Janet Reno's Witchcraft Trials: The Methodology

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:14 pm
Janet Reno is the woman who Slick and Hillary Clinton hired to play
goalie for the Clinton regime, i.e. as attorney general of the US.

Jack Thompson ran against Janet Reno in a Dade County election once,
and has been publically daring Reno, the Florida Bar, and the Democrat
party to sue him since that time. He describes Reno as a predatory lesbian
who has been stopped with female prostitutes in the back seat of cars
in mall parking lots, who has been pulled over DWI numerous times, and
who has other kinds of significant problems.


But the larger part of Janet Reno's skeleton collection involves
something more novel. In the 1980's, a new variation on the
medieval theme of witchcraft trials arose in America, the so-called
"ritual abuse" trial, using recovered memories as evidence. This
began with the celebrated McMartin case at Manhatten Beach and quickly
spread over the land, every unscrupulous DA in the country trying to
add one such case to his/her resume in much the same manner in which
professional hunters like to have one elephant or one rhino on their

All except Janet Reno, that is. Reno made a cottage industry
out of sending altogether innocent people to prison for things
which not only had they not done, but which in fact had never
happened at all.

Consider this interview with one of the victims of Janet Reno's witch hunts, circa 1984.
What is being described was the Reno method for extracting an accusation against her husband
from a 17-year-old girl.


Some of the highlights:


What was your cell like? Were you there alone?

I was there alone in a very small cell with a bed and a toilet. But the thing is that they would switch me from cell to cell. There was this other cell -- I'll never forget. It was called 3A1. I never forget that, because most of the people that were there, it was like a big room with little cells next to each other. And most of the people -- well, all the people that were there were suicide or suicide watch or they were crazy. Everybody was naked.



You were naked?

I was naked. Yes.

For how long?

They switched me back and forth. They keep me there for a week. I lost track of time.

So you would go into this cell 3A1. They would have you strip first?

They had me there for a long time.

And you would spend hours, days -- what?


In the cell alone, naked?

Alone, naked, cold. That's when I began to feel they were getting hard on me. They would give me cold showers. Two people will hold me, run me under cold water, and then throw me back in the cell naked with nothing, just a bare floor. And I used to be cold, real cold. I would have my periods and they would just wash me and throw me back in the cell. And they would tell me if I don't do what they say, that was going to be my life for the rest of my life.

I started breaking down, crying, depressed. They started giving me medications every night to sleep. They were very, very strong. They were these very little green pills. ...

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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:22 pm
With someone like Reno in office I wonder why no one was concerned with personal freedoms then. I mean some of the biggest things is the 90's happened with her at the helm.

Ruby Ridge

Waco Texas

The only illegal immegrant the libs didn't like Elian Gonzalez had his realtives homes invaded and the boy taken by force and sent to a repressive regime.

Stolen FBI files

Travel Gate

China Gate

and the list goes on and on.
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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:30 pm
You mean a convicted felon is upset about his treatment in prison? Oh dear!

I bet he claims he's innocent, too!
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 06:06 am
DrewDad wrote:
You mean a convicted felon is upset about his treatment in prison? Oh dear!

I bet he claims he's innocent, too!

You're talking about Frank Fuster...

He's not only innocent, but the "crime" he's rotting in prison for never happened.
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 06:14 am
You'd wonder why prosecutors would fight as hard as they do to keep bogus convictions and why it's so overwhelmingly hard to get people like Frank Fuster or Gerald Amirault out of prison even after the entire process which put them there has been exposed as total sham.

A friend of mine puts it this way:


I haven't heard anything new about the Reno child abuse delusions... there is an X factor that makes it difficult for the real victims to sue... the phony victims already sued and often received insurance payouts... they have powerful reasons for not wanting the truth to come out. They would have to give the money back, with interest...

...In the Amirault case in Massachusetts, millions in insurance money went to the "victims." The families got a windfall. The prosecutors got famous. Neither group wants to give up its ill-gotten gains. That's why they fought so hard to maintain the fantasy.
The ironic thing is that those kids really did become victims. They will go through life carrying the psychological baggage of consciously believing they were sexually abused in school. And yet, unconsciously, some part of them knows it's a lie. That's a prescription for mental problems.

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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 09:40 am
Baldimo wrote:
With someone like Reno in office I wonder why no one was concerned with personal freedoms then. I mean some of the biggest things is the 90's happened with her at the helm.

Ruby Ridge



Ruby Ridge?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 10:19 am
Ruby Ridge was not Janet Reno's doing; it was basically the doing of out-of-control federal agencies, mainly BATF, which is still out of control as of the last I'd heard.

Janet Reno's three famous witch-hunt cases are the Frank and Iliana Fuster case, the Grant Snowden case, and the Bobby Fijnje case. You can do your own google searches on any of those names, the stories are basically horrific. Particularly in the Fijnje case since Fijnje was totally acquitted by a jury, I keep expecting to read about some sort of a monstrous lawsuit against Reno at some point.
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 10:32 am
Here's another account of Janet Reno's method for extracting an accusation against her husband from the then 16 - 17 year old Ilieana Fuster:



Reno's most famous case, the one that made her a national figure, was Country Walk, named after the upscale suburban Miami development in which it took place. This time day care was provided by newly wed 17 year old Ileana Fuster, supplementing the income of her 36-year-old husband Frank. What makes Robert Rosenthal call this case "the worst I have ever seen" is the brutality with which Reno's office extracted a confession from Ileana, scarcely more than a child herself. For much of the eleven months she was held before she cracked, Ileana was kept in an isolation cell. In a sworn deposition, Stephen Dinerstein, the experienced investigator employed by the Fusters' attorneys, described how the bright, attractive girl with shiny black hair came to look as if she were 50, her skin covered with sores and infections. "That she is in a cell with nothing in it but a light in the ceiling and that she is often kept nude and in view of everybody and anybody." Reno personally came to the prison to put on the screws. Ileana, whose condition deteriorated so badly she could hardly move, told Dinerstein that "the woman State Attorney [Reno] was very big and very scary and made suggestions as to problems that would arise if she didn't cooperate."

Finally Ileana "confessed." Clutching Reno's hand, she gave her deposition. Frank had hung his own 6 year old son Noel by the feet in the garage and twisted him like a punching bag, hung her up by her arms in the same garage, spread feces on her, forced her to perform sexual acts on the children at knifepoint; put snakes in her genitals and those of the children; and stuck a cross in her rectum. Ileana was rewarded for her cooperation with a ten year sentence (she was released after three and deported to Honduras). Her husband Frank, who never confessed and in the courtroom kept appealing to the notions he harbored, as an immigrant, of American justice, was sentenced to six life terms plus 165 years. Sixteen years into that absurd conviction,

I mean, how does somebody like that (Reno) get appointed attorney general of the US?

My own answer to that is that the Clintons were clearly looking for somebody to play goalie, which is what Reno came to be called in the D.C. area during the Clinton regime.

The two or three most major qualifications for that job were that the candidate be ruthless, absolutely did not give a **** about what anybody thought of him/her or about any decision which he/she might make, and had a sufficiently weird skeleton closet that he/she could be absolutely controlled and/or blackmailed by the Clinton administration.

Given those criteria, Reno was as good a candidate as one might have found.
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 10:58 am
Most states do not allow compensation for wrongful conviction and the one's that do don't allow the person to sue the state's attorney general so I wouldn't hold my breath "expecting to read about some sort of a monstrous lawsuit against Reno at some point".

And I doubt the whole thing started with Reno picking a name out of the phone book at random and deciding to find something to pin on these people.

But really, that interview with that girl was one of the strangest, sadest things I've ever read.

I wasn't on the jury so I don't know all the facts of the case but the guy DID lure a 15 year old girl to his house under false pretenses and have sex with her.

At one point in the interview she says something like "I had no papers" which, I assume, means she was in the country illegally.

Can a 15 year old kid who is in the country illegally cosent to marriage?

And are Florida prisons so relaxed that they can just whisk prisoners away to restaurants in the middle of the night?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 11:52 am
boomerang wrote:

I wasn't on the jury so I don't know all the facts of the case but the guy DID lure a 15 year old girl to his house under false pretenses and have sex with her.

My understanding has always been that once you're married, it ain't illegal any more...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 11:58 am
According to her interview it happened the second time they met and they got married a few months later.

"....So the next day came, I had to take two buses from where I lived in Miami. I went to downtown Miami and I met him at a certain place there on the street right in the heart of downtown. I'll never forget that. And so I remember he pulled his car and he honked his horn and I thought it was him. I got into that car and I said, "Where is Noel?" Noel wasn't there. ...

So he said, "Well, we have to go and pick him up, because he's not here, and I'm coming from work and I couldn't pick him up first. It was kind of far." So I said, "Okay, fine." So we went, and it was a long ways. And we went into this really nice housing area. It was Country Walk. It was really nice. The homes were incredible. I used to live like in real dumps in Miami. My mother couldn't pay to live in a great, great house. And I was like, "Wow, you know, I've never seen this part of Miami, really." And we went in, we parked, and I stayed in the car. He said, "Well, why don't you come out? I mean, we're going to go and pick up Noel."

So, I got out, went in. ... The door was open, we went in, and, you know, one of the hardest things is that -- and Frank knows this -- is he took advantage of me that afternoon. Noel was not there. And I was like, in our country I was a virgin. The least thing I was thinking -- especially at that age -- was sex. I did not even dress like a 15-year-old or anything, like they do now, you know?

So, to me, it was a bad experience. It was a really, really bad experience. And ever since that moment my life has changed.....

.....Yes, I did. I'm sure it wasn't that day. I saw him afterwards. I saw him again, I think a day or two days after. I'm not sure, because I'm telling you, from that time, the next thing I know is I was marrying Frank -- August, September -- two months later; less than two months later."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 12:12 pm
What Janet Reno did to this girl could not be justified for wanting to nab Al Capone, and Frank Fuster was a long way from being Al Capone.

Other than that, the evidence indicates that whatever Fuster might have been guilty of, abusing any of those kids at Country Walk was almost certainly not on the list.

Other than that, as the other cases make abundantly clear, Janet Reno has a history of sending innocent people to prison for **** which never happened.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 12:36 pm
That unholy bi+ch!

Until this very moment I did not realize that the only people ever wrongfully convicted in America were people Janet Reno had set her satanic gaze upon!

And this poor, poor man. So what if he had previously been convicted of child molestation! So what if he essentially kidnapped and absolutely raped a 15 year old girl who, I am positive was the only person to testify against him and that no other evidence was presented and he was judged by a jury of his peers who were all drugged during the courseof the trial! O the poor, poor man.

And this poor girl; this victim of bad bad Janet Reno! Clearly she was manipulated only by Reno since her thinking and logic and judgement are so clear otherwise!

Off with Reno's head!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 01:13 pm
boomerang wrote:

Off with Reno's head...


Actually, if you really wanted to make the punishment fit the crime in the case of Reno, decapitation isn't quite what you'd be looking for. Particularly after looking at some of the images from Waco...


Edit (Moderator): Graphic images converted to links.


Kathrine Andrade before the government's Mt. Carmel Raid


Kathrine Andrade after the government's Mt. Carmel Raid


Shari Doyle before the goverment's Mt. Carmel Raid


Shari Doyle after the goverment's Mt. Carmel Raid

I mean, the thing which always bothers me about the movies you see about Joan of Arc (e.g. Luc Besson's "Messenger") is that the person geting burned at the stake is always some innocent 18-year old girl. I'm hoping Mel gibson or somebody will correct this oversight and make some sort of a movie in which some rotten old psychopathic murdering bitch gets involved in the auto de fe thing. A movie like that would have to gross $200 million at least.
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 02:14 pm
Here's another interesting tidbit, i.e. a statement from Bobby Fijnje's councel:

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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 05:53 pm

Well, I guess I could show all the children George W. Bush saved, but with such a lopsided body count, what's the point?

I mean, really?
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 06:27 pm
Dookiestix wrote:

Well, I guess I could show all the children George W. Bush saved, but with such a lopsided body count, what's the point?

I mean, really?

Still in denial, huh? I mean, you can't show anything like Waco, or like Janet Reno's witchhunts, or like Chinagate, or Juanita Broaddrick, or like Utahgate (Grand Staircase), or like Slick pardoning the FALN terrorists and Mark Rich, or like a teenage intern whose family name has become a new synonym for the word 'blowjob'' in every middle school and highschool in America on the part of the present administration or any other republican administration.

The point is that this is what the democrats inflicted on our country the last time they were in power and the rest of us are still waiting for something, anything, resembling an apology or an acknowledgement of guilt on account of it. It's gonna be a long wait, isn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 06:49 pm
The only long wait I'm worried about is the current dictatorial reign of George W. Bush. Fixating on the past generally means one is not coping with the present reality. Either that, or this is just the continued effort by neoconservatives to distract from Bush's horrendous record, which generally equates to the predictable "blame Clinton" and "blame the Clinton administration" mantras from the neoconservative junta.

Perhaps it's a distraction from this:


Or this:


I believe the denial is coming from your corner, as you continue to fixate on the past, rather than be more concerned about the present and future of this country, and the direction this current American regime is taking us.

Perhaps somebody should have told Porter Goss we we're still looking for bin Laden before Bush opened his big mouth at the CIA headquarters last week to boost morale...


Oh my, there is just so much...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 10:02 pm
Threads like this from chronic posters like this are among the reasons that I don't visit here much.
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Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2005 10:47 pm
I know, Chrissee, I know. But hey, ya gotta engage them once in a while, if anything just to see what delusional state of mind they're coming from on any particular day.

Twin Peaks, huh? I'm in the Richmond District. Man, wasn't yesterday just amazing?
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