The sorts of claims that get made, then forwarded by a lot of the folks here and elsewhere on this topic are commonly marked by sloppy thinking, worse research, and in a lot of cases, outright lies.
Let's take, for example, Robert Novak's claim on Crossfire yesterday that...
Quote:"[t]hey only have left-wing speakers on campuses like Berkeley and Harvard."
A lot of the folks on this thread will just gobble that down and repeat it. There are already a ton of examples preceding.
What's true? A year earlier, on April 8, 2004, Novak himself spoke at Harvard University's Institute of Politics.
What else is true? A partial speaker list...
- Former executive director of the Christian Coalition and Southeast regional chairman for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign Ralph Reed (Harvard, 3/23/05)
-Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith (Harvard, 3/3/05)
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (Harvard, 9/28/04)
-Former U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige (Harvard, 4/22/04)
-Bush-Cheney '04 campaign manager Ken Mehlman (Harvard, 4/13/04)
-Former Club for Growth president Stephen Moore (Harvard, 3/11/04)
-Students for Academic Freedom president David Horowitz (UC Berkeley, 2/3/05)
-Former U.S. Senate candidate Bill Jones (UC Berkeley, 10/6/04)
-Weekly Standard editor William Kristol (UC Berkeley, 10/4/04)
-Conservative columnist and author Michelle Malkin (UC Berkeley, 9/7/04)