McGentrix wrote:OldEurope, do the Germans get to vote for French policy and administration? Do the British get a say in Spanish politics? Do the Italians get to have a say in Greek politics? After all they are all Europeans, right?
Kind of off topic McGentrix,
Americans get to vote for American policy and administration, (and Agelenos get to vote for Los Angelos policy and administration).
But let's talk about this term "American" (and I use this in the "of or pertaining to the United States" sense).
Americans are white, black, Asian, Latino, and several other. Nearly half of us don't support Bush. Many of us support stronger gun control, and a fair number of us (Americans that is) support the rights of "illegal" immigrants to protect their rights in a union.
Your use of the term "American" to mean uptight, conservative, narrow-minded, anti-immigrant yahoo is offensive and wrong.
This is a thread about the election of Villaraigosa.
Villaraigosa is an American. Villaraigosa was elected by Americans to represent the interests of Americans.
So what's your problem?