NorSacDan wrote:agrote wrote:NorSacDan wrote:agrote wrote:NorSacDan wrote:I do think that more people need to be educated about whey drugs really do to you, but the honest truth is that most people dont care.
Where'd you get that from? What makes you think that most people don't care about harming themselves or putting their lives at risk?
And can you stop posting in bold please...
ummmm... I didn't say that...
What I did say that most people dont really care what drugs really do to you. When you tell someone who doesnt do drugs what they do to you, they shrug it of 90% of the time because it doesnt usually pertain to their life. When you tell a drug user what drugs do to them, they usually shrug it off because they enjoy the good feeling and try to ignore the negative effect.
Please pay attention that I am not saying all people......
And I post in bold whenever I answer a question or answer a quote, but if it really bugs you I will break the habit and stop, just let me know.
But where do you get that impression from? What has led you to believe that people generally tend to not care abotu the effects of drugs? I'm not convinced that pot smoekrs won't respond to the informatio nthat, if you are susceptible, smoking pot can trigger mental illness.
And yes, it bugs me.
Ok, I won't post in bold.
I get that impression from several of my friends from High School who new the effect of the drugs they were doing and that it could potentially kill them, one of them it did, and yet they continued to do the drug. The reason they gave me was that the feeling overpowered the negative effects. Now you may deal with different people, but even to this day, most the drug users I come in contact with know the consequences of there actions and still use the drug(s).
But as I said, the people you know may have more common sense, or more disipline, but from my experiences, that is not the case.
But how do you know they didn't care about the negative effects of drugs? Maybe they just made an informed decision to take the risk and continue to use the drugs. I don't think that the purpose of drug education is to stop people using drugs - it's to make sure that people are aware of the risks.
The whole point of the drug awareness programs are to prevent and stop drug use.
To me, I just cannot conceive how someone could make and informed decision on the effects of drugs and continue to use them.... to me it is like knowing that if you point a gun at yourself and pull the trigger, you will get shot and yet you still pull the trigger.
We have these people out there because some people just cannot look past there selfish needs of pleasure, highs, hallucinations or whatever and they use drugs.
So by 'awareness' you mean 'bias.' Drugs awareness programs should have the purpose of teaching people ALL the facts about drugs, not just the bits about how dangerous they are - why do people use them? what are the effects? what are the dangers? what are the laws? And so on. Telling people to 'just say no' is useless to the peopel who are already saying 'yes' every weekend. If we just tell kids to say no to drugs without teaching them all the facts abotu drugs, some of them will take ecstacy while drunk, or smoke marijuana when they're feeling depressed, and be worse off than if we taught them that they should never under any circumstance mix their drugs - it's a compeltely unecessary risk - and that marijuana exaggurates your mood, so if you are feeling low it will make you feel lower.
That entirely depends on which drugs you are talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a greater chance of you dying if you go for a walk than if you smoke a joint. People with full knowledge of the dangers use all kinds of drugs because of the positive effects, which they fail to mention in school. I was taught at school that people do drugs because they hate life, but that is a lie. People do drugs because the experience is, at least at times, wonderful. I'm not saying that we should encourage kids to do drugs, just that they have a right to know all the facts, includign the truth about why peopel take them.
Addicts and such do often need to steal to feed their habits, and soem drug users cause other problems for society. But what is selfish about the desire to experience "pleasure, highs, hallucinations or whatever" if it does no harm to anyone else? If some student drops acid, and doesn't cause anyone else any harm or cause any damage to society, what is selfish about his action?
I do agree with you though that in schools, drugs should be talked about more... but realistically, would high schoolers care? I just don't think many of them would. Much of the reason is realated to age and maturity.
But it NEVER does no harm!!! Think about it, drugs have to be made/grown and during that time protected and many times dealers knock off other dealers to get their drugs(someone just got hurt). Even before that, for many drugs, certain chemicals have to be made avalible. In most cases, the drugs are stolen (someone just got hurt). Drugs are then sold on the street, many first timers buy them and use them and OD (someone just got hurt). Sometime the manufacturers are not honest (really? drug manufacturers not honest?!?! ) and produce drugs that have harmful chemicals on them that normally are not in the drug (this happened with E and is still happening). Some people take those drugs and get real sick (someone just got hurt).
OK lets look at the facts and contradicitions.
I hope some of you are aware of the highly addictive and re-enforcing effects of methamphetamine. Yes? OK, well if your not, let me enlighten some of you. Methamphetamine is the most potent dopamine releasing drug created by man, and existing on the planet. It works by facilitating the release of dopamine in excesive amounts in the brain. By making the neurons releaes more dopamine into the synapses, a person experiences extreme euphoria, energy, and happiness. This drug is more potent than cocain, and more re-enforcing than cocain. While cocain gives you a 15-30 min. high, meth gives you one lasting anywhere from 8-24hours. Now with 24 hours of extreme pleasure only obtainable by one substance, I think any normal human would become instantly addicted. Yes? Yes.
A quote:
"Mr. Clinton said, ³I am particularly pleased we are acting before this epidemic spreads.² Mr. Clinton added, ³We have to stop meth¹ before it becomes the crack of the 1990s. And this legislation gives us a chance to do it.² Unfortunately ³meth² is not a new problem in the United States. Methamphetamine, which is known on the street as ³speed,² ³crank,² or ³ice,² is a powerful stimulant. So powerful, in fact, that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has called it the most lethal substance to hit the streets during the entire 35-year war on drugs."
But hey guys!, guess what!...Meth is legal, so are its analogues(amphetamine l-amphetamine, and d-amphetamine)
Want some BRAND names that are prescribed for appetite surpression and ADHD???
-Ritalin(which is actually more related to cocain in action, but you get my point, yes?)
Funny how a large sum of the addictive drugs out there are addictive because of their affect on dopamine release. Hmmm....
That would lead one to wonder how much marijuana affects dopamine synthesis based on the FDA's firm standing that marijuana is addictive. Yes?
Well, I shall enlighten you, friends. It has absolutely no affect on the dopamine pleasure-reward system whatsoever. Marijuana affects a certain type of receptor in the brain. These are called cannabinoid receptors. They are designed to respond to the bodies natural cannabinoids produced to control pain and fear. You cannot get addicted to this substance from a physical standpoint. The only argument, in terms of addiciton that remains is the one of psychological addiciton. You can get psychologicaly addicted to marijuana, as you can with any activity friends!
Examples that some could relate to: Watching TV, playing video games, sitting on the couch.
Marijuana has been found to be less addictive than chocolate, and more addictive than sardines.
OK now that I've gone through that, let me give you a few statistics shall we!
--There have been 2,439 deaths related to methamphetamine reported between 1991 and 1995
Annual deaths relating from drug overuse or overdose:
TOBACCO ........................400,000
ALCOHOL .........................100,000
ALL LEGAL DRUGS .............20,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ...........15,000
CAFFEINE ..........................2,000
ASPIRIN ............................500
MARIJUANA ........................0
Thats right, ZERO
So wait, why is it illegal again?
Let me shut you up before you start talking again pal.
"Marijuana does not cause serious health problems like those caused by tobacco or alcohol (e.g., strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defects, emphysema, liver damage, etc.). Death from a marijuana overdose is impossible. In all of world history, there has never been a single human death attributed to a health problem caused by marijuana."
"Continuous long-term smoking of marijuana can
cause bronchitis, but the chance of contracting bronchitis from casual marijuana smoking is minuscule. "
So wait, its illegal because you have a miniscule chance of contacting a minor respiritory infection called bronchitis? But I thought that the legal smoking product tobacco caused a lot more than
that I may be mistaken but the Surgeons General warning states that tobacco has been proven to cause:
" * SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
* SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.
* SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.
* SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide."
OK, so this is legal, WHY?
Perhapse I wan mistaken when I said that it was harmless to drive while high, no, I was flat out wrong. I was going on memory, and had few references. I apologize.
Please dont arrest me for being mistaken in one point of my last submission guys!
So does anyone think that marijuana should be kept out of the reach of terminally ill AIDS and Cancer patients, while Methamphetamine is being prescribed for appetite supression? Im sorry, but if that is logic, by any stretch of the imagination, I must be pretty thick to not be understanding why this naturally occuring plant that god created is being controlled by the US government.