.

I couldn't find the answers I needed from others that believe because they don't have the same feelings about some things as some of you do. I was trying to understand you. Yes, some of you are IMO deceived by the father of lies. So friggin what? You seem to have no problem thinking I am deluded or irrational. Why do you care if I think you might be decieved by something? It's ok for YOU (not literal) to think what you want of me based on what I post but I am not afforded the same in return? Tell me that you have not had negative thoughts about me because of what I believe! How many times have believers been called nutjobs, etc.?

Let's be honest, ok? I am. I can be so honest it will cut you to the bone and then I'll admit doing it. I think we all need to take a good long look in the mirror. I think we all need to focus on what is wrong with ourselves and not what is wrong with someone else.

I am not going to apologize for what I said. I will apologize for the wide brush but I will not apologize for wanting to glorify God instead of mocking Him. And if you don't like it, well, like Diane would say, ............!!!
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 01:05 pm
oh boy i have said i am sorry.

You have not apologized to the lady you insulted, and I truly believe God in very dissapointed in you right now.

That commandment (not suggestion commandment) about honouring your father and mother?
I was raised to believe that meant anyone who was older than you, and ladies, especially ladies.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 01:08 pm
Momma Angel
Momma Angel,

The way you're behaving gives Christians a bad name. I suggest you back off, regroup, and meditate.

Either take a chill pill, get married, and/or masturbate, but stop making a fool out of yourself. You have no idea how you look, right now.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 01:11 pm
With all due respect your worship-

They won't take any notice of lectures.You are wasting whatever literary talents your forbears passed on to you,along with all those other things too numerous and ,in some cases,too sordid to mention,with all that,sensible though it is from many points of view.

A little poking of the sharp stick between the bars
is often much more effective.After all,it is going to be hard to convert people who see a situation they might be thinking of converting to being the subject of humorous jestings.And the ones who are not thinking of being converted only matter in the sense that they deserve to derive some amusement from their choice and it is up to fellow travellers to provide it.

Once you take your oponents seriously you have granted them "seriousness".
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