I think Yo Yo Ma is v. handsome... and I love his smile.
ehBeth wrote:you look like Yo Yo Ma? are you married? wanna get married?
Thankfully I look nothing like him (both because he is esthetically challenged IMO and because Setana would hit me) but if he's gorgeous I think I can wrangle at least "tolerable".
I repeat, wimmins is weird.
Second choice would be a back up singer here years ago with Hoyt Axton - darned near as pretty as my mother, she was.
First choice would be Lola, if I can have the rest too.
Lolas pins!!Ooowee.Piffka´s a cutey too don´t you think?

Unfortunately that pic is not really me. But thanks.
You´re so welcome Piffka.
Must admit your beetling brow is a little fiercesome... but then, you were interested in Martin Scorsese. Or Henry Moore? Hmmm. I admit, I don't quite get him, but, to each his own.
If I were to choose a dead artist, I think I'd pick Picasso. A womanizer, for one, so he'd be attentive. Interesting and would know everybody. Might want me for a model - could we go back to the Rose Period. Comes from one of my favorite places. Prolly can ride a horse. Yep, Pablo, baby! Where are ya?
I chose Moore for his insight,not necessarily his art (which,admittedly I´m crazy about).I think you´d have more fun with Pablo than I.His Demoiselles D´Avignon is one of my all-time favourite paintings though.
My immediate image of Picasso art has a twisted stick figure man on horseback, poking bulls. Being a romantic, the warm round figures of the Rose Period really are what I'd want hanging on my walls. Demoiselles D'Avignon, isn't that a cubist work? I'll go check.
Oh yeah, with the baboon headed woman. That's your favorite?
It is.A revolutionary piece of work too.
I sigh as I say, well, revolutions are well and good, HOWEVER... beauty lasts.
So you wouldn´t have it on your wall?
I don't think so, but I'll give it to you instead.
Aww heck,now I´ll have to take down the Van Gogh I´m so crazy about.
Uhhh, which Van Gogh??? Maybe we should be working a trade?
i wolud choose Mel Gibson because he is sexy, funny, romantic, and smart. that is all you need to be with me, baby. oh, yeah! he's also got loads of cash!!!!!
Since Adrian Paul is busy with Misti, I'll take Patrick Stewart.

Thanks for asking...
haha... I am too young for all the beautiful guys out there... if I was older though, either Rob Thomas, Conor of Bright Eyes or Davey Havock.