Here's an idea that will definitely work to discourage war - for the time being. c.i.
Subject: pope's peace
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 17:45:27 -0800
From: "Beth Taylor"
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Dear Friends,In case you don't know of James Twyman, he's called "The Peace Troubador." For many years he's travelled around the world, sometimes at the invitation of goverments and sometimes on his own, bringing the message of peace to troubled regions. I received the attached email and wanted to pass it on. The first paragraph refers to his support of the Helen Coldicott petition to the pope. Now Twyman is creating a further petition which he'll deliver to the pope in person, asking for the papal presence in Baghdad. The same request will be made via an emmissary to the Dalai Lama. If these two spiritual icons traveled to Iraq, the US would not attack. See what you think. Love - and Peace!!!! Beth A few days ago I asked you to send an email to His Holiness Pope John Paul II, asking him to personally intervene in the conflict with Iraq by traveling to Baghdad, and to invite other religious and spiritual leaders to join him. I believe that this would immediately halt plans by the US government to begin bombing the Iraqi people, giving the UN inspectors and world politicians more time to find a peaceful solution.
We are now going to take this a step further. I am asking for at least a million people to add their names to a petition that I can present to His Holiness as quickly as possible, imploring him to help save the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. We will also present the same petition to His Holiness the Dalai Lama through an emissary, asking him to join the Pope. (They have been partners in peace before, most notably at the historic peace gathering that took place in Assisi in 1986.)
We do not have much time, and so I am asking that you add your name today, and pass this email to as many people as you can. I am personally sending it to 100,000 people, so the goal is well within our reach. If the Pope and the Dalai Lama hear the voices of so many dedicated Spiritual Peacemakers calling for their presence, they may actually respond.
Simply go to and click on the link at the top of the page. You will then be asked to read the following
statement, and if you agree, add your name:
"We believe that a spiritual solution is required to peacefully resolve the current political situation in Iraq, and we believe that the presence in Iraq of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and other spiritual leaders from around the world, would shift the current tide toward lasting peace. We humbly ask you to please consider this heartfelt request from a million Spiritual Peacemakers to take time from your schedule and travel to Baghdad. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and the hope of world peace, may lie in your hands."
There is no time to waste. The war could begin almost any day, and so we hope to have all million names by March 18. Help us reach our goal in one week!!!
In the event that the war breaks out before I am able to personally
deliver this petition, we have two contingency plans:
1. Each day we will forward the names that are posted on the site to the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and GEORGE BUSH himself. We don't want these men to become aware of this important campaign after it happens, but while it's in full force. Imagine them getting 200,000 names a day, or more, on a file. We will also post the name count we have collected and sent each day at so you can check in and monitor our progress.
2. We will immediately forward all million names (via Internet) to an emissary in Rome who will copy and deliver the document to the Pope. We will do the same for the Dalai Lama.
Please hold the success of peace and this mission of peace in your
hearts. But most of all, please add your name today, and pass this email to everyone you know.
Peace Prevails on Earth NOW!
James Twyman
Can we do it? c.i.