No, I don't remember that movie but I can tell you that the thought of rape and especially gang rape has always filled me with anger and disgust.
When I was in HS I was on the track team. In my Junior year, a very troubled girl came into our class. She would constantly say obscene things and tell boys they could do "things" to her. Frankly, I can't believe that our school district was so negligent as to not provide her with specialized attention.
As you can imagine it wasn't long before everyone knew who she was and numerous boys were bragging how they had their way with her. Who knows whether they did or not.
One day two of the Seniors on the track team told the rest of us that this girl would be coming to the locker room after practice and we could all have a "shot." I'm proud to say that most of the team, led by other Seniors made it absolutely clear that no such thing would happen.
Good people didn't rape 40 years ago and they didn't take advantage of disturbed girls. You and your age group are not somehow in an advanced state of morality.
BTW - What proof is there that Kavanaugh lied about ever being black-out drunk?
People toss the term around with ignorance, and no knowledge of alcoholism.
Blackouts are an indicator of alcoholism and a blackout that could lead one to not remember a rape is incredibly rare and an indication of extreme alcoholism. The sort where someone wakes up in another state afer a three day bender and has no idea how they got there. It's not the type of behavior that could organize repeated black-out situations. The charge is absolutely absurd. There has been zero evidence to suggest Kavanaugh was a alcoholic, let alone an extreme one.