Is my pet goldfish getting ready to lay eggs?

Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 12:27 am
Hello, I'm new here. I have a couple of goldfish whom I'm pretty sure are male and female. The female is getting really fat, lays on the bottom alot and breaths fast. She also tends to get extremely agitated especially when someone is close by. The male isn't really doing that much. He has chased her somewhat but not really. I do notice that he stays close to her though. I believe that she may be laying eggs soon but how can I tell when she is ready to lay the eggs so I can get them out? Does someone need to watch the tank around the clock? Also, there is an algae eater in the tank. I know that the fish will eat the eggs if I don't get them out right away but will the algae eater eat the eggs? He is pretty big, maybe 8-10 inches long. Thank you for all your time and help and I like the cool website.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 18 • Views: 243,595 • Replies: 46
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 01:58 am
welcome to A2K
I have bred many types of fish but not goldfish. Here's some pointers.

Breeding goldfish can be fun but also time consuming. Lets take some easy steps on preparing the tank for breeding.

1. You will need at least 20 gal of water to breed two goldfish properly.

2. You willneed plants in the Goldfish tank as well.

3. You will need a Male goldfish and a Female goldfish of at least 3 years of age, anything younger than that they may not breed and might cause problems for the female goldfish. (egg bound).

4. You will need another tank of at least 3 to 5 gals of water.

5. You will also need Goldfish baby food, but we will get into that later.

Okay so lets say you have all the ingredients for this and now you want to breed your goldfish. One of the main things that will need to happen before the goldfish will want to breed and that triggers the breeding ceremony is the temp. In the winter time the temp will need to get down to 64*F for up to 4 months. Then in the spring a slow warming period back to the normal temp of 70-74*F this will trigger the goldfish to breed.

Sexing of Goldfish

The first thing is you will need to is see if the male goldfish is ready to mate and so is the female goldfish. The male goldfish will get white pimples on the gill coverings and the female goldfish will become very round looking. Then the Male goldfish will chase the Female goldfish around the tank endlessly (sometimes even tearing and hurting her fins). Then the female goldfish, very tired will release her eggs sometime hundreds or thousands of them all over the tank and most of them will stick on the plants. Then the male goldfish will spray his milt over them and the tank will get this cloudy appearance (don't change the water!). After about three to four hours the courtship should stop. This is when the hard work begins.

Now that the eggs are layed you will now need to remove them from the tank, cause goldfish parents will eat anything including there own eggs. You will need to place them in the 3-5 gal tank you have had ready for this moment but no more that about 6 inches of water and more that the goldfish will be crush by the weight of the water and makes it harder for them to swim to the surface. You will need a some what weak filter so that the fry wont get sucked up by the filter, but will aerate the water surface and you will also need a heater for them too.

The temp of the tank will determine the incubation period, 5 days at 70*F and 7days at 65*F. You will need keep a good eye on the eggs because some of them could wind up with fungus and infect the rest of the eggs. Healthy eggs will look transparent in color. The non fertilized eggs will be white and most likely will get fungus. You will need to remove the fungused eggs.

After four days you should see the growth in side the goldfish egg, a small black dot in the middle of the goldfish egg. After or around the seventh day they will start to come out of the goldfish egg and stick to the plants. You will be able to see they yolk sac that they will be feeding off of for the next 3 days.

Now after the yolk sac is gone they will be searching for food allot, this is where allot of goldfish will die because of lack of foods. Goldfish Fry as they are called, will need very small particles of food such as, frozen brine shrimp, micro worms, crushed hard boiled egg yolk, dried flake foods and even liquid foods if you can find it. You will need to feed them 3 times aday (Morning, Noon, and Night). Making sure that you only feed the goldfish fry enough food that they eat it all or you will spoil the tank water.

They will start to grow fast and this is when you might need more tanks to separate them or find some one who wants these beauties.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 01:58 am
ps. get the algae eater out.
Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 01:18 am
whats wrong with my goldfish???

can anyone help me? my cousin gave me her as what she told me goldfish and koi they're in a small tank and live together always have but today i noticed my koi is white with a bit of red on his head hes gettin bigger as in fatter, hes bigger the my goldfish hes a good size one , but i noticed my koi had a long thing hanging from its body about an inch long and he'd swim close to the goldfish almost i think mating like the gestures he'd make to the other then i noticed it was dark closer to his body and almost see through and the goldfish was nibbling at it then the goldfish had one hangy thing the exact same as the other but not as long? what does this mean are they male female mating i dunno whats goin on but it looked grose lol can anyone help me ???
Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 06:49 am
It looks gross cause it is gross. That long thing hanging is goldfish poop.
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gold fish2k7
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 10:35 am
I think my goldfish is ready to lay eggs.
I think my goldfish is ready to lay eggs it is round and fattish and the male has white pimples on the gill coverings but the only problem is that the female isn't close to the male and it only gets chased every day. Does this mean that it is ready to lay eggs? Question Question Confused
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 04:39 pm
I think the male might be sick with ich


Identifying Ich

White spot cysts, each containing an active trophont, appear as small white nodules on the skin, gills and fins, giving the fish the appearance of having been dusted with salt. In a confirmatory skin scrape the trophonts appear as dark round objects slowly rolling around. The trophonts vary in size, up to 1mm and are considerably bigger than most fish parasites. Other features sometimes seen are a lighter, horseshoe shaped nucleus (seen in the top photo) and short cilia covering the entire body (seen in the movie clips).

In the early stages of the disease, fish are likely to flash and rub against objects because of the irritation. At a later, advanced stage they will become lethargic and spend most of their time sitting on the bottom.

My own experience is that Ich commonly affects koi - but in the early stages the characteristic white spots are very difficult to spot. They are probably there but not very noticeable. This is one reason why it is best to do a skin scrape when parasites are suspected - so that you know exactly what you are dealing with! Even finding one trophont warrants immediate treatment.


It is only the free-swimming stage of the parasite that is susceptible to treatment; neither the trophonts under the epithelium or the tomont cysts can be killed. So any treatment plan has to be carried out over a period of time in order to kill the emerging parasites. This in turn depends on temperature. At 7oC the life cycle will take six weeks, whereas at 25oC
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 11:43 am
I need your incite
Well I just looked in my tank and saw a bunch of white eggs sticking to the glass and plants and even on the floor. I never thought my algea eater could have been pregnant until I talked to a friend of mine whom is a fish breeder. He says it could be possible. Maybe thats why the other algea eater is gone. I don't see him anywhere. I have moved the toys around but no too much so i don't disturb the eggs. But for a while my two other fish were fat. Now one is not so fat. There is one fish that kept beating up the other fish that lost the weight. And the one that is still fat started to help block her so he could corner her. Well I seperated the one who was attacking an now all is calm. If anyone can help to give me advice I would deeply appreciate it. I have never had any fish let alone have fish eggs.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2007 11:48 am
what kind of fish are the OTHER fish?...not the algae eaters...
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Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 10:44 pm
Be sure to cover the bowl so skunks can't get in and raid the nest.
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 12:48 pm
My fish laying eggs
a few months ago my goldfish male had white spots on its fins and on it cheek , i thought it was like some disease
i also had a female goldfish which wasn't fat at the time nor was it on the ground allot
My male was chasing it around and around the tank so i thought there was something wrong
Anyway like 2 weeks after that i saw 8 baby goldfish in my tank
And before that i didn't see any eggs at all and i didn't think they will have babies

Do you think she will lay eggs Again ?
Will it help if i take out my Algae eater ?
Buying some types of plants ?
Buying some other types of fish ?( already got 4 goldfish and 3 tropical )

Please Tell me Anything that will help/ruin the goldfish laying eggs .

I will put pictures/videos of my fish Soon on another Forum *

{{{ This was be4 i knew what happens when the fish lays eggs and stuff }}}
Robert Gentel
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 01:55 pm
I answered your other post on this, but are you sure they are goldfish? There are some tropical fish that are "gold" but aren't goldfish and if you have tropical fish and see little babies it could be fry from a livebearing fish.

I have some tropical livebearing fish that many people confuse for goldfish.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 02:27 pm
My gold fish
thanks for replying to my previous question
Anyway i have 3 baby black-skirt tetras , and 4 goldfish's and a algae eater

Most of them are small and young

2 of the goldfish are like over 3 years old ( male and female )
so u have any ideas now ?

also on saturday im buying either an oranda or a lion head
Which is better do u think ?

Anyway please reply
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Robert Gentel
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 08:52 pm
I'm more of a tropical fish guy, and haven't ever bred goldfish. If you want to know what fish to mix you should mainly look at the temperature, PH and water hardness that are ideal for the species you want (and, of course, try to keep the water close to the ideals).

After that, it's important to know what fish are aggressive and will harm the others.

I haven't done much research on goldfish, but here's a site with great information on all of the above for tropical fish:


They have only a bit of information on goldfish here:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 01:42 pm
My goldfish
Thank you very much Robert

And what tropical fish do you have ?
Have you ever bred any ?
do You have any goldfish in your tank ?
How big is your tank ?
And finaly how many fish have you got ?

good luck with yourfish

0 Replies
Robert Gentel
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 01:53 pm
Re: My goldfish
goldfishsrok wrote:

And what tropical fish do you have ?

Too many to name, but my favorites are (the names might be lost in translation since I bought them in Spanish):

Red finned shark.
Bala shark.
Cardinal Tetras (I have 1 neon tetra but prefer the Cardinals)
There are some others I don't know the names of in English.

Oh, I can't forget my "Blind Tetra". They are born without eyes and are fun to watch. When you feed them they go absolutely nuts.

Have you ever bred any ?

Yup, I am focusing on breeding show-quality guppies but have only bred livebearing fish such as guppies and platys.

do You have any goldfish in your tank ?

No, goldfish are not compatible co-habitants with tropical fish. I've considered a separate goldfish tank but am likely to go toward saltwater if I diversify off of freshwater tropical fish.

How big is your tank ?

I have 5 tanks right now. Currently, the biggest is about 50 gallons but I'm looking at a couple of 100-300 gallon tanks (though I am leaning towards waiting 6 months or so till I move).

And finaly how many fish have you got ?

No idea, but probably over 100 (especially if you count my fry in my breeding tanks).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 10:31 am
my fish
Thanks again rob
I have looked at the names of the fish u told me about and they seem amazing
Im kinda young (13) , so i dnt so much about fish , but im realy intrested in them
and im trying to find as much info as i can

Anyway have a nice christmas
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sarah hagan
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 03:28 pm
@miss elvis 2000,
Hello, I am sarah hagan.
I have 17 fish.
2 of my fish lie down all day and breath fast.
I think they have laid eggs.
I already have 4 baby fish
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 09:23 pm
well I've read the discussion and I've understood too little..
you see... i have three gold fish (my first time ever having fish and i know nothing more but to remember to change the water every three days and feed them)...after reading this..I've realized that two of my fishes have been getting bigger than the third one...all three of them stay at the bottom of tank for a little while after i change the water...they breath a lot too...does that mean that they are really laying eggs?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 09:48 pm
I've also read some articles about this...on the bottom of the tank i saw something that looked like white sort of transparent thread...it also had these dots or should i say white bumps that looked like the goldfish eggs i saw on the internet...except they were much much much much smaller!!!...are they the eggs?..what do i do?!?!...do i need plants?...a bigger tank?

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