Cyracuz wrote:My main concern about banning anything is that it deprives people of the choice. We should discourage use of drugs, but the choice should be left to the individual, with the intention of raising strong and independent members of society. Let evolution do its thing.
Not a bad idea. Except discouraging the use of some drugs is absolutely unnecessary of course...
Maybe it's better to educate, rather than discourage - teach people all the facts about all the drugs without bias, then let them make their own minds up. In my experience, at schools in England they spend too much time preaching lies about drugs and not enough time actually outlining all the facts about drugs.
I and many others believe that marijuana is, on the whole, a fairly safe drug to use. But one of the biggest dangers of using cannabis is that it can trigger schizophrenia in those who are prone. School didn't tell me this, my mum did. School instead decided to show us a video telling us the lie that, "the only people who take drugs are people who hate life." Why use lies and scare tactics when there are a plenty of facts to support the argument that smoking cannabis is, perhaps, not wise? Anyway I'm completely digressing, sorry...
Legalisation and education is a bonnie idea, methinks.