An interesting thing happened while I was looking for this information.
I was Googling the heck out of this subject and decided to look up Professors of Native American Studies and see if any of them had any reading lists or books they had written that might fit the bill.
I noticed one of the Heads of the Native American Studies department had an Email address. I figured that if I sent him an email, he might throw it to one of his underlings if he read it at all.
This is what I sent:
4/5/2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Asking for your advice if you have a moment Doctor XXXX
Doctor XXXX,
I found your name via an internet search and understand your schedule must be very active and might not permit replying to an unknown person. I am writing a book and was attempting to find information about the colonization of North America told from the point of view of the Native American population. As I am sure you are aware, almost every book about the colonization is told from a Eurocentic point of view and I was hoping you might have some recomendations as to any books that might have the information I need.
I understand if your schedule will not permit you to take the time to reply with this data and I thank you for your time in reading it.
With respect,
Dan Sxxxxxxx
Winter Springs, Florida
Keep in mind, this is the Department Head of a major University getting an email from a total stranger. Imagine my suprise when this was in my mailbox an hour later.
4/5/2005 3:17 PM
RE: Asking for your advice if you have a moment Doctor XXXX
Dear Dan,
There are a number of books that might help. One is 'Facing East from Indian Country'. I think that would be a great starting place on eastern colonization from a tribal view point. If that helps you to get started, I will be glad to provide you with other sources. This way we will be on the same page.
Take good care, and good luck.
I looked the book up on Amazon and it seems to be exactly what I was looking for. I had to order it through Amazon as not ONE bookstore in the entire Central Florida area carried it in stock.
I'm just blown away when people take the time to show courtsey to help out a complete stranger with their knowledge.