I've delved
much into the various physics theories that have been made to explain the universe and why it works the way it does. I can tell you right now that that movie you're talking about,
a) has nothing new and
b) is 99% bullshit.
Example: An atom is in two palces at once. That's very well known. For example, an experiemtnwas carried out proving this. Two slits were cut in a piece of paper and the left slit was covered. Electrons were fired at the paper. One beam opf electrons was detected on the other side of the papar. Next, the other slit was covered, and the first was opened. Beam of electrons, and one beam was again detected - slightly to the left. Next, both slits were opened and one beam of electrons was fired - guess what? Electrons only hit ONE aea on the other side of the paper, not two. When a particle moves from one point to another, it takes ALL POSSIBLE PATHS and combines them into one. The one beam of electrons went through BOTH slits imultaneiously, combined the pths, and reached only one point.
Quote:How do bacteria develope resistance to disease? Is this the question?
As best as I can answer it simply?
Through the process of life and spirit..
No, it's EVOLUTION. Some bacteria are slightly different from one another. Some have a higher resitance to a disease, others had a lower resistance. The disease hit, and only the bacteria with the slightly higher resitsane survived - the rest died. What happens? you have a population of bacteria that is more resitant to that disease than before. The disease hits again? This time, no bacteria will die because the ones that WOULD have died ALREADY died from the LAST time.
Quote:Why did God do all of this? Because it is possible... I am that I am...
That is so wrong that I think it gave me cancer. Why did God do it? Because it's possible. Then why is it possible? Then why does God exists? Did he really create everything because it was possible? How do you know? Doesn't your religion tell you not to question God? And if he reated everything, what existed before the universe was made? Nothing existed, right? If nothing existed, then how did he exist?
The entire idea behind religion and so on contains so many plotholes it is amazing that people still believe in it.
I forgot who it was, someone brought up a great point. We're talking through the internet, you go to doctors when you're sick, you drive your car to work or school or the supermarket or wherever you go, you cehck the time by looking at your watch, you watch TV, you listen to CDs and MP3s. This is all technology. How was technology made? Based on the principles of science.