Mind if I join you guys?
Yesterday we did our first plated brunch. People loved it. Imagine the best brunch you ever had, with someone to go through the line for you... and instead of your food sitting in a chafing dish it is made to order. Huge selection of most everything breakfast plus steak, chicken pork loin and trout including Korbel Champagne, juices and coffee for $16. It was only a test run but folks really seemed to love it.
Bar stools seem to be having the desired effect. Both Friday and Saturday night I had people occupying the stools a cool 2 hours later than previous weeks, rave reviews and what seemed to be the beginning of an "atmosphere". If this trend continues; I'll have to seriously consider buying some quality, comfortable chairs for the dining rooms as well. (Wouldn't it be funny if what people really wanted was just a comfortable place to sit?)
Night before last I had a Bride and Groom to be (and his parents) come in to discuss their rehearsal dinner reservation for 55.
Did you say reservation?
Do you mean you don't know about our reservation?
This, 20 minutes before we opened for dinner.
It seems they've been planning this for over a year and are in fact getting married across the street with half the who's who in attendance by the sounds of it. The only problems are:
1. Our main dining room upstairs typically seats 11 less people than that.
2. We haven't the kitchen capacity to do a party half that size in a plated at once setting... Especially when you consider that the food they were promised is Sautee items off the menu that have to be served within a minute or two or they're garbage.
3. It's scheduled for a Friday night, 7:00PM.
4. 55 Crème Brulée Dishes would cost how much?
5. We have neither an Alto sham nor a Heat box (should have both for a party this big) nor about a zillion other things banquet facilities all have.
Put simply, we're too ill-equipped for this type of function to consider one half its size.
A crying bride who's planned this for years to the finest detail, who'll be getting married across the street from our restaurant on the following day.
So, when they came back yesterday, I made it abundantly clear why we couldn't do it, why we shouldn't do it and why doing it would result in a net loss and had the potential for disaster... and then laid out the conditions under which we'll do it... which of course, we will.
I suspect the cost of this party will be roughly double what we're charging by the time all is said and done... but cannot imagine denying these people what they were promised a year ago.
On the plus side, both my partner and his Sou Chef have extensive backgrounds in banquet service in some of the finer lodges around. I'm hopeful the positive word of mouth advertising from promising less than we believe we can really deliver will make it's mark on the minds of those in attendance. Our goal is to make a better impression than the pro's will with their fancy equipment, facilities and experienced staff the following evening.
We'll just have to wait and see. :wink:
What fun!