Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 04:18 pm
Georgia University to Eliminate Geology Department
April 19, 2005
By Cole Walters

wandeljw. I checked their website and they didnt ever offer geology. I think that this whole thing was a goof. Religious leanings wont cancel a department, but funding will. The geology departments in major U's are a child of the oil industry, DOE, USGS, and a few other businesses that use their services(like Dupont for pigments and clays). I HOPE its a goof.
Or Im gonna have to start liking shiny suits and blue ties (PS thats a religious code , RED pwer ties are out and blue ties are in, Now Im a lapsed Catholic and blue was always the color of the Virgin Mary)

REX-rex,rex,rex. I cannot dispute your ruminations of pi, cause
1 I have no idea of what you are relating pi to.

2Im satisfied that , after reading "1001 Things You can Do With Pi", I dont need any more.

3Pi is an intrinsic property of all things curvilinear,circular and those adressed by many polar coordinates, I therefore firmly believe that you are correct that DNA can be measured using mensuration techniques of a very teeny cylinder. In fact the Bragg equation , by which DNA was measured , has a subroutine for helical diffraction and , as youd guess, it doesnt contain pi as such but uses a "finite element" that , upon detemining enough sectors (exons, introns, and codons) approximates a cylinder.

4So what?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 04:20 pm
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
...and light is comprised of two distinct entities...

Sorry, I don't follow. What two entities?

This is my 3rd time asking you this one. Be specific with your answer.

two entities...

wave/particle... ok?

Light is not composed of two entities. Light has one and only one nature, but when we try to make analogies to familiar objects in the world of our limited everyday experience, we end up having to say, "It's kind of like a particle, but kind of like a wave." This reflects only the fact that we are trying to compare light to more mundane objects that it is not much like.

See, I am not the only one that babbles...

The fact that you cannot understand my very ordinary, standard high school physics explanation does not put it on a par with your psychotic, poetry excursions. For you to accuse me of babbling in the above explanation is kind of like me accusing you of having confessed to me that you robbed a bank - merely false.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 04:22 pm
Light is not composed of two entities. Light has one and only one nature, but when we try to make analogies to familiar objects in the world of our limited everyday experience, we end up having to say, "It's kind of like a particle, but kind of like a wave." This reflects only the fact that we are trying to compare light to more mundane objects that it is not much like.

BRANDON ISNT BABBLING < HES MAKING SENSE.. And, the pity is that youre not aware.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:02 pm
farmerman wrote:
Georgia University to Eliminate Geology Department
April 19, 2005
By Cole Walters

wandeljw. I checked their website and they didnt ever offer geology. I think that this whole thing was a goof. Religious leanings wont cancel a department, but funding will. The geology departments in major U's are a child of the oil industry, DOE, USGS, and a few other businesses that use their services(like Dupont for pigments and clays). I HOPE its a goof.
Or Im gonna have to start liking shiny suits and blue ties (PS thats a religious code , RED pwer ties are out and blue ties are in, Now Im a lapsed Catholic and blue was always the color of the Virgin Mary)

REX-rex,rex,rex. I cannot dispute your ruminations of pi, cause
1 I have no idea of what you are relating pi to.

2Im satisfied that , after reading "1001 Things You can Do With Pi", I dont need any more.

3Pi is an intrinsic property of all things curvilinear,circular and those adressed by many polar coordinates, I therefore firmly believe that you are correct that DNA can be measured using mensuration techniques of a very teeny cylinder. In fact the Bragg equation , by which DNA was measured , has a subroutine for helical diffraction and , as youd guess, it doesnt contain pi as such but uses a "finite element" that , upon detemining enough sectors (exons, introns, and codons) approximates a cylinder.

4So what?

Thanks for that bit on DNA...

I have had education in the physical sciences and not one word about the creative role of pi in even the most basic of the text books. Is this not intelligent design? I said my ideas in that post and some sit back stupefied as if it is poetry? Get real... Smile This is how our world was made... it is right in front of us the formula of creation. The relationship of pi to the natural sphere... that is evolution and how... Scientists assume that pi repeats itself... well here is a question... does it? This is not poetry this is science and God... Did pi repeat itself in the biological and the atomic?

Is an atom a manifestation of pi?
Also, the earth/sun, evolution and pi?
People think of pi as a one dimentional equation and not a three dimensional force of nature...
I have never in my life ever heard anyone relate pi to evolution...Yet I subject myself to ridicule and poetic references without any real scientific data to dispute me. Now who are the stoics?

This is to all...
Being a religious post... I will continue to mix scriptures with things I say here sometimes... If I was writing a science thesis I would stick to the scientific aspects of the post. Because I believe that the God of the Bible and science are one, I see the "whole" picture and not some narrow(scientific) view, but all possibilities merging around the scriptures.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:07 pm
farmerman wrote:
Light is not composed of two entities. Light has one and only one nature, but when we try to make analogies to familiar objects in the world of our limited everyday experience, we end up having to say, "It's kind of like a particle, but kind of like a wave." This reflects only the fact that we are trying to compare light to more mundane objects that it is not much like.

BRANDON ISNT BABBLING < HES MAKING SENSE.. And, the pity is that youre not aware.

I did not say he was not making sense... I said he was babbling... I did not say I was unaware of what he was saying I was just giving an alternative perspective...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:09 pm
No, you're just babbling . . . but everyone here has come to expect that by now . . . you've become like a bad video game habit--people drop by to play for a while when they're bored, then they go off somewhere else and immediately forget all about you . . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:49 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
...and light is comprised of two distinct entities...

Sorry, I don't follow. What two entities?

This is my 3rd time asking you this one. Be specific with your answer.

two entities...

wave/particle... ok?

Light is not composed of two entities. Light has one and only one nature, but when we try to make analogies to familiar objects in the world of our limited everyday experience, we end up having to say, "It's kind of like a particle, but kind of like a wave." This reflects only the fact that we are trying to compare light to more mundane objects that it is not much like.

See, I am not the only one that babbles...

The fact that you cannot understand my very ordinary, standard high school physics explanation does not put it on a par with your psychotic, poetry excursions. For you to accuse me of babbling in the above explanation is kind of like me accusing you of having confessed to me that you robbed a bank - merely false.

See this is escalating... you can certainly dish them out. How many insults do you keep piled up in that head of yours? You are just letting you own insecurity speak...

Even if light is a particle does that prove God does not exist in something even smaller? Then where did particles come from and then where did the big bang come from? pi... See how futile this is? Is this certainty that God does not exist worth your own credibility?

I am certain of God but I am also certain of science... so I can interface totally into the realm of possibilities... but you and several others in this chat are clearly biased about God and some are biased about science. This is 100% evident. So the result is that you refuse to entertain the concepts and reason the ideas to obtain the knowledge that is learned from the abstracts of the opposing discipline. In this you lack the ability to perceive certain process and how they are structured in the unknown and the known... I can marvel in the complexity of a part of science and marvel at the intricate way that God relates to science..

Spirituality does not follow "nature". That is why it is called "supernatural"... This is the first thing you are taught in spirituality 101 class... Smile so many forms of logical procedures and program structures are not seeable in "nature" but that does not mean that they do not exist in nature...

Science has abstract math... but can science be that abstract to answer questions now what will take us eons of time to know... like, does pi repeat and other quandaries. I am not going be here in a thousand years when science proves God to their own satisfaction. I choose to love and fellowship with God now... fully alive and fully aware...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 05:52 pm
Setanta wrote:
No, you're just babbling . . . but everyone here has come to expect that by now . . . you've become like a bad video game habit--people drop by to play for a while when they're bored, then they go off somewhere else and immediately forget all about you . . .

And can you PLEASE tell me how this comment relates to EVOLUTION?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 06:16 pm
I would say the problem is that some "science people" don't like their science mixed with biblical thought. Well I might say... that is just too bad... Mary is not the only one with a bleeding heart for you...

I don't mind God being cut from every scientific text book if that makes a scientist feel good about themselves... But don't expect me to swallow it hook line and sinker.

I am not really in this religious chat to teach religion... I am here teach religious people that the Bible DOES teach evolution and atomic/quantum theory...

But there is such a pack of wild dog scientists here to bark and obscure every idea before it is even spoken.

You don't scare me... I have been bitten before... I know how to shut you up. Smile

How can the religious right ever think for themselves if the left does not even give them the forum to speculate from their own point of view and assimilate science in their own terms... God does need an overhaul. Science is standing in the way... this is blasphemy...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 06:41 pm
RexRed, you make no sense. You say we cannot refute you, that we cannot provide evidence that you're wrong. Well, you cannot provide evidence for the existence of god.

Furthermore, when you are proposing a theory, you are expected to support the theory with evidence - you are not supposed to leave the hard work of finding evidence to disprove it to others.

Here's an example: The tooth fairy lives in Oreo cookies. Why do you think that Oreos taste so good? Why do you think they're white in the middle? It's because the tooth fairy lives in them. Prove me wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 07:23 pm
anastas wrote:
RexRed, you make no sense. You say we cannot refute you, that we cannot provide evidence that you're wrong. Well, you cannot provide evidence for the existence of god.

Furthermore, when you are proposing a theory, you are expected to support the theory with evidence - you are not supposed to leave the hard work of finding evidence to disprove it to others.

Here's an example: The tooth fairy lives in Oreo cookies. Why do you think that Oreos taste so good? Why do you think they're white in the middle? It's because the tooth fairy lives in them. Prove me wrong.

How about if we cover one deity at a time... Smile God may be in Oreo cookies if God is in atoms... but because we cannot prove or disprove this does not mean that God does not exist. But I have more evidence to prove that God does exist than you have to prove that he does not... considering we exist too...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 07:44 pm
Hi everyone.

Strange as it seems (at least to me) I am grateful for RexRed's babbling (as he calls/admits it).

It reminds me, so clearly and effectively,
that Evolution is based on ever-changing random mutations.
It truly is.

Evolution does not plan or think or compose rational structures, or thoughts. It simply experiments with babbling this and that random thing, and once something is created the wolves and sharks do the rest. They find the flaws and eat the weaker "experiments" as they flounder and flail.
Nature itself doesn't HAVE to work very hard, to make any sense. It just has to mutate and try random things, on and on, and on. And on.

It's really quite beautiful, how heavily blabbified this thread is.
I don't envy the flailing and the poetic self-interment that I find,
but I do appreciate the struggle of our ideas to survive.

Rubber-necking at the scene of a horrible accident
is actually a modern form of hiding in a safe tree and
watching someone else ... painfully evolve.
The lessons, spectacle, and gratitude are much appreciated.
"Mutual of Omaha's Wild Ideological Kingdom" ... carry on!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 08:42 pm
RexRed wrote:

out. How many insults do you keep piled up in that head of yours? You are just letting you own insecurity speak...

You make absurd pronouncements on topics that you lack the discipline to actually study, e.g. black holes and quantum physics, and answer simple, logical arguments against your position with bizarre poetry that does not in any way refute what was said. If I say, "X=3" and you say "X is for ecstasy," it sigifies only that you're an idiot. I know it is a characteristic of certain types of mentally ill people that they can't see their problem, but you've got a problem.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 09:05 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:

out. How many insults do you keep piled up in that head of yours? You are just letting you own insecurity speak...

You make absurd pronouncements on topics that you lack the discipline to actually study, e.g. black holes and quantum physics, and answer simple, logical arguments against your position with bizarre poetry that does not in any way refute what was said. If I say, "X=3" and you say "X is for ecstasy," it sigifies only that you're an idiot. I know it is a characteristic of certain types of mentally ill people that they can't see their problem, but you've got a problem.

So says you... and that presently means little to me.

I am more grounded than the way you portray me... I know that, I have God's word and fellow believers to sharpen my mind with... and though my babbling may seem somehow alien to you I know why... because you are not trained to perceive those kinds of reality and through your science you have alienated yourself from the true reality...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 09:25 pm
In the verse below the word flesh is defined as the "scientist" or more specifically the "five senses" the tool the scientist uses to gather information... This is all that a scientist has to view the world are... the five senses...

So as I am inclined to do so, I have taken the liberty to put the words scientist in place of the word flesh to just give you an idea of what I mean by spiritual concepts and programs that are not in the natural world... Keep in mind this was written two thousand years ago...

Romans 8:1-14

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh (scientists/five senses), but after the Spirit.

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh (scientists/five senses), God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh (scientists/five senses), and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh (scientists/five senses):

4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh (scientists/five senses), but after the Spirit.

5 For they that are after the flesh (scientists/five senses) do mind the things of the flesh (scientists/five senses); but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

6 For to be carnally minded (scientists/five senses) is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

7 Because the carnal mind (scientists/five senses) is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

8 So then they that are in the flesh (scientists/five senses) cannot please God.

9 But ye are not in the flesh (scientists/five senses), but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies (evolution) by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh (scientists/five senses), to live after the flesh (scientists/five senses).

13 For if ye live after the flesh (scientists/five senses), ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify (blow to smithereens) the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

This chapter goes on to talk more about scientists... Smile

The scientist has only their five senses to gather information but the Christian biblical researcher through their five senses reads a book that was not derived from science but from the perspective of God... and when the principles are applied the Christian can measure the changes in their lives and this gives them a base with which to make analysis...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 11:20 pm
CodeBorg wrote:
Hi everyone.

Strange as it seems (at least to me) I am grateful for RexRed's babbling (as he calls/admits it).

It reminds me, so clearly and effectively,
that Evolution is based on ever-changing random mutations.
It truly is.

Evolution does not plan or think or compose rational structures, or thoughts. It simply experiments with babbling this and that random thing, and once something is created the wolves and sharks do the rest. They find the flaws and eat the weaker "experiments" as they flounder and flail.
Nature itself doesn't HAVE to work very hard, to make any sense. It just has to mutate and try random things, on and on, and on. And on.

It's really quite beautiful, how heavily blabbified this thread is.
I don't envy the flailing and the poetic self-interment that I find,
but I do appreciate the struggle of our ideas to survive.

Rubber-necking at the scene of a horrible accident
is actually a modern form of hiding in a safe tree and
watching someone else ... painfully evolve.
The lessons, spectacle, and gratitude are much appreciated.
"Mutual of Omaha's Wild Ideological Kingdom" ... carry on!

CodeBorg I am increasingly liking your posts... not only because they seem to be somewhat complementary but because you seem to see that diversity of ideas can sometimes bring positive change...

It is really more than that... I am not just arbitrarily thinking random concepts in hopes of saying some small segment that suddenly answers the whole theory of space and time or any other quandary...

I am trying to weave or trek the the two very pure thoughts of science and spirituality into a DNA double helix that as each reason proceeds, if there is a missing piece in either side I will have the other side to act as a clue to what is missing. I can give you very specific examples and reason this chain on till there emerges a "reality" that is a living being... or that reality is alive. Dualistic connectedness.

I like your name... very cool...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 02:00 am
I have a question... I think I know the answer but I want to hear what you all think first...

Underwater organisms... how do they survive under such water pressure?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 02:46 am
By having sex.

Oh, the pressure? They just breath as normal,
so the pressure is inside them as well as outside them.

But don't forget the sex ... we only have so much time
to procre-reincarnate or genetically masticate the Evalation
and the sublime. But if you unwind sometime the DNA, you
just might find, you get what you need!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 06:27 am
RexRed wrote:
The scientist has only their five senses to gather information but the Christian biblical researcher through their five senses reads a book that was not derived from science but from the perspective of God.

Science is the filter through which we see the world in its pure form, without the delusions and desires we place upon it. Even ancient people recognized their tendency to see what they wanted to see, rather than what really was, and the rules of science were born.

If you do not use science by the rules with which it was designed, you lose the very thing about science which makes it so valuable; the protection it provides against self delusion.

Science and Faith can both coexist in the world but the value of each is diminished if they are forced together.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 11:48 am
rosborne979 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
The scientist has only their five senses to gather information but the Christian biblical researcher through their five senses reads a book that was not derived from science but from the perspective of God.

Science is the filter through which we see the world in its pure form, without the delusions and desires we place upon it. Even ancient people recognized their tendency to see what they wanted to see, rather than what really was, and the rules of science were born.

If you do not use science by the rules with which it was designed, you lose the very thing about science which makes it so valuable; the protection it provides against self delusion.

Science and Faith can both coexist in the world but the value of each is diminished if they are forced together.

If God is in the world most science is not seeing him... So science is not science but a self serving narrow view of reality...

I must first start this with saying I do love scientists (both christian and non) and what they have done to help us understand our world but I do not think they are that perceptive to be able to know what we need "filtered out" or not...

Also you say without delusions and desires... If a scientist is using only their five senses and a Christian has God given "6th sense"... than I would say the scientist is only filtering out what they cannot perceive... The scientist is filtering out truth...

The Christian uses the Bible to get a strong footing until their own revelation is established directly with God... Yet the Bible always remains a guide to our spirit.

Whose to say that the Bible deludes us? It is Gods wisdom not man's wisdom... Time will tell... No scientist knows If God is real or not because God needs to be seen with the spirit and not the soul...
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