This week I am showing it as part of my weekly PowerPoint presentation at the beginning of the English class in my Japanese middle school. I get to each class in the school once per week as a guest English teacher making it a full-time job attending each of 6 classes for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. I introduce day, date, and weather, then a series of 15 to 25 slides interspersed with short (funny) video clips found on Reddit or YouTube. I add add music or dialogue to the silent clips. Of course, they are all edited for "appropriate content" for Japanese middle school kids (and any visiting officials from the Board of Education).
The students (and the teachers) really enjoy these little breaks from the serious English class syllabus, and they look forward to the weekly show.
This week's theme is "What do you want to be in the future?" I have 15- to 30-second humorous clips for airline attendant, pilot, police officer, post office worker, HS teacher, and of course, English teacher. Before the Belushi clip, I explain what wolverines and badgers are (with a few photos).
I added Japanese subtitles to the Belushi clip.
They REALLY loved the hilarious Wolverines clip!
Many thanks for helping me find that!