It probably isn't a problem in the same way it is in America. If the minority is rich there certainly wouldn't be a problem. Usually such issues relates to poverty, and the crime that comes with poverty, and therefore the over-representation in the justice system of the minority. However in the US there seems to two things that make it worse:
- a larger prison system to most countries
- way more guns in public (I mean during police intercepts)
- way more home owners prepared to shoot at police executing search warrants (so it seems)
- way more police shooting citizens (whether criminal or not). Wikipedia puts the US at the top of the shootings per capita for western nations.
Presumably, that extra level of shootings is heavily weighted towards the black community (I haven't checked that far, as I've been answering a slightly different question)
These feelings of
localised police injustice are compounded by social media <which may not talk about local events at all>, and also by the media whose headlines only say 'police', rather than <jurisdiction location> police...and by so doing paints all police forces. In other words, in a way all police forces are now grouped as one , no matter their record, training, improvements, etc. Having a bigger pool to choose from, in an arena often enough dealing in required split second decision making (or things going for good to bad in a split second)...you now have the ability to paint a series of 'issues' as belonging to one police force, even if that is not at all the case. So people everywhere start feeling more uncertain of their police, and more aggrieved of anything that goes wrong.
Outside of that issue - my view is we have moved a long way from a resilient, self reliant society, towards a victim based society - where there are ever more mental 'disorders' discovered, every more reasons why people can't help themselves, with the government trying to solve ever increasingly minor problems for people, where conflict management skills are diminishing, criticism (even constructive) is frowned on...etc...etc...etc... ie. This compounds the above.
At the same time government teaches individual rights of what other people, police, etc can't do....without teaching the obligation the individual has back to the community (respect, contribution, to participate in problem solving - particularly of their own problems, etc). This too compounds the problem (and is part of what allows people to view themselves as victims. ie
"You can't do that", while ignoring how they are contributing to the situation)