Sun 27 Mar, 2005 09:51 pm
I just had this interesting discussion on the phone with a girl who I met a few weeks ago, about what exactly it is that makes something a date. I told her that the first time we went out, it was a date in my mind. We met out at a social activity, we exchanged numbers, I called her a couple days later, and then we went out for coffee the following weekend. I'd say that is a date. But she told me that she didn't want to date anybody right now, and that she's interested in making friends with people.
Could it be that it was a date for me, but not for her?
What exactly is a date? Does a date imply that there is already some sort of physical attraction, and the possibility of sex? Or is a date just any meeting between two available people of the appropriate sexual preferences, regardless of whether there is a sexual attraction or not? Sometimes you go out with someone just to find out if there is any attraction, don't you? Is that a date?
I tend to think that it's just a word, and that it's not really that important what you call it. But I wonder what other people think about it.
What is it? Our age? Geex. Ask Beth if this doesn't sound like one of my splitting-hairs semantics rants.
I think that girl has some issues to work through. I also think your life might be a lot simpler if you aren't there while she works through 'em.
I agree with you that she has some issues to deal with. And I think she would too. I'm not going to be hanging around like an idiot hoping she'll decide that she's interested in dating me someday in the distant future, but I don't mind talking to her every once in a while. Who knows, maybe she has a cute friend. And besides, she's interesting to talk to.
...or a plain and wildly unibhibited friend...
It's the dried fruit of palm trees - too many will give you the runs.
Mr. Stillwater, the bar here in Madison that is named after yourself fired an acquaintance of mine. I went there last night, and he was there drinking. What gives?
patiodog wrote:Mr. Stillwater, the bar here in Madison that is named after yourself fired an acquaintance of mine. I went there last night, and he was there drinking. What gives?
He still gets a 'frequent boozer' discount that gives him reward points towards a fibreglass liver when his own one conks out.
Aaaargh - look, I have sex and beloveds for quite a while now - and this "date" thing kind of leaves me cold.
I think I have been on about 10 "dates" in my life.
Generally, I kind of hang out with fellas - and hang out more - and then - BAM. We be beloveds. Or - slow b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-m and we be beloveds. Or not. Sometimes we hang out and such, and after a few years, we be very close friends. Or we hang out, and have a friendly tango or two and we are still friends - or not. So it goes.
I remember my fourth "date".
It was with a housemate of some friends.
I dropped round to pick him up - and the house was in turmoil. My dear friends who lived there had just broken up. He (he was in his first year of teaching) was running off with his Principal's husband. She was off interstate to stay with a friend until he moved out. Everyone was there - Principal, husband, my "date", the other male housemate, the two members of the couple, and the Principal.
I ended up on the "date" with my date, and the other male housemate.
a. I realised the boys were outraged, not because our friend had broken up with our other friend in a truly mean way, but because he had left her for another MAN.
Homophobic - strike one.
b. My "date" was rude and arrogant to the waiter.
Strike two.
I have never "dated" again - (as opposed to finding partners) - until the last couple of years.
Whole damn thing is weird.
I prefer hanging out and then - BAM - or not.
And you make good friends, too.
Main Entry: 3date
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): dat·ed; dat·ing
transitive senses
1 : to determine the date of <date an antique>
2 : to record the date of : mark with the date
3 a : to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period b : to show up plainly the age of
4 : to make or have a date with
intransitive senses
1 : to reckon chronologically
2 : ORIGINATE <a friendship dating from college days>
3 : to become dated
4 : to go out on usually romantic dates
- dat·able also date·able /'dA-t&-b&l/ adjective
- dat·er /'dA-t&r/ noun
If it looks like a date, walks like a date, smells like a date and quacks like a date, I would say it was a date. But what do I know.....I don't date.
I'm not fond of 'dating' either, dlowan. I have tended to befriend guys and of those, one would resolve out to be something more. Then we'd be in a relationship. Now I don't know many guys, I don't go out where I might meet them, so it doesn't happen. Hence my ridiculous attempts at dating.
I know.
I dated a bit before I met the current.
I much prefer the kind of osmosis method.
Yeah - people are harder to meet - everyone is so damned BUSY!!
My friends and I do not have half the fun we used to do - though I must admit the last couple of months have been a bit more like it. (And my liver is telling me all about it to day.)
You can call it whatever you want. A coffee date, a casual meeting to chat, doesn't really matter, and it's not really worth bringing up in conversation.
I would have just agreed with her it wasn't a date, and you're not looking for anything serious either.
But don't listen to me. I'm in a S L U M P.
So - SIT UP STRAIGHT!!! Square those shoulders, let go of the thingy - there. Better?