RexRed wrote:You have twisted my words and rosborne has lots of smarts but I do not totally whither in his presence nor do I In farmerman's or anyone else in this thread.
The accusation that someone is twisting your words is one of those last ditch resorts--i've quoted you and taken what you've written word for word.
Quote:I did not grow up in a vacuum?
I don't understand the question mark--i don't know if you did nor didn't, and frankly don't care.
Quote:I paid attention in school and have some technical college too...
Considering your performance in this thread in the area of paying attention, that is an unconvincing statement.
Quote:I have always loved science but my knowledge is vast and admittedly has some holes as does science too.
I see no evidence in this thread that your knowledge is vast. As to science having "holes"--i've already pointed out that science is not and has never been touted as a repository of truth, that science deals with probability rather than truth. Once again, you are attempting to discuss science in a thread in Religion & Spirituality, and this is revealing. The religious fanatic lumps science and religion together as sources of the truth, and then whines about inaccuracies and gaps in scientific theory. But science is not about absolute truth, although that may be the goal. Science is about probability, and demonstrated by testing which can be replicated, and producing reliable predictions. For many of the religious, the dogma of a text, such as the Bible, is not to be taken literally, or in its entirety. Such people are comfortable with the divide between science and religion. But the fanatically religious insist upon the absolute, literal acceptance of dogma, and science offends them insofar as it contradicts that dogma.
Quote:I have never stopped learning the disciplines in my life. I just also have spirituality.. You and Rosborne's problem is not my knowledge of science but that you have to jump over into a religious post...
You have started a thread entitled "Evolution? How?" which begs a scientific question, yet you have placed it in Spirituality & Religion. The theory of evolution does not entail religious questions. I have a very great problem indeed with what you purport to be your knowledge of science, especially in view of your most recent crackpot statements--i suspect the same applies to Rosborne. Once again, when you put a thread like this in the Religion forum, you're asking for trouble, and deserve the responses you get. If you just wanted to chat with other religious fanatics about why science is unreliable and why the theory of evolution is "untrue," you ought to have gone to a religious web site where the choir preach to one another on a daily basis.
Quote: . . . not with the intention of teaching science but of bashing a few Christians...
Your demonstrated unwillingness to accept what others have told you here makes the contention that you had come here to learn ludicrous. As for bashing christians, you limit my scope unpardonably. I will mock to scorn any religious fanatic who attempts to shove their nonsense down the collective throat of the membership here, not simply the wacko christians.
Quote:I could go over into the science posts and claim you are all babbling . . .
However, absent an ability to demonstrate that the members in a thread in the Science forum were babbling, you would be ignored.
Quote: . . . but I prefer to have some logic before doing so and not just pure ego...
That's rich--given your numerous statements from authority about the nature of the universe, and particularly your recent statement that your knowledge is vast, you've got a lot of gaul to attempt to tax others with "pure ego."
Quote:It is not science you are plugging but left wing hate...
You came her to plug something--your religious nonsense. I have no brief to "plug" science. You also assume that i indulge in hate--but you flatter yourself, i have no emotional reaction to you. You also assume a political opinion on my part, one which is completely unauthorized, as i have not made a single political remark in this thread.
Quote:well I can take it and I can stick up for my own self... I will not hide behind God either but it appears to me the devil has you already...
Ah, here we go, the good old fire and brimstone. Judge not, RR, lest ye be judged . . .