Piggy heard too much about “gun control” in the US. It’s obviously not piggy’s affair. Piggy is reluctant to meddle in that affair, never.
Piggy only quotes some stuff of others for reference only…
Mr. Lash’s comment ahead:
“All that rude noise is an attempt to bully people into submission.
Gun ownership is an important right—becoming more important now than ever.
The US government could do a hell of a lot better job stopping mass shootings. They choose not to because they want to disarm the people.”
Mr. Leadfoot’s comment elsewhere:
“The most evil way to enslave people is to make them their own slavemaster.”
Piggy’s additional comment here:
Perhaps they found a reason to CONTROL your gun today…
And tomorrow they would find another reason to cut your balls to CONTROL birth rate.
“Standard” constraint…
Wish you free, guys.