Roger Ebert, via PDiddie wrote:'The choice is Saddam's,'' Bush said more than once during his press conference. Whether that is true or not, the choice is no longer Bush's. (emphasis added by timber)
In this, and in many other matters, that clearly is true and long has been so, IMHO. Again IMHO, in this, Bush has much in common with many, if not most, of his predescessors. "The President" has always been the products of and point men for commities. That's the way democracy works. The larger the committee, the less efficient it is at determining, let alone implementing, policy. Given that "The Committee" here includes not just Bush the Younger and his inner circle, but the whole of the other two branches of government as well. A larger, and more inefficient, committee is difficult to imagine. That is one of the chief benefits of Democracy ... it is extremely inefficient.
What church The President attends, which Faith he professes, are of relatively less effect on the course of government than is the natural inertia of government. To imply "The President's Faith" has no part in "The President's Agenda" would be disingenuous, of course. It is equally disingenuous to not consider parts played by the myriad other considerations that make up "The President's Agenda", whoever The President, whatever "The Presidential Agenda". Or so it seems to me.
"The President's Faith" is of interest, but I think it unlikely of much impact.
Focus on such, despite it's emotional gratification, distracts from more pertinent scrutiny.
Then again, others feel differently. Who, if any, as are "Right" or "Wrong" is inderterminate, if not indeterminable. A different opinion is not by definition a "Incorrect" opinion, any more than is a shared opinion always a "Correct" opinion. Its really pretty much a matter of opinion, in my opinion. Of course, I have opinions of "The Rightness" of things, myself